
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
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10 Chs

"Separate Identity"

Saint Domingue colony,

In the middle of city A, the high end residential area is located. almost half of the upper class family manors are situated here. The colony is formed in u-shape, houses surround the man-made lake garden in the middle.

Natural greenery and clean environment makes this residential area highly sought after. On the most inner side of the colony stands a triple-story manor.

Surrounding was peaceful, serene with the best view of the lake garden and it can be considered a perfect place for recuperation. But currently the triple-story Su Manor is fully lit with a lot of hustle and bustle.

Today is the 70th birthday of old man Su, Su Chiyu. the Su family owns weaponry business and has a strong foothold in city A with connections in both government and underworld. The Su family business expanded the most under Su Chiyu leadership. He was connected with all forms of life from royalties to impoverished and is highly respected man with great influence.

As Su family is at top of the city A upper class and well-connected. A lot of important guests were invited today. So the security of the area is uncompromising tight, as not even a bird can enter the area without permission.

At the moment, the main villa was full of activities as banquet time was near, entire villa was brightly lit with soft music playing. In contrast to the noisy mansion, guest villa at the backside of the manor was quiet and dark as not a single light was on.

On the second floor of villa, a thumping sound could be heard. As it was quiet, the sound spread through the whole second floor. Sound of flesh hitting flesh comes from the innermost room with a woman's sexy moans and man's panting.

Inside the room, curtains were drawn and under the light from table lamp, two entangled figures can be seen on the bed. The woman's hair was blonde coloured. She was not a stunning beauty like Han Li, but her phoenix eyes made her little attractive.

Man's face could not be seen clearly in dimly lit room. He has a muscular build and toned skin, and sweat on his body clearly indicates that he just exercised.

Suddenly woman's indifferent voice rang out. "Get up and clean"

The muscular man got up from bed as ordered and went into bathroom and got a towel which he threw toward her.

"Tsk, Don't forget who you are right now" catching the towel, said woman.

Man gave no response to that. After changing his clothes, he headed outside.

Su Xi suddenly said "Transfer my massage to Sir, if he helps me take over Su family, I am willing to provide him with exclusive firearms designs. Moreover, our Su family has been in close contact with IG for over a decade. If he wants to capture a dragon he will have to choose a suitable bait." hearing that, the man paused for a moment before heading outside.

Su Xi got up after some rest. She got dressed and re-applied her makeup, before standing in front of full length mirror.

Although she has innocent eyes, currently they are filled with malice. Her pure looks are just a facade to hide the evilness of her heart.

She was wearing light yellow evening tulle strapless dress. The hems of dress, which are shining bright due to glitter, lay loosely on the floor. The dress makes her look slimmer and taller. It suits her body shape perfectly.

Just one year, everything and everyone who is against her will turn into dust. Su Xi's eyes flashed with cunning light as she made her way towards the main building.


IG corporation,

First floor,


Elevator door opens and Heng Yu makes his way towards car parking to get the car. Behind him Mo Long and Ling Yi were talking. There was no one in company at the moment as all the employees were given half day off.


Second elevator door opens and Li Yushen comes out with Han Li following behind, wearing evening gown, looking staggering, she makes her way towards the entrance.

Li Yushen went to get the car, Han Li stood in the driveway with Mo Long and Ling Yi. Mo Long lives near Greenberg area, so he will be going with Heng Yu, who's going to drop him home before heading to their apartment building with Ling Yi.

"Lili are you planning on permanently stay there?" Asked Mo Long.


"I... Um, I mean.." he stammered.

"Say it"

"I also wish to go back. My roots are there, and I have been away from my family for so long... Don't worry I will take care of all network here before going. The information network here will still work the same even without me. On the other hand you will be need me more there....um.."

Han li side eyed him.

"Just say directly if you want boss to become your brand model" Ling Yi standing at side, couldn't stand his stammering.

"Miss Ling Yi, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Having his thoughts exposed, Mo Long criticised her.

Ling Yi rolled her eyes at him before speaking "As if no one knows your little thoughts."

Ignoring her, he continued "Well, Lili, you would need a separate identity later, so why not transfer brands headquarter there and you become my brand model? We will get whatever we need from it. With you looks, "Beauty" name will spread faster in the mainland, which will be useful for collecting information" he explained with excitement.

Han Li smiled and replied casually, "I'll think about it later."

Right then, a Roll Royce Phantom stopped in front of them, Mo Long and LingYi sat in it. Heng Yu sitting in front rolled down driver seats window, before he waved his hand towards Han Li.

"Goodbye boss" said Heng Yu

"Hmm, have a good evening."

Hello little faires,

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