
Chapter 3 of chapter 1 chosen As his handmaid

Chosen As his handmaid....

Isabella pov.....

It's was one of a delightful day of my life, As I  have rested for almost two days now. I was grateful to Marcus for providing thses days to me. But that's didn't stops the envying eyes on me. Everyone hates me, they all thoughts, may I have gotten a chance to sleep with one of the lord and I'm not  treated like maid anymore. 

I know it going to take a while before the rumors dies off, it has gotten to the ears of some of the lord's I bet, but since no one paid attention to me about it, I'm free and don't care what amount it licks out. 

The sun reflection, wakes me  up, I yawn, spreading my hands wipe to start a new day with rest but today I decided to work, besides, I'm tired and restless without doing anything, I remember yesterday I wanted to do some stuff in the kitchen, the kitchen chef slaps me out. Even Lady Pearl scolded me, I think they were scared to break Marcus law. 

He didn't seen that bad or fearful like the Master of the house. So, what the commotions? I stood up and found out Emma have went to attend to her daily chores, she's just a player, I told her to wake me up that I'm bored not doing anything, I need to skip out with her but she played me and went alone, after she had promise to help. She didn't want me to break the rules. Well, like it or none today I'm skipping out of this self prison.

I did my regular routine, taking my bath like everyone else and wonderful eyes gulping at me. It's was obviously that they're guessing about me . I ignored all facts and continue bath without any hesitation. I came out dry my skin and put on my maid outfit. 

I bend down, sitting on my bed, when I heard the noisy crowds chatting went immediately slience. I didn't bother to check as I continue with the ropes in my shoe. I'm skipping out today no matter what. 

"Do you need some help?" I heard his voice that frighten my heart, immediately I stood up looking frightening, was I dreaming? What the hell is he doing now? I keep my face down like the others. Why didn't I felt his entrance, I always smell his sweet arua around him but this time, he walks in like a ghost.

"My lord" I greeted, hoping maybe he was there for something else. I was so nervous, I could feel my legs shaking together, this situation was a bit awkward, I felt so nervous that my palm sweat, what the hell was going on. But I didn't have anything with him, the way this feeling was creating it self I hates it! 

He leaned more closer to me, breaking the immediate distance between us, what's he doing? His hard thumb lifted up my jawline, pushing my face up to meet his gaze. 

Hell no, this was craziness, I my nervousness increase the more. I gulped at his lovely eyes, WOW, his eyes was amazing, shining it magic at me. 

I gave him a surprise look, lifted up my eyebrows at him, what are you doing? He really didn't seem to care about the glued eyes around us, making the situation more awkwardly 

"Is that the name you should called me?" Seriously, for all places, in the maids Hall, I know we both have history in our past but things are still the same, he's my master and not a friend to considered, I don't know why he never gets it! This is frustrating!  

"......" I couldn't say anything, when I opened up my mouth, his thumb was still resting on my jawline, making me feel less comfortable.  He's punishing me I know that for sure. 

"My lord, I think you should stop, they might get the wrong intention about us" I simply said, hopefully that word might make things better but No! It's was worst! 

"Why? Are we not friends?" He said, smirks devilishly at me. What! I'm a minute ago happy  that the fake rumors of me sleeping with him would soon died off but now? I don't think so...

I couldn't get more of this, I shift a feet backwards and he follows, what? I makes another and he did follow, was he sent to torture me today? And despite it all, he seems more happier than before, he enjoyed what he was doing to me! 

I think there was no need of moving, so I give up when I get bed stick, stopping me to move further. 

"Are you done?" He asked, loving every acts that was played. I nodded like an obedient child. 

"Now, call me by my name and I'll leave you" 

I widened my eyes to him, giving him the scary look, what? in the presence of the maids, he seems not bother at all, despite all the eyes on us. 

"I can't, there're maids here"  I whispered,

"Then I'm not leaving" I saw this isn't going to be an easy day for me afterwards, I breath in

"I'm waiting" his annoying face cupped with a smile. 

"Marcus" I called almost a whisper, place his ears closer to my lips. 

I repeated again, "Marcus" 

"I can't hear you, your voice sounds a bit tiny" 

I was dumbfound, what exactly was he planning on doing! 

"Marcus!" Angrily shouts out without knowing what I just did. My eyes were close, I flew my hands over my mouth when I have realized what I did.

  "That's nice" I heard he, I slightly opened my eyes and to my greatest surprise, Lady Pearl was there, looking furious at us. I guess now the show had ended, this isn't good, I remember my last meeting with her and what she told me. 

I quickly bow down my head, feeling more frighten. As my fingers keeps tapping on each other nervously. 

"Can you please excuse us, Sir Marcus?" She asked, the Hall still remains in it slience. 

"Okay" he simply replied, and lifted up my jawline again. What? In this condition? He still has the guts to play silly friendship game? 

"I'll see you soon"  he said and left. 

"All maids get ready, and laid up at the meeting hall, your presence were immediately summoned, now keeping going!" She roars, and all maids started running to the meeting hall except me. 

I sat down, sadly and scared, I didn't bother because I know I'm in two days suspension .

"Also you too Isabella" she said hands warps together. I gulped at her surprisingly, does that means my two days  suspension is gone?

"This is especially for you" she adds, and left. I ran ahead of her to the meeting hall, where all maids gather. No one knows what the occasion is all for. Immediately Lady Pearl steps in. All went slient. 

"Today one of you will be chosen as his personal handmaid" she announced.

Some of us are already a personal handmaid to some lords. Most of us here are kitchen maids. But who lord wants a handmaid and didn't asked Lady Pearl to take one for him or her, instead of us laying up to be chosen, this is sick! And strange!

Just the moment, we were babbling on and guessing. His dangerous aura approaching us, it's was him, the master of the house,

Duke of Hastings!

His steps count loudly on the stone floor, all was draw by his presence, immediately all noises dies off, rest theirs heads down. Is he the one looking for an handmaid? This is a nightmares, I never wanted to be anyone handmaid, the life of an handmaid is hell! 

"My lord as you requested" Lady Pearl said respectfully, he didn't say a word, and walks up to the last line, still walking up closing. I was standing at the last edge of the line. He haven't chosen a maid yet? No one dare to look up include me too, I'm so scared to risk that.... 

He keeping on walking on, staring at each maids from head to toe. My heart pounds at each step that scary boots makes. 

The black leather boots stops, its stops in front of me! 

"She's the one I wants" his deep exotic voice said. My heart frozen for a minute, as my eyes gazed continuously at the boots right in front of me.....

Should I move? Should I looked at his face? Nooo.... My nightmares have finally catches up to me. I'm dead, dead and gone....

This is hell.... The gate has opened! 

"Hello, my little lamb" his husty voice said, sounds much as a arrow pierce into my soul. I gulped up, my watery eyes gazed on his cold black eyes, there was no emotions or whatsoever that looks on normal people face. His was different, dark and scary.

He smirks devilishly, enjoying the scenes he seems on my face. 

"For now on Isabella have forever be your handmaid, my lord" Lady Pearl declare

Forever? Be his handmaid? My life is gone, I'm a dead soul! 

I couldn't move my gaze, so was with him, my tears drips down from my cheeks, he saw it but it's amused him..