
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 3- Control

Abigail walked down the hallways while heading to the dining room where the meeting was held.

The doors to the royale dining spread open as her eyes scanned the room which was flooded with feast and the laughter of her relatives, most of all, an unfamiliar face from up close.

It didn't take Abigail long to recognize those green mischievous eyes, the limping smirk of a seductive vampire and that long unmatchable hair collaborated with his matching attire just like hers. Pushing aside the discomfort, Abigail beamed the fakest smile she could do as she bowed deeply with pleasure

"Greetings to his Royale Highness of the East" Abigail curtseys politely, her smile so bright.

"How nice of you to join us Abigail" Ronald welcomed her with a gesturing smile as she sat opposing Carol.

"You look pretty her Majesty" Carol complemented in a deep but cold tone. Glaring back at him, Abigail flicked her hair back and picked up the cutleries cutting contact with him.

"Tell me something I don't hear every day" she voiced with pride as Ronald lightly nudged her while putting on a weak uncomfortable smile

"A thank you would be just fine" he whispers roughly unable to drop his beaming obvious smile.

"Of course, Thank you for forcing me to marry a self-centred king" Abigail stated in an obnoxious tone.

"Self-centered? That's rude of you my queen" Carol's voice cracked as he poured a glass of water for himself

"It wasn't meant to be nice either" She answered coldly as she zipped a glass of wine while enduring his exhilarating glare from up close.

Noticing her intolerance, Ronald purposely forged a cough gathering everyone's attention.

"So! Abigail!" Ronald pointed out

Why don't you tell Carol about your hobbies and talents?" He changed the subject

"I rather not. It's personal" Abigail answered sternly.

"How smart of you to say. I didn't realize I was dealing with an Ineptitude Ruler" Carol voiced as Ronald choked in his glass of water.

Then and there, Abigail's face flushed with anger and embarrassment.

'Did he just call me a Ruler with no abilities or skills?'

"I never said I was talentless Your Highness, if anything, you're the one to have such characteristics judging by all the rumours," Abigail argued back.

"Is this a threat?" Carol smirked flawlessly instantly giving Abigail shivers down her spine but instead of feeling intimidated by him, her pride just kicked in at the wrongest moment

"That's your assumption. But I'm guessing you already know" Abigail grinned as Ronald interfered noticing how offhand the situation was.

"No No, Your Highness! That's not what she meant! She didn't mean a thing" Ronald denies softly but it was too late. The fury in the eyes of the Prince already did the speaking.

The Prince stood up and approached the door as Ronald pleaded for Abigail's behaviour. Abigail lets out a relieved sigh that the nightmare is finally over. She couldn't care less about the scolding she'd get from her father for ruining his image because even after his lecture, she would be roaming around free without ever worrying about getting engaged to Prince Carol. Just as she thought he was about to leave, Prince Carol stopped in his tracks.

"We are getting married in 10 days." He voiced in an unexplainable tone as he the guards spread the main door open for his exit.

Hearing those words, Abigail jolted off her chair unable to believe her ears.

"Excuse me?!" Before she could even come up with words, the emperor left the dining room leaving Abigail dumbfounded. Abigail's heart started to beat uncontrollably and before she knew it, she immediately found herself chasing after him with Beatrice behind her inconveniently

"Abigail that's enough!" Beatrice chases after her but Abigail isn't ready to accept this. She needed to fix this one way or another

"Your Highness" Abigail screams out to him but he ignores her call countless times.

The more steps Abigail took, the more her vision began to blur until everything around her turned pitch black.

"Your High-" Abigail called again but this time, she stopped in her heels as she felt her body give up on her and was visually convinced by the darkness that surrounded her. The only thing she remembered was the Thug her body made on the ground and the sound of her heartbeat pressured by the Priceless look on Prince Carol's face.

Cold and unconcerned... Why did she expect him to run over to me being the only person that saw her unconscious body on the ground? The only thing her ears could hear before she passed out was the sound of his footsteps walking away Like nothing ever happened.

There was only one thing she knew, Death would have been a whole lot better than marrying him.

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