
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 4- Escape or Sabotage?

Abigail jolted up from the bed with unstable breathing and an irrational headache.

She looked around her surroundings and let out a groan once she realized where she was.

Her room...

"Did I pass out? Or was it all a dream?" She frankly touched her head trying to remember what happened earlier.

"Yes. You passed out in the hallways" Beatrice, who she didn't notice earlier answered in a low tone.

She hissed and collapsed back on the bed, Her hands covering her eyes.

"Was the marriage called off or was everything just a nightmare?" Abigail muttered

"No, it's real. You've been out for 3 hours now" Beatrice let out a relieved sigh as she put away the book she was reading.

"The Doctor said that you were shocked. Which left you in a stroke"

"Are you feeling any better?" Beatrice curiously asked.

Abigail slid down her bed about to get up but her body gave up on her instantly. She felt a lot weaker than normal. Without replying, she weakly stood up from bed, her legs shaking from grieve of tiresome, and her hands touching any surface that could retain her balance. There was no way she could stay here, not when her whole family had gone against her will. Running away would have been a choice, but at the same time, she knew that doing that would only make her situation of leaving in peace worse than being Betrothed.

"Where are you going?" Beatrice folded her arms while shooting out a questioning look.

"To get a break from this madness" Abigail answered firmly, slowly leaving the room even though her body felt like collapsing to the ground.

"Abigail you haven't fully healed. The doctor said you should stay in bed for at least 2 days." Beatrice stood up convincingly as Abigail stopped in her tracks to catch her breath conveniently trying not to give in to her stamina.

"Prince Carol-" Beatrice cut in and paused seeing the Irritated look Abigail showed calling out his name.

"Carried you back here. He was really worried about you and was here for 2 hours while you were unconscious" She continued but Abigail scowed and let out a chuckle in disbelief. Abigail turned to her sister and grinned foolishly at her, "Am I supposed to praise him now" She dropped her smile with a tormented look of pain dashing on her face.

"Did you think that would make me feel better Beatrice!" she roared trying not to shed a tear as she spoke in pain and denial. Beatrice was shocked, this was the first time Abigail had ever yelled at her,

"Beatrice I'm tired of every one of you thinking things are gonna work out between Prince Carol and me!" Abigail continued in a furious tone

"Ever since you guys agreed to marry me over to Carol, you guys shut me off! You didn't explain a single detail on why I'm doing this in the first place!"

Beatrice clinched her dress with a heavy tongue unable to look Abigail in the eyes, being addressed by Abigail in this case felt like she was giving out a speech to billions of people but at the same time, Beatrice looked like she had a lot of things to say that wasn't explainable.

"Beatrice I'm tired of every one of you thinking things are gonna work out between Prince Carol and me!" Abigail continued in a furious tone

"Ever since you guys agreed to marry me over to Carol, you guys shut me off! You didn't explain a single detail on why I'm doing this in the first place!"

Beatrice clinched her dress with a heavy tongue unable to look Abigail in the eyes, being addressed by Abigail felt like she was giving out a speech to billions of people but at the same time, Beatrice looked like she had a lot of things to say that wasn't explainable.

Abigail hissed at Beatrice who was silent as always, Ever since Abigail knew about the marriage, Beatrice had been trying to isolate herself from any slight information referring to Abigail's engagement to Carol.

"I see how it's gonna be" Abigail answered as she bit her lower lip disappointed. She simultaneously gave Beatrice the cold shoulder and left the room ending their discussion.

Abigail abruptly left making her way out of the castle. She needed some fresh air; the only way she could achieve that was a long walk. She was about to leave the fortress but something made her question her fate.

The sound of thunder abrupted her thoughts as the rain instantly poured out of the sky.

"Just my luck" she muttered to herself staying put on the front porch leading to the hallways.

Abigail looked up at the cloudy sky, It was darker than she thought it would be on a normal day, and it looked like the rain was going to pour all night. Letting out a repeated sigh, she stretched her hands forward as the rain lightly touched her palms, Without even hesitating, she let herself into the rain not minding the fact that she was getting soaked. She felt more alive as the rain poured even more.

In the middle of enjoying the moment, she heard a sound under a pillar, curious enough, it caught her attention and she couldn't help but follow the sound. As the sound of whimpers got closer, she approached the pillar and was astonished to see a black kitten on the ground shivering.