
His Obsession Doll

·     You are my obsession and I can’t let you go my doll you know the day you stepped in my room. You were mine. And I never let my things away from me. ” he said in a dominating tone and I never knew that my life could take this turn…. ·     I’m a 19 year old girl who wanted to become a doctor and also a shooter I loved shooting ever since I came to my senses because one shot can change people’s life and destiny I wanted to be a healer also a killer because some people deserved to be killed and some to heal I have hide this ambition from everyone only I know about this.  I was very happy with my life. I was confident pretty smart intelligent I was all what they say beauty with brain I never in my life thought I would change into something else . My life changed when I landed in Australia.  One mere invitation changed my whole destination of life.   ·     He was a ruthless Monster who claimed everything he wished for.  He was a business tycoon he had everything what he wished for he owned everything his eyes laid on . He wants more then just money. He wanted power. He decided to go in the world where there’s never coming back until you are dead. He entered the dark world not because it was an option but because it was his choice he wanted rule everyone which he got here he became the cruel MAFIA not just a mafia he became the underworld king. He never showed any kindness to anyone. But he changed when he met her.  He was a gentleman infront of her. He was all what a girl want. But was it his love or obsession for her. He never knew what love is he only knows to kill and chill. ·     What happens when they both crash their world’s .? What happens when ice meets fire.? Will there be a fairytale love story?  Or will there be a twisted history…. .? ·     What has fate decided for them will happen if not now but sooner or later it will.

blackspadez_12 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Oraibi's  P. O. V

What's wrong with you..?  She asked to Sarah. I know what was wrong with her because I have never talked with anyone like I talk to her. And we even tease each other that's the reason why she was so stupefied. She didn't answer so ayman just pinched her hard.

"ouch idiot… you are hurting me. " Sarah said rubbing her arm. And she laughed. She definitely had a very beautiful laugh and suddenly that laugh turned into tension .

"Girlllll.... I need a minute I will be going to my room now. Just send some cool ice-cream and hot bag. And you mister what are you listening to us don't you have work to do. " she said coldly to me .damn what does she thinks of herself.  I saw her with my eye widened and then looked at Sarah who just shrugged at me. I went out without saying anything and forget to give her mobile I went to my room and brought her mobile. And I was at the door when I listened to their conversation.

"Is it painful… ayman" Sarah asked worriedly. To which she replied.

"it's killing me the pain is unbearable. I just hate my periods thanks for this ." she said indicating towards the ice cream and hot bag so she is on her periods.  She might be in a lot of pain.

"you go get ready for the function I will join when I feel okay I'm leaving. Bye. " she said and came out I hide and then came from back startling her.

"Hey shortiee. Will you be able to catch all those thing's in your little hands. Huh. ".i said and she was pissed.

"you hulk. How dare you… call me shortiee again and I told you I have a name… ..huh idiot and yes I can carry everything for your kind information. " she spoke. She is a fierce tigress and in her periods she is a hungry fierce tigress.

"Cool down girl. Give me this. " I said sternly and took everything from her hand and pushed her towards her room. And she just went with the flow as she was not in the position to fight with me.we went to her room and she went straight towards the wardrobe and was just walking back and forth.

"God why just why do I have to be this stupid and forgetful. " she mumbled but loud enough so that I could also hear it. After placing the things on the table. I went towards her.

"Thank goodness now you now that you are a stupid. "  I said and sighed to which she yelled. "ughhh did you headed everything " she asked.

"only until the last word that you are a stupid " I said and chuckled.

"what happened is everything okay do you need any help. " I asked when I got no answer from her. To which she peeked from the wardrobe and making a puppy face she asked me.

"I forgot to bring sanitary pads and Sarah is busy can you bring me some pads. Please." She asked me with her puppy eyes and I was astonished by her behavior I place my hand on her forehead to check if she alright.

"what are you doing  " she asked. "I'm checking if you are alright or not you are talking to me nicely. "  I said and she slapped my hand "Please dude understand the situation. " she said and I nodded my head.

"I will be right back in 5 minute's do you need anything else. " I asked understanding her situation.

"Yes I need 2 boxes of ice cream bring some quality sanitary pads. And bring atleast one pack. And also bring more cool things and. " she was saying to which I kept my finger on her lip

"Shush. Do you want a whole store or what. Hmm what happened now why aren't you saying anything. I will. Be back in 5 take care don't go out stay where you are. " I said and she just widened her eyes "do you understand.? " I asked her and she nodded. "Good.  " I said and left from their I retrieved her phone from my pocket and called rehan and asked him to bring the things she asked me to bring. At first he was shocked that I was taking orders from a mere teenage girl.  Later he informed me that already things have been arranged the security has been increased . They are in the form guests so that no one could doubt us. He came exactly after 5 minutes.

Gave me everything.

"Dude are you raise a bear or what why so much snack and food " he said and I just chuckled

"I'm raising a panda. Dude. "I said and went into her room.

"finally you arrived. Have brought Everything first give me some pads hurry up please. " she said and I gave her the packet. She took in hurriedly and came after a whole half an hour later.  She came out and was shocked to see me here.

"you are still here. Why.??" She asked me meekly . I was resting on couch and stood up keeping my hands in my pocket.

"why this is my house and I can be anywhere and anytime I want ." I said in a sarcastic voice. I thought she wouldn't talk back.

"But now I'm living in this room and I have my own personal space so you need to get out of here right now. " she said pointing her fingers towards the door.  The guts of this girl. She is throwing me out of this room.

I went closer to her. To which she flinched and started walking back until she touched the wall. I placed my one hand on the wall and other hand was caressing her cheek.

"shouldn't you be thanking me. Rather than throwing me out Huh…." I asked in my husky voice I could feel that she was shivering.  I liked my affect on her.

"tha...thank you…. " she said stammering. And I moved away from her."I have bought the some snacks and ice creams rest in your room and be a good girl. " I said and she just nodded her head.

"if I see you out any soon. Then you will dead. " I said and she just flinched.

I went away from her room and saw rehan was waiting for me outside.

"dude what was that.  Why were you being a jerk… she Just a fragile girl. Easy…  let's go ." rehan said and I just scoffed.

"come on dude as if you don't know me. I'm only like this around her." I said and he handed me a box.

"what's this .?" I asked.

"This is nuclear bomb. Stupid it's your new phone I have saved all the contacts and also got your old number back. We could trace that black mailer if we get his number. "  he said as I opened the box and took out my phone. I got a message.