
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

CHAPTER 21 & 22




"Who the fuck are you??"

"I'm the mafia's bride!", she said crazily.

"What the f^ck do you mean by mafia's bride!" He said as he furrowed his brows.

She then walked slowly to him, he then took slow steps back. Until his back hit the wall and she was just a few feet away from him.

"Are you okay!?" He asked, she looked like someone who was drunk.

"Have sex with me...or aren't I sexy enough!?" She said as she took her hands to his groin and grabbed his manhood and played with it making it hard.

His eyes widened with excitement she really was hot, and he didn't want to waste such an opportunity.

"Come on baby Im really h^rny and I promise to make our time worth it!" She said as she took her lower lips in for a suck making her look dangerously sexy.

He the wrapped his hands over her shoulders and walked her to his car and drove to a nearby hotel.

He had booked a room for him and Shimmer that night but since she left, he would rather spend it on her.

They entered and she locked the door and pushed him to the bed and came on top of him and kissed his neck sexily, making him groan.

"F^ck!!!" He cursed and she removed his shirt and went straight for his trousers.

"Lemme handle you!" She said as she removed his trousers and boxers and looked at him naked.

He then closed his eyes awaiting the pleasure but then he screamed.

"Arrrgh!!!!!!!" He yelled, as he placed his hands in-between his legs to hold the blood.

His d^ck was on the floor and she was holding a knife dangerously.

"What the F^ck??, why would you do that?" He said as tears started dripping from his eyes.

She then smirked and said

"I never knew seducing a male whore could be this easy" she then picked his erect penis which was on the floor and said

"You love f^cking women right.!" She then picked out a lighter from the drawer and lot it on fire and said

"Turn around!"

"What why?" He asked as his vision got blurry.

"She then brought out her pistol and shot his legs with two bullets and then his hands she then looked at his bidy on the floor in the pool of it own blood.

She then turned on the lighter and burned the curtain and removed it burning his body and leaving the room.

Luckily everyone in the hotel had evacuated so she then snapped her fingers and the building blew up she then scoffed at the burning building before her ride came.



Brian sighed again, this was his 7th attempt to find Dora but it seemed as though she was wiped out from the face of the earth.

He wanted to marry her, he knew she wouldn't agree but the only way for him to get Silver's properties is to marry Dora.

She was his way to get revenge, but it seem like as though she didn't exist.

He then tried again before giving up for that day.



"Valentino is dead?" He asked, still in shock they had just heard the news, how did he die, he had tightened security.

"Do you know who killed him??" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"Sir we don't know"


He cursed as he stood up from the table.

"Okay I'll see what I can do!" He added

He then cut the call and breathed out.

"Sir we are scared!"

"Don't worry nothing will happen!"

He coaxed them all, he then excused them and continued working on his computer. He then looked at the picture of McKenzie and smiled, she was his next prey.

She had been having some suspicious movement for a while now and she looked like as though she had something to hide.



Dora smirked at her work and lit a cigar, had puffed some smoke out through her nose and mouth and relaxed more on the chair.

"I think it's time for Ms. Theodora de Silver to come out form hiding!"

"What do you mean boss?" Ethan asked looking at Dora with confusion clearly written on his face.

"I've been hiding for two months and if I wait any longer Brian might do something stupid!"

"Are you sure it what you want?" Kenna asked.

"I know you care about me but I'll be fine!"

"Coz you are the Bloody angel!",Ethan said with a smirk and Dora smirked back.

"You'll be my PA's okay!"

"Okay Ill get dressed for tomorrow!....it's tomorrow right?" Kenna asked

"Yes it is so get me some sexy office wears!" Dora said as she excused them and went into her room.


Katelyn had just come out of the shower, she hadn't really gotten time for herself since she was trying to catch Valentino.

She then carried her hair towel and caressed her head massaging it slowly.

"Ooh thats so f^cking good!" She moaned, she missed having a hair massage.

Her door opened slowly but she didn't notice she was lost in the pleasure.

He then came and hugged her from behind,she was first shocked but she looked back and saw Draco.

She then pushed him off.

