
Chapter 21

"Talk to me" Sienna runs out with Rhodes; Choi and Manning. Four ambulances come to a halt in front of the hospital with gunshot victims.

"GSW to the face, neck and spinal cord." Sylvie continues reading off his vitals as they steer him into trauma room 1.

"Swap, on my count" Sienna instructs, "1 – 2 – 3"

Gabby stays behind as she stares at her sister-in-law oblivious to what's going on in a different room. Sylvie wraps her arm around Gabby's shoulder, "Let's go"


"This isn't ethical Sharon, she has a right to know" Maggie frowns

"It's hospital policy Maggie. She's in with a patient"

"She's in with the guy that shot Jay. This will break her heart"

Sharon sighs, "Roberts is the best surgeon for this case. We all took an oath to save anyone that comes through those doors and that's exactly what she's doing right now."

Maggie nods, "I have patients" She's not happy with the idea but there's nothing she can do.


Will Halstead runs into the hospital. He searches the room finding Sergeant Platt sitting alone on the waiting room chair.

She stands up when she sees him, "How is he?"

"They haven't come out. The rest of the team is looking for the second shooter. The first shooter is in surgery"

Will frowns, "Where's Sienna?"

Trudy frowns, "She doesn't know. She's in surgery with the shooter"

Will sits down, running a hand over his face. The rest of the team soon walks in, "Have we heard anything?" Hank asks

"Nothing yet"

Choi walks out a few minutes later wearing a sombre expression on his face. "Jay has three bullets in his chest. The one barely missed his heart. He lost a lot of blood, and his on bypass right now. It's not looking good"

"Oh my God" Erin whispers, tears form in her eyes. After Nadia's death, Erin spiralled out of control. Her colleagues gave up on her. Everyone did, except Jay and Sienna. She owes him everything.


Sienna scrubs out of the surgery, one eyebrow raises when she sees Sharon walking in. "Hey Miss Goodwin, patient is paralysed, that was inevitable. The bullet was lodged in C1 and C2. Otherwise, he's perfectly fine."

Sharon smiles, "That's good" She sighs, "I need to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Her smile disappears as she throws away her used gloves.

Sharon frowns, "Jay was shot. The guy... the guy you treated was his shooter."

Sienna's face scrunches up in anger, but she's strangely calm. "Where is he?"

"He's on bypass in Choi's OR" Sienna makes a move to leave but Sharon holds her back, "You cannot scrub into that surgery. Choi knows what he's doing"

"I wanna see him" She whispers, "You at least owe me that after I saved the son of a bitch that did this"

"Okay" She agrees, "In the gallery."

Sienna nods and runs to OR 3's gallery. A few doctors are in there taking notes of the procedure. She gasps when she sees him. Her strong best friend lying on a table, bloodied and on a bypass machine – fighting for his goddamn life, his face is beat up and scarred with deep slices.

"Oh God Jay" She slides down against the wall. "Please don't die on me Jay. Please don't die on me."

The only time she stands back up is when she hears the alarm going off.

Choi looks up at her after Jay crashes. He has done everything he can but Jay keeps crashing.

"Screw this" She whispers and runs down to the OR. She grabs a mask and enters, "What's going on?"

"He's in asystole. I've put a HM on him but he continues crashing. Charge to 200" He instructs the nurse, "Clear"

"Come on Jay" She whispers, praying to God to save Jay.

"Charge to 250" He stretches, worry seeping into his voice. "Clear"

"Come on Jay. Come on Jay." She walks closer to look at Jay, "Wait!"

Choi stops charging, "What?"

"Look at his eyes" Choi frowns but opens Jay's eyes. – bloodshot.

"He's bleeding internally" Choi treats him and Jay finally has a heartbeat "How'd you know?"

Sienna frowns, "A hunch"

"Good call Si"

"No" Sienna whispers, "This was all you."


Sienna follows Choi down to the waiting room where PD is waiting. When Antonio sees her, he immediately hugs her. She has yet to say a word.

"He's in recovery, it's touch and go for now. Right now I'm not sure he'll make it through the night but we're doing everything we can."

Choi squeezes Sienna's shoulder as he passes her.

"Si, he's strong. You know that" Will mutters. She almost forgot he was there.

She's in a daze as she nods, her jaw clenches. "He has to be"

She walks away ignoring Antonio's concerned look. She walks straight to Sharon's office.

"I would like to get permission to take the rest of my shift off"

Sharon nods without a second of hesitation, "Of course. Sienna" She calls as Sienna turns to leave, "I really am sorry for how today went."

Sienna nods, "It's not your fault Sharon. It's protocol, it sucks but it is what it is."

She sits down in the waiting room with Will and Mouse. Will told her that CPD had to go wrap the case even though they really wanted to be there.

Mouse places his hand on her shoulder, "He's Jay. He survived 6 wars, an explosion, a landmine. He'll be fine"

She puts her hand on top of his, "I know."

"I saved the son of a bitch that did this. I fucking saved him. I wish I left him there to rot. He doesn't deserve to live"

Will stares at her, "Come on Si, you would have saved him even if you knew he shot Jay because that's the type of person you are. You save people."


Sienna sits in Jay's room a couple of hours later holding his hand. He's still asleep, but Choi is more optimistic than he was a few hours ago.

She snaps out of her focus on Jay's sleeping face when Sergeant Voight walks in.

"Sergeant" She acknowledges him

"How is he?" Voight turns his gaze on Jay.

"Choi is a bit more optimistic than he was a few hours ago but I don't know."

Voight nods, "You'll see he'll be fine."

She tries to give him a small smile but fails ultimately, "He has to be"

"How about you go home? I'll stay here with him" Sergeant Voight offers, sitting down on the chair on the other side of Jay's bed.

"I'm fine" She nods

Hank keeps quiet, "Well then, I'll bring you a coffee and stay here with you"

Sienna finally smiles, "Thanks Serge."

Hank brings back two take away coffees and sits down on his chair, "Antonio's coming in a bit. All he wants is to be here, but we had to wrap up the case"

Sienna nods, "Will you please tell me what happened? I know Antonio will try to protect me by not telling me the truth."

Hank sips from his coffee, "Mexican Cartel war. They robbed a truck exchange for cash and then decided to do a drive by at a coffee shop. Jay went in as undercover for the case – it was supposed to be easy. He was there for 8 hours before they made him, took him hostage and tortured him. But we got everyone involved and they won't see the light of day soon."

She smiles highly appreciative, "Thank you Serge."