
His Obsession Doll

·     You are my obsession and I can’t let you go my doll you know the day you stepped in my room. You were mine. And I never let my things away from me. ” he said in a dominating tone and I never knew that my life could take this turn…. ·     I’m a 19 year old girl who wanted to become a doctor and also a shooter I loved shooting ever since I came to my senses because one shot can change people’s life and destiny I wanted to be a healer also a killer because some people deserved to be killed and some to heal I have hide this ambition from everyone only I know about this.  I was very happy with my life. I was confident pretty smart intelligent I was all what they say beauty with brain I never in my life thought I would change into something else . My life changed when I landed in Australia.  One mere invitation changed my whole destination of life.   ·     He was a ruthless Monster who claimed everything he wished for.  He was a business tycoon he had everything what he wished for he owned everything his eyes laid on . He wants more then just money. He wanted power. He decided to go in the world where there’s never coming back until you are dead. He entered the dark world not because it was an option but because it was his choice he wanted rule everyone which he got here he became the cruel MAFIA not just a mafia he became the underworld king. He never showed any kindness to anyone. But he changed when he met her.  He was a gentleman infront of her. He was all what a girl want. But was it his love or obsession for her. He never knew what love is he only knows to kill and chill. ·     What happens when they both crash their world’s .? What happens when ice meets fire.? Will there be a fairytale love story?  Or will there be a twisted history…. .? ·     What has fate decided for them will happen if not now but sooner or later it will.

blackspadez_12 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chapter 11

Sarah's P. O . V

My life has always been easy I wouldn't have to struggle for anything . I was born with silver spoon and I won't deny it. But I never boasted about it. No one has ever stopped me from doing anything until it was in my limits and I never crossed any limit. I was an average student at my university as I was least intrested in  studies but I atleast wanted to graduate so I was doing not to bad not to good. I was an anti-social girl. I never interacted much with anyone . I Always  like to be alone and enjoy my own company.

Everything was going very smooth until one day. When I arrived at the my university everyone was looking at me weirdly and whispering something.

Few eyes were amused few were shocked few were happy and many very jealous. Why are they behaving like that. I wondered and went further to find my photo which was incredibly beautiful. Who clicked the picture. I think this was taken when we went to tour on hills. But when I saw the person infront of that photo sitting on his knees with flowers . My mood went from sweet to sour.

"What the heck you..???" I said annoyingly this guy was stalking me from the day we went to tour until today. So this was his intentions. If my brother's  got know about this they will surely kill him. I smirked at him.

"You know what will happen if my brother's  got to know about this shot of yours. Huh. Now move from my way. " I smirked at him. I was liking it when he is on his knees.

"Sarah please listen to me just once. I know I have been a jerk a stalker after your warnings I stalked you again I'm so sorry for that but what do I do I fell for you the moment I saw you on. The hills your smile your eyes. Everything was making me go crazy Sarah. So I'm asking you now.

Sarah I love you will you be my girlfriend. " he said and further continued .

"I promise Sarah  I promise to never break your heart. I promise to never hurt you. I promise to always love you. I promise to keep all the promises Sarah. " he said and I was smitten at his confession. He was surely a handsome hunk. But is it right.. I don't think it is right. I shouldn't fall for him.  Sarah get a hold of yourself.

"NO" I said sternly and went away from their straight to the bathroom I was blushing. Because this is was the first time some one was proposing in such a romantic way but I didn't accept it as I Don't think it was right for me . I washed my face and came out to find everything was messed up and there was crowd gathered when I went further to see what happened  I was shocked and shivering.

Rehan!!!!  What was he doing here and why is beating zain.  Yes the stalker name was Zain. He was tall handsome and charming but less than rehan. Rehan was super hot and super handsome. God what I'm I saying. I need to stop him.

"rehann stop. " I yelled and went near him to push him aside. But he was so strong. Just like Captain America. But he was beating him continuously. Just then I moved away from them and yelled.

"aaaaaaaaaaa…" they both stopped and looked at me rehan and Zain both came near me worriedly.

"What happened… ?" both asked in unison and then glared at each other.

"Are you okay. " again they asked in unison and this time rehan  roared at him


"why the hell are you copying me. " he said pulling his collar.

"Rehan just stop it please. Let's go." I said pulling them apart.

"okay let's go " he said and caught my wrist we went but not before warning him.

"Look Zain don't pull this cheap tactics with me and stay away from me " I said to him sternly.

