
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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Chapter 137: Enjoy the Show

Wet sand clung to Eric's face as he struggled desperately. The person on top of him seemed to exert a force of a thousand pounds, making it nearly impossible for him to move.

Bruce rushed over and shouted, "Martin!"

Martin raised his head and spotted Blake, who was wearing a blue vest and white shorts, sprinting toward them. However, he didn't release his grip on Eric, unsure if this guy would turn violent once he got up.

Blake sprinted all the way, yelling, "Stop fighting, both of you!"

Seeing Bruce arrive first, Martin let go of Eric and took a step back. Bruce stood by his side.

Martin's gaze shifted to Blake, slightly scrutinizing her.

As Eric got up and turned towards Martin, Blake rushed over and pushed him away.

"Why are you acting insane?" She demanded loudly. "Eric, what were you thinking? Why did you attack Martin?"

Eric pointed to the sand on his face. "Did you make a mistake? I'm your brother, and now someone else is coming after me."

Upon hearing these words, Martin suddenly recalled the "Lord of War" interview.

Blake shoved Eric again to keep him away from Martin. "I saw everything, it was you who made the first move."

Eric admitted, "I was the one who attacked first. Why did I attack him? Because I'm your brother, and I wanted to protect you!"

Blake rolled her eyes; with Eric's track record, who would protect whom? Bruce wanted to interject but was halted by Martin. The siblings were causing enough trouble on their own.

Unfortunately, he hadn't brought any coke and sunflower seeds.

Bruce felt quite helpless; Martin's temper was certainly challenging.

Blake halted her brother and asked, "Why?"

Eric explained, "There are rumors circulating in the crew that he forced his way into your room!" He yelled at Martin, "When I get back to Los Angeles, I'll make sure you pay..." Before he could finish, the script in Blake's hand landed on his face. "Where did you hear that?"

Martin raised his cellphone. "I'm recording this, and I'll sue you for defamation. I'm not joking!"

He wasn't foolish. Why would he choose to engage in this altercation on the beach? Why would he break into someone else's room?

Blake turned back and offered Martin an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, this isn't going to be fun. I apologize." She turned to Eric. "I'll deal with him first; he might have misunderstood." Other people on the beach had started to take notice as well; Blake didn't want to be the center of attention.

"You go on ahead." Seeing that there was no more entertainment to be had, Martin picked up his script and motioned for Bruce to lead the way.

Blake led Eric in a different direction.

Eric continued to protest, "Don't pull me, don't stop me. Do you want to protect that jerk?"

Blake tugged at his T-shirt, urging him forward. "You're such an idiot. I'm protecting you!"

At this point, she recalled Vogel, who had been bitten by a rattlesnake and might suffer lifelong consequences, and tugged harder on his shirt. "You don't even know who he is!"

Eric muttered, "I've sparred with him; I can take him on all day!"

But Blake knew that the last person he had fought was currently hospitalized.

Entering the hotel lobby, she found a quiet spot in the lounge and ordered two cold drinks.

Eric used a tissue to wipe the sand off his face.

Blake questioned, "What's going on? Explain."

Faced with his determined sister, Eric took a sip of his cold drink before saying, "There are rumors in the crew that you were assaulted by Martin..."

"Are you serious?" Blake crossed her arms and said, "I don't think so. He's more timid than a mouse and wouldn't dare to touch me."

Eric was visibly surprised. "Really?"

Blake affirmed, "Absolutely not. We were just rehearsing our scenes on the beach and discussing our roles. He came into my room? He's anything but brave!"

She was much shrewder than her brother and had witnessed the rattlesnake incident firsthand, which had evolved her thinking somewhat. Suspecting that there was more to this matter, she asked, "Who told you these things?"

Eric didn't want to divulge the information but defended himself, "She told me out of goodwill, and she didn't have any ulterior motives."

Blake playfully tapped her fingers against the tabletop. "Do you have rocks in your head?"

"Why?" Blake made a tiny circle on the table with her fingers, like walnuts. It was a small circle, as she stared sternly at Eric. "Who is she? Should I call Dad?"

At the mention of their father, Eric grew anxious. "A Mexican woman named Alexis Bledel."

Blake took out her phone and dialed Brad's assistant's number, her voice suddenly sweet. "Hi, it's me. I need a favor. Is there a Mexican actress named Alexis Bledel on the set?"

She paused, listening to the response. "Yes, she has a minor role. Can you get me her contact information?"

Blake jotted it down, thanked the assistant, and hung up. "Go find her. Is there anyone else involved? Don't tell me you can't handle it. Are there more people luring you into traps? And don't fall in love with her. If you want to stay in Mexico and end up in jail, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"I'll go change and take a shower," Eric said as he stood up and left.

Blake reminded him, "I'll be waiting here."

Half an hour later, Eric emerged from the elevator and returned to the lounge. He reported, "Alexis overheard some others talking in the locker room. She only heard bits and pieces, didn't witness anything firsthand."

Blake said, "What a brainless busybody!"

