
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs


Who is Daenerys?

When Simon heard this question, he suddenly remembered Long Ma's long list of domineering titles.

The storm is born Daenerys, the unburnt, the queen of Mirin, the queen of the Andals, the Roinas and the ancestors, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the guardian of the whole world, the Karish on the steppe, the shackles , The mother of dragons.


This can't be said.

I am afraid to scare you.

Looking at the files in his hands casually, Simon shook his head calmly and said: "Forgetting where I saw this name, I thought it was very interesting, so I used it."

Sandra noticed that Simon looked nonchalant when he said this, and knew he was talking nonsense. However, after seeing George Norman and Jennifer Rebald on the opposite side, Sandra did not puncture, but smiled in agreement.

Jennifer Rebald, who was holding the coffee cup, also did not speak, with a smile on her mouth.

George Norman didn't think much about it. After Simon had roughly read the registration information of the two companies, he began to explain some precautions for him.

After more than an hour, after confirming that Simon had no other problems, George Norman and Jennifer Rebald stood up and left.

Simon and Sandra sent them out of the villa together.

Everyone went to goodbye again, and approaching to get on the bus, Jennifer Rebald finally summoned the courage and asked Simon: "So, Simon, are you planning to make a movie yourself?"

Simon smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Feeling the boy looking at her, Jennifer suddenly didn't know what to say, smiled shyly, and said, "Then, I look forward to seeing it in the future."

"If you are interested," Simon replied: "Next year's Sundance Film Festival, you can come to Park City."

Jennifer showed a puzzled expression: "Sundance?"

The girl's reaction is not surprising. The Sundance Film Festival initiated by Robert Redford only started last year, and next year will only be the third. In fact, the Sundance Film Festival did not start to attract more and more attention until more than a decade later.

Simon patiently explained: "This is a film festival initiated by Robert Redford to support independent films. It will be held in mid-January. In fact, even if you are not interested in movies, going to Park City in January is a good choice. , The ski slopes there are great."

Jennifer naturally knew Robert Redford. Hearing Simon say this, he nodded with a smile and said, "Well, if I can spare time, I will definitely pass."

After talking a few words like this, Jennifer got into the car waiting on the side of the road.

With the funds in place and the company registered, Bill Rock, the production assistant hired by Simon, then worked out the budget table for "Lola Run".

According to the shooting specifications given by Simon, the entire film is expected to invest 650,000 US dollars.

In this way, just the check from Janet is enough.

However, since giving up the cooperation with Orion, Simon himself also hopes to invest some money in.

Before Janet took out the check, Simon had already sent his contract with Fox to several banks for mortgage evaluation. The clause in this contract concerning the sharing of video tapes and television broadcasting rights is still very valuable.

After review, Wells Fargo was willing to give Simon a mortgage of up to US$100,000. The conditions were better than those of other banks. Simon agreed without hesitation.

The federal annual tax filing deadline is April 15, and you can also apply for a half-year extension. Simon will not consider the issue of tax reservations for the time being.

Therefore, the basic remuneration of $200,000 in the contract, excluding broker commissions and daily expenses, Simon can also come up with $150,000, including Wells Fargo's loan, and a total of $250,000.

After some negotiation, Simon contributed US$250,000 and Janet contributed US$400,000. The interests of the two in this film are fully distributed according to the investment ratio, Simon accounted for 38.5% and Janet accounted for 61.5%.

In addition, Simon completely gave up his personal director, screenwriter and other salary. Janet had an odd check for 680,000 US dollars, and apparently she had emptied her purse. Simon was grateful for this and did not intend to fight for more benefits for herself.

Solving the most important funding problem, Simon also completed the "Butterfly Effect" script modification around August 15th, and then began to invest in the production of "Lola Run".

Then, Simon once again deeply realized the truth that mixing Hollywood contacts is more important than ability.

Thanks to the help and guidance of Jonathan Friedman, David Giller, Brian de Palma and others, the formation of the crew was much smoother than Simon expected.

Santa Monica.

In the busy work, time enters September without knowing it.

Daenerys Pictures' headquarters is located in an office building on 16th Street in Midtown.

Simon rented three offices in this five-story office building at the end of August.

