
Chapter 6 The Magic Wand (Previous Part)

"Gunter, is that the Gunter?"

  Ollivander looked at Luke and couldn't help but speak up and ask.

  Being told this by Ollivander, Hagrid also froze for a moment, and then looked at Luke in a very surprised manner. Although his was a rough man, he still knew the basics of the wizard world. British wizards, and indeed wizards of the world, knew the surname.

  They were one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families in Britain, but yet they were also one of the oldest pure-blood noble families in the entire world.

  The Potters were also a pure-blood family, but Harry knew absolutely nothing about them. However, from Hagrid's expression and Mr. Ollivander's tone, Harry could sense that the man in front of him was from a very unusual background.

  The state they were in now gave Harry the impression that he was walking down the street when he met a new friend, who turned out to be Windsor.

  "Yes, Mr. Ollivander, Luke Gaunt sends his regards."

  Luke made a rather complicated looking gesture at Ollivander. But the whole gesture looked elegant and fluid as it was done. Ollivander also collected the shock on his face and made the same gesture with a serious face.

  In that moment, the kindly, old feeling seemed to dissipate from him, revealing a vague sense of dignity.

  "Greetings to you, Mr. Gaunt."

  Harry and Hagrid both looked confused. Professor McGonagall's face, on the other hand, straightened. This was the most ancient of wizard greetings. And in those ancient times, only the nobility could use it. Nowadays, even the old families don't use it so easily. And so it seems to have disappeared into history, a tear of the ages.

  But from the way these two people were behaving today, it seemed that this courtesy had only been deliberately forgotten, and that those who could really use it still had it engraved in their bones, ready to be taken out at any time.

  She also looked across at Ollivander, the old man, who looked kind and smiling all day, and many people overlooked that Ollivander, too, was one of the twenty-eight Purebloods.

  But after exchanging a salute, the dignity on Ollivander instantly disappeared without a trace. Smiling gently and kindly, he said to Luke, "Surely you are much better than those rags, I told you how the descendants of the Gunter family could have fallen like that."

  At that, he stopped as if he suddenly remembered something. Then he said to Luke, "I sense the aura of a wand in you. Ancient, noble, powerful. What's more important is that it fits you."

  "It's too ancient, noble and powerful, so I can't rely on it just yet."

  Luke also smiled bitterly in helplessness. After all, a family that had been making wands for over a thousand years couldn't be more sensitive to the scent of wands.

  Hearing Luke's explanation, Ollivander also nodded and asked no more questions.

  He then turned around and went to the shelf where he kept his various wands, and very decisively drew out a box, then returned to Luke's side, opened the box and pulled out a beautifully decorated wand, even with delicate magic patterns carved on it.

  To be honest, at the sight of that wand, the two remaining men present could not help but glance at the wand in their own hands, and Hagrid could not help but look at his umbrella.

  Hmm, sturdy, smooth, just looked more or less plain, or rather, sketchy, compared to that wand.

  "Try it, Mr. Gaunt, Elm, and the heart nerve of a fire dragon, twelve inches. Noble and powerful."

  After a brief introduction, Mr. Ollivander handed the wand to Luke. Luke took the wand, waved it gently, and then a flame leapt from the tip of the wand, and Professor McGonagall was subconsciously about to put it out with her hand. Professor McGonagall subconsciously tried to extinguish the flame, but it surprisingly did not get out of control.

  Luke flicked his wand and the flame moved with the tip of his wand.

It looked so obedient.

  Harry couldn't help but feel a little envious, the damage he had done when he had tried his wand earlier had not been repaired, and Luke looked like he had found the right one for his first wand.

  But at that moment both Luke and Ollivander were frowning.

  Luke put out the flames and then handed the wand back to Ollivander.

  "I'm sorry, it ... doesn't quite fit."

  The wand felt like a far cry from even the Slytherin wands that fit him.

  Ollivander took the wand without surprise, and then nodded, "It looks obedient, but the feeling of deliberate flattery is too obvious."

  With that he decidedly slipped the wand back into the box, picked it up and returned to the shelf to begin his search.

  The description 'deliberately obedient' really confused the three Harry's for a moment. If Harry was correct, the wand had just been handed back to Mr Ollivander looking reluctant ...

  Harry suddenly felt a little sour. And the little bit of pride inside that had just been brought on by the crowd's embrace and respect was struck a little. Originally he had thought he was some kind of special person. But now it seemed he wasn't special enough.

  Just as Harry was rambling on, Ollivander pulled out another wand.

  "Try this one, pine wood, unicorn tail hair, ten and a half inches, mysterious and noble."

  This one didn't look quite as refined as the last one, but it still gave it a unique feel. This feeling increasingly made Professor McGonagall and the others feel as if their wands were not the finest of the bunch ...

  Harry was relieved to feel that this one, and the one he had, looked pretty much the same.

  Luke took the wand and waved it gently once more. This time a clear spring of water gushed from the tip of the wand, gentle and clear, giving it a cheerful and pleasant feeling.

  Luke felt that sense of fit, but somehow it still felt a little short of meaningful.

  Ollivander felt the same way, so he frowned and held out his hand to Luke.

  "Ninety percent fit, that's high enough, but it still feels a little out of place. It feels like it's missing a little something ..."

  Luke heard him murmur as he handed the wand back to Ollivander. Luke was also mindful that really, it might not be that the wand was missing something, but that there was something more about him ... like the system, or the vision and ambition that came with the system's mission.

  Ollivander once again returned to his wand stand, resting one hand on his elbow and gently twirling his white beard with the other, as if in contemplation.

  And it was at this time that Luke seemed to perceive a particular attraction. He could not resist looking towards the highest part of the wand stand. There was a new-looking box there, sitting at the top of the wand rack.

  "Mr. Ollivander, would that one be able to be brought over to me?"

  Luke said to Ollivander as he pointed to where the box was.