
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 7- Memories of dawn

"You do wanna get rid of me?" Abigail speaks. Her voice shaking in pain. She looks deep into Ronald's eyes as she speaks. She needed to know if it was just punishment or just part of his pranks.

"Abigail-" Ronald calls but Abigail interrupts

"Ever since Mum died you've been acting so relentless and weak! You've turned into this cold remorseful person that I can't even recognize! I didn't think you'd scoop this low!" She yelled at the top of her lungs but all she got for a response was his silence.

Noticing the choked atmosphere, Carol cleared his throat before standing on his feet.

"I'll leave you two some space, excuse me" he stands up to leave

"No. sit. You're part of the family now" Ronald spits out only making Abigail more pissed than before.

"Are you joking right now? FATHER-" Abigail roared but before she could say more, Ronald snapped back remorsefully.

"That's enough! You're moving to the east and that is THAT! Like it or not, he is now your responsibility. Don't you dare forget who you are speaking with"

Abigail looks at her father with sadness and betrayal in her eyes. She never thought her Father would abandon or dismiss her like she was trash. Out of words, she stands on her feet and bites her lips so hard, it caused blood to drench down her mouth. Upset, Abigail storms out of her Father's room and enters her room only to be greeted by a bunch of maids gathering her clothes and her possessions into a suitcase.

The minute the maids noticed her presence, they greeted her with a curtsey.

"W-what are you doing?" She demands.

"The emperor ordered us to pack your belongings into Emperor Carol's carriage." Mary, the head maid answers.

Abigail stayed silent. Nothing she could do or say will change the fact that she'd become the wife to Carol, so why bother trying? But, she figured that the only way to live in peace was not to argue any further, neither will she give up on her freedom. Her only hope was to change her methods from being stubborn to becoming a lot more relentless and brutal.

But the most beneficial task she has to play was creating a horrible image of herself. This time, Carol will be the one begging to leave the marriage.

"Your Majesty?" A thin voice woke her out of her thoughts as she turns around to see Cara with a worrisome look in her eyes.

"Do you have to go?" she voiced, her voice shaking with disappointment

"it's only for a while. don't worry " Abigail lightly placed her hand on her shoulders mixed with a soft smile on her face.

"I'll be back before you know it," Abigail says.

Abigail she didn't know when she will be back, all she knew was if she achieves her goal in breaking Carol apart from her life, then her return back to the castle might be ALOT more sooner than expected.

HOURS AFTER THE PACKING, Abigail followed the rest of the servants outside the castle gates as they loaded the carriage with her belongings.

Luckily, Carol had headed back to the west hours before before according to him, he had something important to do but Abigail felt a little more relieved that the both of them don't have to share the same carriage.

To her, it's like locking 2 different species of predators in the same room and expecting them to bond either way.

"Ma'am. We are all ready." The Coachman announced after checking the tyre just in case.

"Ok," Abigail says about to step into the carriage.

"Aren't you gonna tell His Majesty that you are leaving?" The Coachman asked in confusion.

Abigail looked up at the window of his room where she could see Ronald staring down at me numbly. His expression didn't change. It's always been that cold, resentful look on his face. Not even her Sister or Step Mother could make a minute of their time to greet her Farewell. As much as it hurts, she had to focus on where this will lead.

"No," Abigail answered firmly as she stepped into the carriage, facing the other direction.

"As you wish your Majesty" He closes the door but before he could turn around to enter the carriage, A voice called out to Abigail instantly catching her attention.

"Your Majesty wait!" Yelled Cara who approached the carriage while holding Puddin in her hands.

"Your Highness-" She slightly opens the door.

"Don't forget about this little one. If you ever feel lonely, Puddin will be there to listen to you" Cara smiled at Abigail as she passes over Puddins.

Abigail held Puddin up high, tears almost falling off her eyes but she didn't show how overwhelming or breath taken she felt.

"Thank you, Cara. Really-"



The Carriage begins to move as Abigail slumbed at the back of the Carriage. As she counts the tress pass by to lecture time, every memory she has of this place started to flash Infront of her eyes. Even when her Mother and her used to run in the gardens with Beatrice....

Every part of the castle was all memories.