
Chapter 3 of chapter 2 under his burtality

Under his burtality....

"This is especially for you" now I understand the meaning of that word Lady Pearl said to me earlier ago.

His handmaid? Why me ? Of all the amazing maids standing before him, he choose me? 

I never wanted this, never! One thing I was scared of being a handmaid finally become my image. 

" Why are you crying? You should saved them for another day" 

The sorrow on my face amused him, like it given him life to see people suffered. From all lords I ended up being his Handmaid? The Master of the house? 

I felt like the ground should opened and swallow me up, cause this is a nightmares I could never escape from. 

"Is there anything you need my lord?" Lady Pearl asked, ensuring if that all he wants. 

His deadly gaze were still on me, " my room need cleans" he slowly said, 

"I want to see you in within two minutes"  he burst back, walking away, 

"All dismiss!" He ordered, never shows a sight of his gaze on them. 

This is hell on earth...

All maids starts disappearing, some looks at me with pity and some with thoughts of hatred. I couldn't move as l stands stillness enforcing on my life. What the hell have I done to deserve all these! I'm once a slave and now forever a slave to a burtal master. 

I remains stillness, Lady Pearl walks up to me. 

"He hates be kept waiting" She said, no emotions show on her face, as she seem like a copied of her Master. "Get your equipment and move to his chamber, the one with the fancy door in the top last floor" she described.

"Yes My lady" she left without another word, I wipe off my tears and went to get all I needed for the cleaning and head to the his chamber. 

Here I'm, standing shrivering at the fancy door, just as lady Pearl have describe, is indeed fancier than all doors in the mansion. 

His chamber was in the last floor in the building, there was no others rooms or doors except one and that lead to his chamber. 

I wonder why he chosen to separate himself from others, and lives this part alone. I haven't come to this path of the Mansion before, didn't know if this place do exist in this building. 

Why I'm even thinking, he's the lord by the way....and the master of the house. 

It's took me almost two hours arriving there, he told me, he wants to see me in two minutes how was that possible with all the long stairs climbing before getting here. 

I stayed stillness, which I knocked? I questioned myself trying to gets  a better way to faced this situation. 

Then I knocked after three minutes of thinking. The door opened widened for me.

I walked in, I saw a guard man standing at the entrance of the door. 

"You're late!" He roars, looking fiercely at me,

He sat on a fancy couch, seemed shirtless looking amazing handsome, I blinks my eyes to avoid that burning eyes. 

"I'm... sorry My lord, the steps were too long to climb" I said stermmer. 

He slaps his finger,  immediately the guard man gets out. 

"Come here" he command, I found my legs walking on their own towards him. 

He grins, "Good girl"  his words are like a hitting stone on my skin, I couldn't help but stumbled at the sound of his voice. 


I stopped few feets away from him. 

He stood up, walking sliently to me, his steps trouble my heart as my face buried on the ground. He was close, too close.

His huge smooth chest was close to my face display my shortest before him. sighting the incredible shape of his body, his hair fall wetting covering his eyes sight.

He played his fingers crossed it, to view that immortal face of his. 

"Little black lamb" he said, touching my hair.

I felt his fierce breath on me, chilling down my spine.  

"On your first day you choose to be stubborn, huh? " 

"No....no .. my lord" I shakily said, 

"Looks into my eyes,  I want to see your face" 

I slightly look up, swallow up my saliva,

"what do you think?"  His fiery eyes couldn't give me a chance to blinks. 

"H-how what? m-my lord" my words breaks, 

"Being my handmaid" 

"Nothing my lord" I looked down feeling , illuminated by his looks. 

"I say look into my eyes when I'm talking to you" his voice sounds colder than before. 

I instantly looks back to his face. 

"That's my girl " his eyes speaks of lustful desire towards me, I felt my mouth watery for every words that comes out. 

"You belong to me now, Little black lamb" he smirks, flirted his fingers crossed my lips, i felt my body moves by his touch, for the first time I felt this way. How? What kind of feelings I'm experiencing? 

"Get your job done before I comes back"   he jerks on his coast and evacuated from the room with his last glance on me. " be fast" he gripped.

I quickly drops off all my requirements I  bought with me. Breathing so fast to caught up my breath. What the heck just occurred, I hold on to my chest to catch up my breathe before I runs out of air. Then my eyes catch the fabulous sight of his chamber, the huge curtain fall down spread aside glimpsing the huge size of the window. I looked around and see there're not too much stuff in the room. There's just a huge table and a stool behind it,  along the other side lay a couch the one he sat on before I entered the room. 

It's seem more like a study room to me. But the wall were stunning with amazing art work display on it.  A vast book laying on the a well arranged cupboard. I looked up the roof, it was out of the world, the lamb lashed to it, was in elegant made for higher men in the society like him.  

The pebble floor colors was my favorite. I stands astonished, shifted to others rooms like his bedroom, bathroom and even the toilet all was remarkable out of the world. I couldn't believe to the sight of all his chamber  spaces I have viewed. There's even a library in one of the rooms. If I keep on adventure the house, I wouldn't get things done before he comes back. 

Quickly I starts working, cleaning and doing everything fast as possible, I wouldn't like to face his punishment on me on my first day of duties. 

Within 30 minutes, I was done with every chores. I sighed tiredness, starting at my well done job. At least, all was done. I can leave before he comes back. 

Just that moment, I heard the door crack, 

"Where are you going" his deep fighting voice asked,  I turned my gazed terrifying, 

He seemed cold and his eyes seem more furious. 

"My lord, I'm done with my chores" I simply replied, placing my head down. 

He looked around, and sighed, I couldn't looks at his face. I was scared of what reaction I'm going to see. 

"You can go" he simply replied, tracking his way to the bathroom, he seems colder, what must have upset him? 

"My lord, is there's anything you need?" I couldn't believe myself I have boldness to asked that. 

He turns " I see you want more" 

I didn't get what he meant by that but I breathe in, "My lord, I'm just following what I'm told to do, serve you" 

He didn't move from the spot he was standing, he rest his back on the wall and gazed at me flameless, examine me from head to toe, My heart pounds to every gaze on me, like his eyes piercing through my soul. 

I heard he smirks, " What a lovely black lamb you're. Now, get out" his voice even colder and dangerous. 

I couldn't respond but pack my requirements and left for the door before I could lay my hands on the doorknob, it opens on it own.

To my surprise, a set of whores were waiting outside lead by no one but Lady Pearl. She still seem serious and cold, I bow down to greeted her but didn't respond, or cares if I was there. 

"What are you still doing there?!" He growled,

"Haven't I told you to get the hell out!"

I was shrivering, and ran out immediately without hesitation. The stairs were still hard to climb on, I tried to getting down as fast I can. The time has gone far, when I gets to Hall, Emma was already waiting to question the hell out of me, what happened?, And what did the master said to me, every details she wants to know. 

"Welcome back" she said, As I enter, All eyes gulped at me and I can also hear whispering but they're slient hard to evadropping on them. 

She drags on my hand, " it' time to tell me what you have done to be chosen as his handmaid"  she smiled...

"Emma, I'm really tried and need to rest before we're summoned to the kitchen"

"But there're still chances the better you used they, the best for us"