
His Obsession Doll

·     You are my obsession and I can’t let you go my doll you know the day you stepped in my room. You were mine. And I never let my things away from me. ” he said in a dominating tone and I never knew that my life could take this turn…. ·     I’m a 19 year old girl who wanted to become a doctor and also a shooter I loved shooting ever since I came to my senses because one shot can change people’s life and destiny I wanted to be a healer also a killer because some people deserved to be killed and some to heal I have hide this ambition from everyone only I know about this.  I was very happy with my life. I was confident pretty smart intelligent I was all what they say beauty with brain I never in my life thought I would change into something else . My life changed when I landed in Australia.  One mere invitation changed my whole destination of life.   ·     He was a ruthless Monster who claimed everything he wished for.  He was a business tycoon he had everything what he wished for he owned everything his eyes laid on . He wants more then just money. He wanted power. He decided to go in the world where there’s never coming back until you are dead. He entered the dark world not because it was an option but because it was his choice he wanted rule everyone which he got here he became the cruel MAFIA not just a mafia he became the underworld king. He never showed any kindness to anyone. But he changed when he met her.  He was a gentleman infront of her. He was all what a girl want. But was it his love or obsession for her. He never knew what love is he only knows to kill and chill. ·     What happens when they both crash their world’s .? What happens when ice meets fire.? Will there be a fairytale love story?  Or will there be a twisted history…. .? ·     What has fate decided for them will happen if not now but sooner or later it will.

blackspadez_12 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"What the hell..? " said Oraibi waking up to the voice of alarm. He set off the alarm after 5 minutes it again ringed he set it off again but again it ringed. He got annoyed and woke up and saw what the hell was wrong with this phone.


"God dude this girl is mad. Who keeps this many alarms. " he said and set off all the alarm and then went to freshen up.

He took a long warm bath and came out in just a towel. And he was drying his hair. With another towel when suddenly someone barged into his room..


I went up to the terrace and was just walking around as the morning was so warm and the view was unbelievable. I wanted to see the sunrise as it was my very favorite thing to do when I wake up.  There was time for the sunrise so I just sat on the swing. Yes they had swing in the terrace. Their terrace was so big and beautiful with all the flowers and plants and an empty place to sit around. And also swing I sat and then suddenly I heard some pot breaking noise. I hurried up to see who was down.. When I was seeing down my eyes fell on a guy who was trying to get into someone's  room wait isn't that Sarah's room to the left. Gosh.

I quickly hurried down I didn't know what to do who to say. So I just barged into random room so that I could find someone reliable to say. When I barged in I saw a half naked hulk. He was hot I just stared at him and then realized I was checking him out I suddenly closed my eyes and yelled.

"Oh God seriously. Don't you have clothes to wear. Wear something dude.. " I said turning back with my eyes closed..

"Excuse me don't you have manners. Don't you know you should knock before you enter someone's room instead of barging in. " he said with his cold and husky voice which was sending shivers down my spine. Why does he have such fascinating voice. He always make me think forbidden thoughts. I need to stay away from him. I said to myself.

"I'm so… ..sorry… .actually I… …" I said this and turned around still keeping my eyes close.

"yeah what you… " he asked in a hushed tone. God.

"someone is trying to enter in Sarah's room through the window. I saw it when I was on terrace I swear I'm not lying… …" I said and got nothing in response when I opened my one eye he was no where to be found. Where is he.

"come with me. " he said coming out if his wardrobe dressed in an armani suit. Which fitted him perfectly. And he was looking damn cool in it.  But I could also see the anger in his eyes. He just grabbed my wrist and dragged towards Sarah's room.

"let go I'm coming. " I said struggling to loosen his grip he really is an hulk. "Huh… hulk. " I mumbled to myself and he set me free from his tight grip . I rubbed my wrist and followed him. When we reached Sarah's door.

I knocked on her door. To which he sarcastically said. "Hmm so you also have manner's. " he said with a smirk.

"Yeahh…. I Doo… have manner's I was just tensed that's why I barged in. I didn't think it was your room. " I said folding my hands across my chest and maintaining an eye contact with him.  If eyes could take lives then he would have been dead until now.

"Oh really… .. Is it… .i thought you wanted to see me half naked… huh" he said with devilish grin on his face when he was coming closer just then Sarah opened the door. Thank God she is a Savior.

"has someone come in here. " we both asked in unison. To which she first tensed but answered casually.

"no no one's  here. I just woke up…." She said rubbing her eyes which were not so sleepy I could guess that.

"I saw someone entering your room are you sure no ones here. " I asked sternly To which she first nervous and then said shuttering.

"Huh… Huh… that….he…. He… ." She was stuttering and seeing here and there.

"say it Sarah who it was. " the hulk asked sternly. His face void of any Emotion. Sarah flinched and I saw moment's near the curtains of the window.  I went there to check who it was.

"Who are you. " I asked the guy who was doing something to the window. By listening this Sarah and hulk came towards me. Hulk got furious and caught that guy by his collar .

"who the hell are you and what are you doing in my sister's room. " he asked furiously I tried freeing then away which went in vain.

"I… .i.. I'm here to check the windows . Thus rooms windows were frozen. Sarah ma'am called me to fix it…. " He said sweating hysterical .

"yes brother he is telling the truth you can check it if you want. " said Sarah tensed up. The hulk left him. And was going towards the window. When I saw Sarah her face lost all her colour she was looking pale and frightened. So I played an act for her.

"Ouch… !!" I yelled and the hulk came towards me instantly.

"what happened are you okay why did you yell. " he said. I didn't know what to say. Then I just catched my stomach.

"My stomach hurts. Bad " I said in pain. And then to my utter surprise it really did. Damn why does it have to be today.

"Sarah what's the date today. " I asked her sitting on the couch.

"it's 21st why " she said and I was so disappointed. To hear that day.

"I think the window was really struck last night also when I came to her room  after the ceremony she was trying to close it. Leave it hulk. I mean what's your name by the way. " I asked looking at him and he just chuckled at me.

"girl you don't even know my name. That hurt's . It's Oraibi by the way. And you what are you still doing here get out. Now. " he said to the guy in stern voice and Sarah was just standing stupefied.

"Brother are you for real. Is this you. Ayman pinch me right now. " she said and I was confused.

"what's wrong with you. ." I said.