Under the introduction of David Giller, Simon hired another producer during this time, named Ron Macmillan.

Ron Macmillan is a thin, middle-aged white man, about forty years old. It is said that he also worked as a set designer in Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver", and this time he was the number one. Served as a producer for the second time.

The reason David Giller introduced him is that the other party is very good at coordinating the shooting of the location scenes, which is obviously what "Lola Run" needs most.

However, he mixed with the crew of Martin Scorsese ten years ago, and he is still unknown for so many years, and Simon originally had some doubts about the other's ability. Ron Macmillan obviously felt that Simon, a young man who might only be around twenty years old, wanted to make a movie very unreliable.

Therefore, it took a whole week for both parties to recognize each other.

In terms of salary, Ron Macmillan is also unceremonious, asking for 1,000 dollars a week.

The crew budget is not generous, Simon suggested to sign a basic salary plus profit sharing contract, but was rejected by Ron Macmillan. The middle-aged person is obviously not optimistic about the prospects of "Lola Run".

After some bargaining, Ron Macmillan's weekly salary was determined to be $850.

The filming cycle of "Lola Run" has been basically determined to be six weeks, and the preliminary preparations will probably take an equal amount of time. In other words, Ron Macmillan will receive a salary of US$10,000 for 12 weeks of work.

Compared with those formal commercial movies, this salary is obviously very shabby, but for "Lola Run", Ron Macmillan is definitely the one with the highest salary among the crew behind the scenes.

Fortunately, after signing the employment contract, Ron Macmillan also showed sufficient professional ability.

Entering September, the main job of the crew is to select actors for the roles in "Lola Run". Simon will have to work another week for "Butterfly Effect" at the end of September. Therefore, the casting work of the crew must be within three weeks. carry out.

In the plan, Simon will make the last revision of the "Butterfly Effect" script, and Ron Macmillan will also replace Simon to select the staff behind the scenes such as lighting, scenery, and props.

If all goes well, "Lola Run" is likely to be filmed in early October just like "Butterfly Effect".

Temporarily arranged as an office in the audition room.

There are four people sitting behind the audition table. Simon and Ron Macmillan are in the middle. Next to Simon is Sandra Bullock. As the heroine, she will cooperate with the potential male protagonist today. Next to Ron Macmillan was a lady in her early thirties named Linda Vargas. She was the casting director of "Lola Run" and was also introduced by David Giller.

After interviewing another young man who auditioned for Laura's boyfriend, Ron Macmillan once again mentioned another thing after the other party left: "Simon, anyway, I still recommend that you hire a professional photographer. If you want to learn photography, you can practice it in private. It would be too light to practice with this movie."

Simon wrote down a few notes on the actor's profile and said to Ron Macmillan: "Ron, do you think this movie has high demands on the photographer?"

Ron Macmillan nodded and said: "Of course, there are so many lenses that require variable speeds, and there are many very complicated lens movements. If this is not the case, I don't need to mention these to you repeatedly."

Simon said: "Then, Ron, our production budget is only 650,000 US dollars. In any case, it is impossible to hire a very good photographer. Instead of letting a mediocre person take this position, I should do it myself. I I've already shown you a lot of my thoughts on shooting various scenes, so let's interview actors as soon as possible."

With that said, Simon turned a page of the information in his hand, glanced at the name on the information, his expression was a bit weird, but he still ordered Susan Landis, the first official employee of Daenerys Pictures, who had just been hired recently. Call the next auditioner to come in.

Seeing that the two were no longer arguing, Sandra Bullock and Linda Vargas on both sides refocused their attention on the list in front of them.

As another young man walked in the door, everyone looked over.

This is a handsome tall young man, wearing an everyday T-shirt and jeans, with long hair and a layer of stubble. It's just that the young man obviously has some horoscopes when he walks.

Simon recalled the "Lola Run" in his mind, and found that the original version of Lola's boyfriend Manny seemed to walk in eight steps.

Is this a coincidence?


Simon originally sent out this audition invitation casually, and he didn't expect the other party to participate in the audition.

Linda Vargas, who was sitting next to Ron Macmillan, waited for the young man to stand still, glanced at Simon and Ron, and then said: "Then, Mr. Keanu Reeves, can I introduce you first? alone?"