
Chapter 19

Their honeymoon ended way too fast for both of their likings but now, both of them are back and ready to work again.

Sienna is currently with Jay while Antonio is handling stuff with the gym. He's helping her pack and updating her on his love life.

"Erin's moving up places now; she's joining a task force. She and I can finally be together."

Sienna beams, "That's great news Jay. I'm happy for you"

Her smile falters when she takes in his face, it's not happy like she would have hoped. "What's with the face?"

Jay shrugs, "You're a girl, right?"

"Last I checked"

He sighs, "Would you be okay with an on/off relationship?"

Sienna stops folding her shirts and sits down next to him. "At the wedding, all she did was stare at you with love-sick eyes . Halstead, listen to me now, once and for all. You and Erin have been infuriating ever since I came back. I love both of you to bits but you've gotta stop hurting each other. If you love her like I know you do, fight for her. Take charge of your life Jay."

She kisses his forehead while he ponders over her words. Sienna sighs and continues packing up her things.


Antonio and Jay are bringing in Sienna's bags and the stuff she bought for Antonio's – as she called it – tedious apartment.

Jay walks up to her with a beaming smile on his face, "I'm going to do it. I'm going to make Erin mine"

Sienna smiles as she hugs him tightly, "Finally"

"So I'm going to leave" he drawls out giving her a smirk, "You know, to go get my girl"

Sienna laughs, she kisses his cheek and lets him leave.


"Where'd Jay go?" Antonio walks out of the bedroom.

"He's going to get his girl" She smiles like a Cheshire cat as she wraps her arms around his neck.

He kisses her lips softly

"Let's go unpack" Sienna says but Antonio holds her back, "Let's not"

"What?" She frowns in confusion

Antonio inhales as he kisses her again, "Let's get a place of our own"

Sienna smiles softly, "You want to get a place together?"

"This place" He looks around, "Is a Bachelors' flat. It's ugly and boring and you deserve more. We both deserve more. We deserve a place with new memories – our own memories."

She pulls him down with a knee-weakening kiss, "You are a wonderful man. Are you sure about this?"

"I looked around this one-bedroom apartment with the ugly yellow walls that I'm still renting and decided that as a married man with a wife who has done so much for him, it's time we get our own place – a place we both love."

She beams at him, when he least expects it she pushes him down on the couch and crawls on top of him, "I'm going to show you how amazing you are."


As Sienna's taking back her department from her second-in-charge, a school building has collapsed trapping 40 kids and 32 teachers.

"I've got you extra O-NEG; Residents have been discharging patients. What else do you need?" Sharon asks as the two of them run to the pit. Sienna and her team are needed in the field to help the paramedics with triage.

"I'm going to need extra of everything. Nurses; doctors; orderlies – Any available personnel will be helpful."

"You got it"

Sienna briefs her team while the ambulance speeds off to the crash site.

"Roberts" Cruz runs up to her, "23 kids are trapped under the rubble. We need a trauma doc under with them."

"Show me where" She runs with him to the site. Kelly is in the rubble with the kids as they lower her down.

She gets to work on the kids with Kelly.

"We need to get these kids out" Kelly warns her. "Alright. I'll clear them"

Three kids have minor injuries so they pull them out. She's busy treating a kid that has a block of cement on his chest while Kelly is treating a boy with his legs stuck.

"You need to amputate" Kelly tells her.

She nods, "Switch with me on the count of three. You need to intubate"

He nods and they switch on the count of three.

"Severide! Roberts! Watch out!" They hear Cruz screaming. In a split second cement pours down on them as another part of the building collapses.

Both of them throw their bodies over the children. "Are you guys okay in there?" Cruz yells back as the rest of Squad clears the way.

Neither Kelly nor Sienna replies back, "Hey, you guys. Are you okay in there?"

"Get us out of here" Kelly screams a few minutes later. "You okay?" He asks Sienna. She's breathless and packed under the cement but she's fine. She nods her head.

Kelly looks up at the collapsed building, "This place is going to go, we need to get out of here."

"The kids are all stuck"

"We need to work faster."

They get 16 out of the kids out without hassle when the rest of Squad 3 is called to an emergency.

"Time's up Si" Kelly says as another layer of cement fall next to them.

"We have three kids deep under blocks of cement, Kelly."

"I know."

Sienna's face twist in frustration, "They're rescues aren't they?"

Kelly's face is the epitome of heartache and anger, "Yeah"

The two of them get pulled up by Squad that just returned

When both of them are outside Kelly hugs her tightly. She returns the hug. "Good job"

"You too"