
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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Chapter 138: Back To Los Angeles

An associate producer from the crew rushed over to handle the commotion in the restaurant. Amber, backed by supporters, managed to salvage her role as the heroine and avoid being fired from the crew due to the incident.

However, Erica, who had a close relationship with Amber, had accused her in public, but they would likely reconcile in the end.

The restaurant quickly fell silent, and the associate producer escorted both women to the crew office for negotiations.

After they finished their meal, Martin strolled back and asked Blake, who was trailing behind him, "Was she involved in this? Is that why you took action..."

Blake shook his head, denying any involvement, "This matter had nothing to do with me. Amber and I are close friends. We'll sort it out later. In front of the media, us four sisters must show unity and familial love. We can't have conflicts like this."

This incident did involve Martin, and he was secretly pleased to see April's misfortune. He gave Blake a thumbs-up and commended, "Well played."

"Actually, I want to thank you," Blake admitted. Seeing Martin's puzzled expression, she elaborated, "Dueling Rattlesnakes taught me a lot and inspired me greatly. You're not just my idol; you're also my teacher."

Martin remained bewildered, saying, "What? Dueling Rattlesnake? I must have been too drunk; I don't even remember that. Vogel and I ended up in the wilderness. Thankfully, I regained my senses in time."

Blake just chuckled.

Martin was adamant that he wouldn't change his statement.

Back at the hotel lobby, Eric approached Martin to apologize.

Martin couldn't help but reflect on how different siblings from the same parents could be.

As they went upstairs and entered their room, Bruce closed the door.

Martin remarked, "We only have a few scenes left, and then we're done. After filming, we can head back to Los Angeles for a vacation."

Bruce inquired, "Aren't you here to accompany Blake?"

"Him?" Martin was surprised. "Did I really give you that impression? Bruce, she's actually quite independent. She's been training with us for a few months, and she's come a long way." Bruce said, "It's not about you; it's about me."

As Martin prepared to rest and entered the bedroom, he said, "I aim to be a better person."


On the hotel beach, the crew set up the camera slide.

The assistant director was giving instructions to a group of Mexican actresses, and Director Cwapis approached Martin and Blake.

"You two have great chemistry on screen. Let's make this scene memorable," he encouraged. "Let's aim for a perfect take."

Martin was dedicated to his work. "I'll give it my all."

Blake assured him, "I'm ready."

Once the crew was ready, filming officially began, with cameras rolling and recording.

Martin sprinted across the beach with a group of female actresses, urging them on. "Follow my lead! Don't fall behind!"

He turned around and ran backward, guiding them. "Keep up with me and focus on your breathing rhythm!"

In the midst of it all, Blake suddenly picked up her pace, overtaking the others and matching Martin's stride.

Martin turned around, and the two of them ran forward together.

The camera, mounted on the slide, captured their interaction.

They ran faster and faster, leading the group, and soon the camera's view became a shot of their backs.

Capiz called out, "Cut! Great job!"

Martin stopped first, catching his breath slowly.

Blake rested her hands on her hips and caught up gradually. "Are you returning to Los Angeles?"

Martin replied, "The crew has booked my flight. There are no free hotel rooms for me to stay in here. I've been away for so long; I'm tired."

Blake leaned against a rock. "Where do you live?"

Martin replied vaguely, "In a small apartment in North Hollywood. As you can see, I'm not rolling in money and can't afford a better place for now."

"You've starred in two films back-to-back; your income must be decent," Blake suggested. "Why not move to Burbank? I go to school in Burbank."

Martin shrugged. "I have no plans to move for now. The landlord is really nice." He turned to glance at the crew. "I should head back."

The two of them rejoined the crew. Martin had already finished all his scenes.

Director Kwapis presented him with a football on behalf of the crew. "The one you kicked away during filming."

Martin smiled, saying, "It's a great memento."

He exchanged high-fives and polite words with the main cast and crew. However, since the crew needed to continue filming, he didn't linger. He returned to the hotel with Bruce, packed his belongings and the small gifts he had bought, collected souvenirs from both crews, and then headed to the airport.

That afternoon, he took a flight back to Los Angeles.

Upon exiting the airport, Bruce was there to pick him up. Martin bought a few entertainment newspapers before getting in the car and sat in the passenger seat, flipping through them.

Back in Los Angeles, Martin's focus shifted to "House of Wax," which was set to be released in October. He remarked, "Kim Kardashian spilled a lot of information about Paris and even made a TV appearance."

Bruce, in particular, reminded him, "We discussed this; I used Kin for practice and created news buzz through her and Paris. The film is releasing in just over a month. I can handle Jin, but I need your help with media resources."

Martin thought for a moment. "Susan mentioned that the crew used Paris. On one hand, she can bring in funds, and on the other hand, she's popular and naturally attracts viewers. The public enjoys seeing scandalous wealthy heiresses rather than well-behaved ones from prominent families."

