
Chapter 20

Two more children died from their injuries at the hospital but seventeen survived. Sienna still can't get over the loss of four children. She knows there is absolutely no way they could save them, they died on impact but it doesn't make it easier. After pulling a triple she goes home to an empty house, her husband is still at work.

Her heart is breaking as she puts a frozen pizza in the microwave, not in the mood to cook. The doorbell rings creating a sweet distraction from what she's feeling right now. The two of them moved into a new three-bedroom house with a porch and a garden. It cost them more money than either of them would care to admit, but as Antonio said, it's time to invest in the future.' When they begin a family, they'll need a house and not a one-bedroom apartment

She opens the door to reveal Gabby with two bottles of wine in her hands. "I figured after today we both need a pick-me-up"

"You figured right" Sienna smiles hugging her sister, "Thanks"

Gabby makes herself comfortable in the living room while Sienna checks on the pizza.

"I've put a pizza in the oven; will be ready in a few." She says as she brings two glasses to the living room watching as Gabby pours the wine.

Sienna downs her first glass. Gabby's eyes shine with amusement as she pours another glass of wine for Sienna while drinking from her first. "There was a doctor on an accident scene today. He kept telling me what to do. A reason I hate doctors"

"We are an unlikeable bunch" Sienna jokes slightly. Gabby scowls at her, "You know I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Who's the doc?"

Gabby shrugs, "Some redhead. Will or something"

Sienna freezes, "Will?"

She shows Gabby a picture of Will and she nods. "Yeah that's him, you know him?"

She sighs exasperatedly, "I do. It's Jay's brother, he's an arrogant ass but he's a good doctor."

When Antonio gets home both girls are asleep on the couch. He sighs as he spots the one empty bottle and the other half-empty bottle sitting on the coffee table.

He sits down next to Sienna and pulls her onto his lap. "Baby, wake up"

She frowns as she wakes up, her head already pounding. Wine is never the answer, Sienna.

"Oh, right" She drawls out, "I drank wine"

He chuckles, "You did wino. I heard about the call out today, you okay?"

She sighs, "It sucks but I'll be okay. I'm glad you're home"

He gives her a kiss on the lips as Gabby wakes up. "I'm never drinking again"

The doctor chuckles as her husband shakes his head at his little sister, "I'll go make you both some coffee"

Gabby's face brightens when she checks her phone. "Who's got you smiling like that?"

Gabby continues smiling, "Matt."

Sienna smiles, "You two are texting now?"

"It's looking good Si. I think we're finally gonna take a chance"

Sienna grins, "I'm happy for you Gabs"