"I guess you understand words or else I have many ways to make you understand. Stay

STAY AWAY " He said the last word while gritting his teeth . We went away towards his car.

Everything was silent until we reached home. I said "don't inform my brother about this please." He just nodded and went away.

It's been 2 weeks for that incident and rehan used to take me to university he used to pick and drop me. He was behaving weirdly why is he doing this just to take care of me because I'm his friends sister then I don't need it.

The thing rehan doesn't know was that I was receiving letters from him. He use to stuck those letters on my locker with a flower. Sometimes it was a romantic message sometime it was funny sometimes his confession and sometimes he claiming that I'm his. I loved his gesture and I was falling for him. I went straight to my locker smiling like an idiot. But I found no letter today not even him around. I was sad . I searched for him everywhere. But he was no where to be found.

"why there is no letter today. Is he fed up already" I thought to myself and huffed finally he got his brain back. But I was restless why. He was affecting me. Do I love him..  No no what are you thinking idiot. Lest try to find him last time..

I said to myself and went to his secret base which I discovered when there was a party at the University it was loud inside and I have to call my brother to pick me up. So I went out but there was network issue I went further and found  him smoking . His cigarette was about to finish when he saw me. He just stared at me for this long that he burned his hand with his cigarette and seeing that I laughed and he was smiling.  He looks good when he smile.

He was coming towards me when I got call and excused myself from their. After that he always stalked me. And then proposed me. I thought I won't fall for him but I did. I guess. I was at the place where we met for the first time ever. Suddenly two hands squeezed my shoulder and shrieked and turned around to find him smirking at me. Damn when did he come.

"Are you searching for me babygirl. " he said coming closer to me. He definitely caught me off guard.

"I..... I….. I….. No… I just came for fresh air. " I said feeling nervous . And he came more closer to me. I moved back until my back touched the tree. He kept his hand above my hand and the other was caressing my cheek.

"Accept it baby you love me…  if you just came for fresh air then why were you looking for me and asking people about me inside Huh… " he said in a hushed tone and I could hear my heart beat loudly.

"No… no…  I don't …" I was about to say when he kept his finger on my lips.

"Shush..!!!  Don't say it if you don't mean it. " he moved my hair strand which was on my face due to the air.

"stay away from me orelse it won't be good for you. I'm. Warning you. " I said looking direct in his eyes.

"I won't I'm ready for anything princess. " he said cupping my cheek with his hand. And I accepted at that moment that I love him but I don't want to commit just yet.

"move I need to go.. " I said pushing him and blushing like an idiot. And after that we officially started dating and I took leave as it was my brother's  wedding and I was missing him badly. I messed him on the haldi ceremony that I miss him and I want to meet him. And laid on my bed. After about 5 min someone knocked on my window  I was scared but when I saw who it was I was so happy. I opened the window and allowed him in. We hugged each other and were talking when a message popped on his screen. It was some girl and I was furious the message said.

"I miss you when are you coming home." I confronted him and he panicked which was giving me clues that he was hiding something from me. He was trying to explain me that it isn't what I was thinking. "Please trust me this is my sister you wanna talk to her" he said and dialed that number and I heard a small girl's voice.

"Brother how are you when are you coming home we need to play doll house you promised me. Come home. " she said and I was embarrassed. For wronging him.

"im coming home on my way baby." He said and hugged up.

"don't cry Sarah…. I…. I… .i love you. " he said and we hugged and I let him go. But he said she might be asleep so he stayed with me for night. And next morning we woke up. He slept holding me and I woke him to let him go orelse if anyone wake up and see him it will be a big mess. He was going from the window. Just then big brother and ayman came in. She said she said someone coming in from the window  I tensed and didn't know what to do just then ayman saw him and my brother caught his collar. I said to leave him and said that he was here to fix the window. Because he actually was fixing the window. That's why Zain was easily able to come in and went out.  Before he could question me further and I just unconscious  ayman helped by faking her stomach pain. Damn this girl is an angel. But the way my brother reacted towards I was bewildered . Is he really my brother. I thought after that they both went away and I was getting ready for the mehndi function which was going to held today and I was very excited about it.

Ayman P. O. V.

Damn this pain.  He brought me everything which was needed and after eating atleast 2 ice cream I was relieved with the pain. He is such a sweetheart but I didn't expected him to take care of me like this. Because who would expect something sweet from a hulk this all things. As my pain relieved . I got up and went to his room.

"God shit …." I yelled.

hey guys if you want to read this story further. then you need to read this Intresting novel cat app . I won't be updating this story here. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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