
Chapter 2 of chapter 10 Marcus nightmares

Marcus nightmares...

Marcus Pov.....

The children keeps on playing on the wet paths, clapping their hands the way they run around. There she was, the girl with blue eyes. She among the playing kids. 

"Bella! " I called on to her and she turns, her pretty smiles appear slightly on her face. She seem happy, she was my angel, my true friend. The only one who cares for me and plays with me  without cheating. 

"Where do you think you're going?!" A deep threatened voice asked, I turned shakily at the shadow behind me. It's was my father, Sir. Noah 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked again, sounding drank, I could smell the mixed of alcohol from his breath. 

"No where father" I answered nervously,

"Then go and meet your useless mother!" He roars angrily, hitting the wall with his fist hand,  like there something he hates so much about my mother. Only the mention of her name burn he up angrily, seeing her, he always get furious. He hates her, he said she's bad luck. 

"What the hell are you waiting! Get out of my sight!" He growled, I quickly ran away, far from him, I ran into third room and shut the door. 

"Marcus, is that you?" She asked, both eyes shut, she's blind, her blindness was unknown to us. Just two weeks ago, she became blind.

My family was once a happy family full of love and happiness but suddenly, everything changed when she become blind. 

"Marcus" she called, stretching out her hands, sreaching. I quickly drags her hands before she fell down from the bed. 

"Mother, it me " she heard my voice and calmed down, 

"Marcus" her hands sreach around my face, cupping up my cheeks, " oh it you, where is your sister?" She asked, 

"She's playing in the background" 


"Hmm, I was there but came to check on you" 

"Okay" she smiled, 

"Go and check on her, I'll be fine" 

"Okay mother" I peeped slightly at the door  to check if my father was still around the corridor, But he was gone. I ran out down the corridor and out through the back door. 

"Get away you stinky brat!" I heard Emily calls with others whites kids throwing stones at the black kids. 

"Emily!" She turned and looked at me with her devilish smiles, I looked at where they're  throwing the stone at, its her, she was bleeding and her gaze fixed on me.

"She deserved it" Emily proudly replied, 

"What have you done?" I roars at her furiously, "what dad taught us to do, they're trash and nothing more. Oh sorry I hit your trash friend" 

She crying in slient, I could heard my name escape from her mouth, " Mar" she whispered but yet I heard the echo of my name from the far distance we are. 

"You see, she's a trash" Emily comments, laughed slightly along with other kids. 

"Save me" she whispered again,

"If you moves an inch, father who hear about it" she threatened, there's one thing I noticed about Emily and my father was that they're same in character and personality. I was confused on what to do.

Suddenly, I heard a scream from the house, that must be mother, I ran in immediately, I attending to come back for her. Getting in the house I saw her laying down the stairs, blood over the floor, she's dead, she might have fall over from the steps when trying to found her way down. 

Her blood running to my feet, stained it, I looked at her and saw her face move glanced scary at me. 

"Marcus, where have you been...." 

I wake up terrifying, breathing for air. Why do I still have these dreams, lots of things happen in the past which I don't want to remember again. I garbs on the pills place on top of the stool and pull them in mouth, immediately support it in with the chill glass water close to it. 

Fucks that was close, I sighed. Despite, what have happened between us, Emily never recognized Isabella, at least, I was grateful for that if not her life would have turned into a living hell in this mansion. 

I stood up slightly, from the bed, place both legs down. Someone burst into my room rudely without no permission. 

Who else? Except Emily, who quickly storms in. " What do you want?" I gently asked, not getting ready to see the display of her madness. 

"I'm hearing a rumors that you're fucking a maid! Is that truth Marcus!?" She yells like the beast, she had always be. 

I move to get my coast from the couch besides my bed, sliently warps it on. 

"I'm asking you a question!" 

"What question?" Trying to shut her out but she seem not be affected by any of my signs. 

"You're my brother and I care about your well being. You can fuck any maiden's you want but not a maid," 

I chuckled at the sound of her word, because it sounds funny, fucking funny... Emily

"If you want to be in the high court, you need to work toward it and stops acting like a child!" 

