
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 6- Relocating

Abigail opened her eyes widely. She looked around seeing no sight of Puddin. As she sat up, her eyes came in contact with the last person she wanted to see, a forbidden face.

"Relax, Your Cat is with me" An obnoxious voice submerged from a distance as her eyes met Carol's. He was comfortably sitting on the chair close to the window and in his hands was Puddin.

Softly stroking his black fur, Abigail didn't seem pleased one bit.

Ever since her Mother's death, No one has been allowed to enter her room. Not even her sister or her Father, Let alone an unknown stranger.

"What are you doing in my Room!" She jumps both shocked and angrily.

"Wow, you even look pretty when you sleep. I've been here for the past 30 minutes now-" He smirked while petting the Cat.

Abigail started to breathe heavily and roared once more


Carol smirked at Abigail who didn't seem to be in the mood.

"To remind you about the wedding, It's in 8 days you know." Carol pointed out

"So you came here to remind me of something depressing? You are a shameless bastard" Abigail's tongue sliced an insult but she care less.

"Watch your mouth-" Carol stands up from the chair in rage as he walks closer to Abigail, leaning at the side of the bed.

"Or I shall cut thy tongue" He whispers with a manipulative smirk on his face, only making Abigail feel a lot more threatened. Abigail couldn't stand his sight and the fact that he was taking everything! even a threat as entertainment.

"I rather die than marry someone like you. Guess the rumours were true" Abigail voiced but as she rather expected his sarcasm, she was surprised when the smirk on his face slowly faded into a bewildering death glare. This was rather the first time she realized how scary his glare was.

Moments later, Carol stands up from the bedside, turning his back on her and heading to the doorway. As he twists the door nob to open, he turns side profile and mutters

"Kill yourself for all I care. You're just useful for bearing kids anyways"

He slams the door, but just a couple of seconds after he shuts the door, Abigail throws a glass plate straight at him but instantly misses. As the glass shattered on the ground, Abigail began to exhaustedly yank her hair, unbeatable tears leaving her eyes.



Carol starts to walk down the halls in furious speed. He didn't think his conversation with Abigail will end up like this, at the same time, it was expected.

'Shameless Bastard' he scoffed unbelievably.

Moments after, he stumbled upon Beatrice who gave out this irritated look.

"Are you coming from Abigail's room?" She questioned, timidly staring in his green eyes.

'Yes' he answers firmly and just as he was about to pass, Beatrice grabbed his shoulder.

"Did you tell her anything? About us?" Beatrice murmurs in a serious tone but Carol lightly realeases her grip from his tunic.

"No... And it would better for it to stay that way"

Without saying anything else, he walks away and shuts the main door behind him, leaving Beatrice standing there speechless



Abigail stepped into his father's room wearing a purple dress and her hair perfectly style.

"You called" Abigail enters his room curteying respectfully at him. Standing up firmly, her eyes instantly caught up with Carol who was equally sitting on the ground supported with a pillow.

Abigail couldn't help but scoff unable to believe her eyes. In a matter of days, Ronald has already gotten a little too linent around Carol.

With no words attached, she sits next to Carol, staring down at the ground. She knew it was probably about the engagement and there's no good she can do to change his father's mind or slip out the engagement. Everytime she tries to convince her father, he stood his ground.

"This evening-" He speaks.

"You're gonna be moving in Prince's Carol castle until the wedding"

Abigail couldn't believe her ears. Her heart dropped, shattering into a million pieces. Even words couldn't explain how traumatizing she felt.

"Excuse me?" she gagged thinking she must have misunderstood him.

"You heard me. This Evening, you would be leaving the castle and move with the Prince. I've already told the head maids to carry all of your belongings into the carriage-" Ronald repeated.

Unexpectedly, Abigail begins to burst into laughter like she had just heard a funny joke.

"I'm sorry, this must be a joke." She implies but judging the serious expression on the Emperor's face, it was obvious this was no laughing matter.

He meant every word.

"From today, you leave the castle and move in with Carol, from there, The wedding will take place."