Eric had a throbbing headache. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"

"I'm going to find Martin," Blake announced as she left the rest area, took the elevator to the upper floor, and knocked on Martin's suite door.

The door opened, and Bruce spotted her. He called out from inside, "Blake's here."

Martin gestured for her to come in. Blake entered the living room and saw the male idol sipping on a drink. A sense of happiness washed over her, and she couldn't help but smile. "Pour me one too."

Martin stashed the wine and glass away. "Your brother will kill me."

Thinking about her rather simple-minded brother, Blake clarified, "He'll come by tomorrow to apologize. This time he got tangled up with a Mexican actress named Alexis..." She quickly recounted the situation.

Martin recalled Alexis, an actress who enjoyed gossip. She even brought her own Coke and melon seeds. Being embroiled in such a situation wouldn't be pleasant.

Blake was aware that the good rapport she had carefully built with Martin had taken a hit.

Nevertheless, Martin managed a smile. "I've done plenty of action scenes on the set of 'The Hills Has Eyes.' I thought I'd find some peace and quiet here for a good rest, but it seems I'm dealing with more drama."

Blake understood the meaning behind Martin's words. "I won't let Bitch off easily. Just wait and see the show."

Martin nodded. "I'll be waiting."

After a brief exchange, Blake bid her farewell and left. Bruce closed the door and returned, teasing, "Rumor has it that Hollywood women look better during intimate moments?"

Martin pondered for a moment. "Is that so?"

Bruce didn't buy it. "Just a bunch of naïve girls."


The next morning, after Martin finished filming a few scenes and returned to rest, Blake waved him over.

Bruce whispered, "Are you about to start? Getting excited? Ready to pull your hair or rip your clothes?"

Martin retorted, "You're not as lowbrow as that, always resorting to such cheap tricks."

The jeans project was originally developed through connections with Blake's father, Ernie Livly, producer Brad, and director Kwapis. Hence, Blake opted for the simplest and least troublesome solution.

She approached producer Brad and said, "Uncle, a Mexican crew member spread false rumors about me and Martin, causing us quite a bit of trouble. If these rumors make it back to Los Angeles, both Martin and I could be in hot water. The main actor on the crew is not Mexican." Brad responded directly, "Who is it exactly? Let security have her removed."

"Thank you, Uncle," Blake said with a smile. "When you're back in Los Angeles, you must come visit my place. I know where Dad keeps his good wine hidden."

Brad chuckled. "Deal."

Blake then approached Brad's assistant, Gail, and had a brief conversation.

That morning, on the set, Gail called the agents of the Mexican actresses and informed them that Alexis was being dismissed from the crew.

"I suggest you handle this matter rigorously. She caused quite a bit of trouble on set," Gail warned, only hinting at the consequences. "My boss is a senior member of the Hollywood Producers Alliance. If you mishandle this, no crew will want to work with you in the future."

The agent replied, "I'll ensure a satisfactory resolution."

He instructed his people to escort Alexis off the set. As she left, he told a subordinate, "Take her to Tijuana Custom Street. Let the news spread throughout the crew, and make sure others understand that dreaming of getting to the United States is fine, but causing trouble for me won't be tolerated!"

In the rest area, Martin and Bruce enjoyed their time.

Bruce sighed, "There's no sophistication to it."

Martin agreed, "Simple and straightforward."

When the crew finished their morning shoot, they learned that Alexis had been let go. Erica discreetly approached Blake to report the development.

"I was prepared for this," Blake said calmly. "Amber brought up the topic and kept talking about you, so I joined in her conversation for a few words. Later, when I was leaving, I saw Alexis next door. I didn't anticipate this outcome."

Blake nodded slightly, maintaining a composed demeanor. "If you had proactively informed me, I wouldn't have minded what you said."

Erica deflected the blame, "It was all Amber idea, and I just went along with it. I only spoke a few words after hearing about Alexis."

Blake suddenly had an idea. "I can accept you as part of my sisterhood, but in return, you have to do something for me."

"Really?" Erica was excited. "What do you need me to do?"

Lowering her voice, Blake conveyed her request.

At noon, the crew had lunch together at the restaurant, which still featured a buffet.

Martin and Bruce found a quiet corner and savored some Mexican barbecue.

Blake approached with her dinner plate, sat beside Martin, and whispered, "The show is about to begin; keep an eye on Amber."

Martin and Bruce turned their attention in Amberl's direction.

Amber and Erica were seated at the same table. When Amber turned to look at someone passing by, Erica picked up her dinner plate and poured it on top of Amber head.

Vegetable juices, sauce, salad, and more dripped down April's hair.

Amber turned to Erica in bewilderment.

"This Bitch touched me inappropriately!" Erica accused loudly. After the physical assault, he followed it up with a psychological attack. Holding her abdomen, she continued, "She harassed me... She's been bothering me."

The friendship had overturned with the accusation.

Erica screamed and cried, pointing at April. "I considered you a friend, but you harassed me!"

In an instant, everything had fallen apart for April.