Bruce voiced his true feelings. "I can't be bothered with her unless there's a tape and scandal."

Martin made plans, saying, "I'm meeting with Jaume and Susan tomorrow. You can manage the timing of Kin's revelations. If she can secure promotion resources from Warner Bros., it will be more effective."

Bruce nodded, then suddenly remarked, "We're a pair of scoundrels."

Martin pointed at Bruce and playfully responded, "You're the scoundrel, not me."

Bruce navigated out of the airport area and accelerated, jesting, "Yours is just hidden inside your head."

Martin stashed away the newspapers and asked, "Bruce, do you ever think about going back to the past?"

Bruce stated, "I'll leave when I'm finished."

"I understand," Martin said seriously. "Sofia has been waiting for you."

At the mention of Sofia, Bruce decided he didn't want to engage in conversation with Martin any longer.

Upon arriving in North Hollywood, they parked the car and carried their bags back to the apartment.

As they were about to enter the building, Antonio, dressed in a formal suit, descended the stairs in a peculiar manner, resembling a rolling ball.

Martin greeted him, saying, "New clothes? Do you need custom-made ones for your size?"

Antonio, due to his ample build and the narrow stairs, gestured at Martin and Bruce, instructing them, "Stay away from me. Don't touch my new clothes."

Martin quipped, "Man, I've been gone for almost two months; don't you miss me?"

Antonio grimaced, saying, "The apartment is so much quieter when you're not here. No one disturbs my sleep at night."

"The novelty has worn off," Martin concluded, stepping back down the stairs. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm attending a community gathering to make a donation," Antonio replied.

Bruce questioned, "You're donating money?"

Antonio raised his chin confidently. "You don't have the qualifications to donate."

As Antonio moved on, Martin and Bruce continued up the stairs with their luggage. Passing by the door diagonally across from theirs, it opened from the inside.

Emily came out to greet them. "Hi, brother, Martin. Just got back?"

Martin patted his heavy suitcase, replying, "We haven't even entered the apartment yet."

Jessica also stepped out and asked, "Do you need help cleaning the place? It must be dusty."

Martin declined, saying, "No need."

Bruce unlocked the door and pulled the curtain aside. Since Martin had been away for over a month, dust had settled everywhere.

Martin fetched his cleaning supplies and prepared to tidy up.

The dust in the apartment prompted Bruce to sneeze repeatedly. He hurriedly opened the door and windows to improve the ventilation.

There was a gentle knock at the door, and Emily stood outside, offering, "We're all neighbors; let us help."

Having gotten used to Elena being responsible for cleaning and laundry when he was in Atlanta, Martin didn't resist this time, saying, "Sure, thanks."

Emily and Jessica entered and assisted with the cleaning.

Jessica took the cleaning tools from Martin, suggesting, "With more hands, we can finish this quickly."

Martin ceased being overly polite and handed them a rag.

The four of them worked swiftly, cleaning one area and then moving to another.

Once everything was cleaned up, Bruce wanted to treat Emily and Jessica, but they politely declined, as they had acting classes scheduled for the evening.

Martin found crocodile tooth pendants and gave one to each of them.

Noticing that the stock was running low, Martin contacted the hunting club in Australia to have another batch made and sent over.

Bruce commented, "I'm starting to understand what a scoundrel is."

Martin retorted, "Helping with housecleaning and giving small gifts as a gesture of gratitude has nothing to do with being a scoundrel."

Bruce stated, "I've arranged to meet kim tonight; I won't be back."

Martin packed his bags neatly, putting away his bat and football. He then took out his phone and called Thomas, asking, "I'm back. Do you have time?"

In his office, Thomas was taken aback and stammered, "I have a date tonight."

Martin eased the situation, saying, "I just returned, nothing urgent. You focus on your date."

Thomas relaxed and felt that Martin was quite reasonable. "You should take a few days off. I'll contact you later."

Martin ended the call, reviewed the important notes in his notebook, and called Atlanta.

"You actually called me?" Harris sounded surprised. "Martin, is something important?"

Having previously asked Bruce to check the appropriate models, Martin now instructed, "Purchase a Cadillac for me and give it to the Marietta Troupe. You've met Robert; he's got a big head."

Harris responded, "No problem."

Martin cautioned, "Don't deliver it to the theater troupe; send it directly to Robert's home."

Harris agreed promptly.

Martin had already arranged for the car to be gifted to Robert, a plan he had made before going to Mexico. Robert had no intention of leaving his hometown to pursue a career in Los Angeles, and Martin respected that.

Martin took a shower, changed into fresh clothes, and then called Louise, saying, "Alcaholic, I'm back. How about a drink tonight?"

Louise's cheerful laughter rang out on the phone, "Should I come over to your place?"

"No, my landlord is quite particular," Martin replied conscientiously. "I'll come to your place."

Louise's response remained consistent, "You can come, just don't forget to bring new cocktail recipes."