
Chap. 1: Welcome to Hitman Academy!

A cheerful bright morning, perfect time to start your day with a cup of hot coffee while letting the cool breeze tickle your face.

But here I am, infornt of an institute which was nearly as big as an entire colony along with a huge campus, situated in the middle of the woods.

'Welcome to Hitman Academy!'

Said the board at the entrance gate of the institute.

I never thought my life would take me to this point, but who can blame it? Me? No. I can't blame my fate as I was the one who got myself in this situation.

A few days ago, there was a package delivered to my address by an unknown sender while I was out, helping my mother do grocery shopping, cause you know, mother's can be super agressive when it comes to what to buy and what not to. Also the level of bargain mothers do is on a next level. Damn those convincing skills!

Anyway, I never introduced myself right? My name is Atlas, Atlas Serno. I am a normal teenager, going to school, studying and living life as a normal student. But that day when the package was delivered, my seemingly normal life, changed.

The package I received the other day, was kept on the carpet in front of my apartment, when I returned home with my mom. I opened the package once I entered inside and what I saw in the package was going to be a turning point in my life.

There was a gun inside the package along with 3 mags of it.

My mom was shocked and angry on me for ordering a gun which was literally a crime. But what can I say? Though I never ordered a gun for myself, the package had my name on it which clearly suggested that it was ordered by me and obviously my mother would be angry but worried at the same time.

"ATLAS, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? ORDERING A GUN, WHEN YOU KNOW ITS A CRIME! UNACCEPTABLE. I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU.", my mom literally said shouting on me so loud that I could feel the pain in my ears.

Thank God the apartments we lived in were soundproof, or else, me having a gun with me would be on the newspaper the other day.

"Mom listen to me please, I never ordered any gun for myself and why would I even do so?", I said in panick, trying to calm my mother down.

"THEN WHAT IS THIS? ARE YOU A GANGSTER? OR A COP? TO HAVE A GUN WITH YOU?", said my mom, not lowering her tone a bit.

Suddenly as we were there arguing, I saw a letter inside the package amidst the gun and the mags.

"Wait mom, there's a letter inside the box. Maybe we can find the one who sent me this package by reading the letter.", I said trying to calm her down again.

My mom went towards the box, picked up the letter and opened it. It was carefully wrapped in a cream couloured envelope which had my name on it.

She started reading the letter and once she was finished reading it, she lost the control on her hands and the letter fell down.

"What happened mom? What's in there?", I asked her, but she was too shocked to respond to me.

I picked up the letter and started reading it and once I did, I was in the same state as mom.

The letter said,


Mr. Atlas Serno, you have been selected to enroll in the Hitman Academy.

You fulfill all the requirements to be admitted in the Hitman Academy.

You can admit in the academy as of next Monday.

We'll be waiting for you.


Hitman Academy,

Address: The Woods of Elpen"

'Wait? What the fuck is this? Is this a dream? Is there really a package in my house containing a gun and a letter which says that I have been enrolled in some, Hitman Academy?'

My mind was exploding from questions. What is even happening here?

How the hell did I get selected in some sort of Hitman Academy?

Me and my mom stood there like statues, with shocked expression on our faces. What is this going on in my life? I wonder.

After some time, me and my mom both shook ourselves from our shock and I read the letter once again, not believing that the contents in the letter were true.

I flipped the letter backwards and saw that there was a note written in a fine handwriting. I read it carefully. It said,

'P.S. You have been selected from many of the teenagers we surveyed. You, along with 300 more students will be enrolling in the Hitman Academy the coming Monday. Don't worry about your family, we know where you live and we will provide protection to your family.'

'Wait, a survey? When did I- ohh no, it's because of that?!', I sighed.

A month ago, before the package was delivered to my address, I had to do a survey online while browsing on web. It was a strange kind of survey as it felt more like an altitude test than a survey. I answered all the questions correctly, submitted it and continued browsing on the internet. That survey was for the enrollment of this academy.

Everything was making sense now. I could not deny the fact that because of a survey, I had been admitted into Hitman Academy.

'That stupid survey. Why did I even do that, I should've quit the browser there.'

It's no use regretting over what's done. I was trying to shake off the fact that I had been enrolled in some Hitman Academy and I had to attend it from now on, but the gun in front of me inside that package was a proof that I cannot turn back now.

My mom was still shocked. I turned towards her and said,

"Mom I am sorry, but I have to enroll in this academy."

My mom's face darkened and her voice became heavy with sadness.

"Are you sure about this son? I don't want anything to happen to you. Is this your final decision?", my mom asked, looking up at me with a sorrowful expression.

There's no use regretting now. There's nothing I can do. I said in a heavy tone,

"Yes. I am sure. I will enroll in the academy."

I looked down with a gloomy face, but then I heard my mom say,

"If that's what you want, the I won't stop you.", she said with a sad voice and teary eyes.

I had seen her cry for the second time since my father died in a collateral damage while protecting the kids, when there was a mass shooting in the school, he taught in as a teacher.

That was the day I woke up. I matured and the only thing I realised that time was,


I swore that I would protect mom from that day onwards and now, its a time for a fresh start in life. Life gave me a chance to protect my mom by enrolling in this academy. I will come back stronger, strong enough to protect my mom.

Hitman Academy,


*Skip to present*

And so my life in the Hitman Academy was going to start from today. I wonder what experiences I will have here?

The End