I grabs on the bottle of red wine vinegar on the stool, pour it straight to my mouth without glass.

"Who told you I'm interested in that, you came to my room without knocking and you think you own me!"  I roars angrily at her, she was terrified, 

"Marcus...." She calls, her voice sounds shakily, then I knew I have crossed the boundaries. I don't want to be like my father who can't command his emotion and rages. 

I drop down the vinegar, "Get out" I calmly said, trying not to scared her again. But she unmovable, breathing faster, her fear catch up with her. 

"I said get out!" I roars, 

"Marcus, you promise not to be like him"  that the last word she said before leaving. 

She's right, I never want to be that beast who call himself my father. ..

I need her, she's the only one who helps washed away my anger. She's always been the one. This time I would allowed her experience what her had went through in the past, I'm here for her. Thank God, after all these years she found her way back but will Arthur still remember her? I guess I'm the only one who remember everything.....

I couldn't bath first, I dropped out of the couch I once laid on, grabs on my long pants and head out of my chamber. 

Getting out, the mansion always seen busy earlier in the morning as all maids and workers attend to their masters need. I don't really trouble my maid, she only attend to the room when I have left, I was planning to change her and get Isabella that way I could keep my eyes closely on her . 

But I want her to rest the two days, I have given to her. 

The maids greetings me along the way, bowing down theirs faces not to contact  with my eyes. I hates the stupid rules that he made, we have more wars to won yet he still have time creating ridicules law. 

Arthur's, you must be joking....

I snapped my way ignoring their greetings, there's someone I need to see, for my anger to wash away. That's her..

Along the way, I meet her friend Emma, immediately she bow down her head, 

"Where's she?" I asked, 

"She's in the Hall resting as you requested" 

"Hmm, I see" I snapped away, I believe she must be surprised what bought me here early this morning. All I want was just the glimpse of her face. 

The maids Hall was noisy and crowded by moving maids running in and out. They immediately departed a way for me to walk through, and staring amazed at me, like I'm source of a prince charming.

I gulped at her, she's not minding the immediate slient of the Hall, she continues tiring her shoes rope. My heart beats at her sight, such a dark goddess.

"Do you need some help" she immediately frighten up in fears, " My lord" she greeted, 

I formed my face at her, reminded her of the right name she should've call me, but she didn't care feeling shy, her face would buried to the down she barely even looked at me. 

I leaned closed, Breaking the distance between us. lifted her jawline up slightly with my fingers, she gulped at me, giving me the surprised face, what are you doing? 

"Is that the name you should call me?" 

"....." She couldn't speak, I know she felt uncomfortable about the situation, As the others eyes glued on us. 

"My lord, I think you should stop , they might get the wrong intention about we" she innocently said, pinning her fingers together.

"Why? Are we not friends?" 

She felt more nervous, steps a foot away from me, the more she moves back the more I followed. I loved her girlish side it amazed me. 

The others maids were frozen to the way we're acting but no dare to speaks. 

She stops moving, " are you done?" I asked, smirking at her, she really brightened my mood. She nods like a little child, 

"Now, call me by my name and I will leave you" she widened eyes at me and looked around,  all eyes was on us, just like a scenes show. 

"I can't, they're maids here" she whispered, 

"Then I'm not leaving,"  I think she hates the way we stands too close to each other, she was so nervous and same time scared. 

"I'm waiting?" 

"March" she whispered, place my ears close to her lovely lips, pretending I couldn't hear her. I want her to scream out my name for others ears to hear it too.


"I can't hear you" 

She became frustrated, and shout out my name without her realizing it.

"Marcus!" She shout, eyes closed, and flew her hands over her mouth. I smirks

"That's nice" I turned and saw Lady Pearl, she seem anger as her face cupped up with no emotions. I smiles wipe off.

"Can you exuse us Sir Marcus?" She asked, from her tome I know something is wrong. Isabella seem more frighten and nervously, her fingers keeps on pinning on each other continuously.