"TF are you a thief..I told you not to enter my room without knocking!"

"I'm the love of your life why can't I enter as I please!"

She then rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Love of my life....My foot!"

"Hey I told you not to say anything like that...you are my bae forever!"

"Eww that's gross!"

He then held her waist again as their body pressed against each other their heats resonatijg against each other.

He then kissed her neck, leaving a lingering kiss there as he kissed her neck earning a moan from her.

"Did you just moan...?!

"Shut up, f^ck you!" She said as she pushed him.

"Love you!" He said playfully.

She then locked her door as soon as he left. Why can't he just notice her feelings isn't it obvious?. She then sighed in disappointment and went to bed.

She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.



Dora got up early that morning, she looked at herself in the mirror before standing up to have her bath.

She wore a light brown business lady suit, she let her long wavy hair flow downnto her waist. She then rubbed some lip gloss and carried her briefcase and went downstairs.

Ethan had prepared a car for her and McKenzie was neatly seated in the car wearing her own business suit.

Ethan then bowed at her and said

"Looking beautiful boss!"

"Thank you!" She said with no emotion on her face and entered the car.

"Bye boss!!" Katelyn, Draco, Stanley and Tiffany said in unison.

"Bye Ethan!" They still said in unison.

Ethan smiled at them and entered the car. They then drove off.

"So what do we do?"Stanley said.

"How about a game of truth and dare!" Tiffany said with a naughty smirk.

"Ok, I'm in...what of you Katelyn?" Draco asked.

Katelyn hesitated before answering.




The Grey Lamborghini pulled over in front of the 50 story building, it had so many levels one would think that it would lead to heaven.

She then alighted from the car as the breeze kissed her hair making it wave around. She then used her fingers to arrange her hair before taking off her shades.

She then walked into the building as her heels kissed the floor loudly, her aura excluded elegancy and Grace.

👥"Who is she?"

👥"She looks so gorgeous!"

👥"Is she real....she looks like a doll!"

👥"She looks so savage!"

👥"I love her rose tattoo!"

She then flung her hair backwards and went into the meeting room.

Everyone was talking making the place rowdy. Some wew wondering who called the meeting, some were wondering why the meeting was called.

Then she entered and sat at the end of the room as she stared at them with her hands holding her face.

She then cleared her throat and everywhere became silent they all turned their gaze to her.

The men stared at her lustfully while the women looked at her with jealousy.

"Who are you?!" On os the shareholders asked.

"I'm Ms. Theodora de Silver..the wife of Late Mr Leonardo De Silver!"

"What's with the intro, why are you here?" One of the ladies said rudely.

Ethan scoffed and wanted to teach her a lesson when Dora held his hands.

She then continued.

"I came to take my husband's company back!"

"How can you come back after two months later to take over what I've already been working hard for!" Gordon said.

Gordon was the one who had been managing the comp since so he had to speak up.

"F^ck off!!..I'm in charge now!"

"Excuse me!"

"Do you need proof!?" She asked with a raised brow.

He then nodded and Kenna stepped forward and dropped a document in front of Gordon.

He then scoffed and removed the documents form the brown envelope, he then read through it and it said boldly.


Gordon was shocked, he then glanced at her and saw she was smirkimg wickedly.

"Now f^ck off lemme handle my business!"

"I won't leave!"

"Ethan handle him!'

"Yes ma'am!" He then walked to him and dragged him out of the meeting room and they continued the meeting.

When they were done, Dora went to her office she then sat on the chair and waited for the worker to get the room ready.

She then smirked at her work

"I hope I'm making u proud!"and rested her head.


They all sat in a circle and started spinning the bottle and it landed on Draco

"Truth or dare?!" Stanley asked him.

"Dare!" He said confidently.

"I dare you to kiss your crush!" He said with excitement like a little kid.

Draco stood up and started walking slowly, Katelyn's heart raced, was it gonna be her??, she wasn't ready yet!.

He then kissed Tiffany who was beside her and her heart broke.

"Woah!!" Stanley said

"so you like Tiffany really wow!"

Tiffany responded to the kiss in a way that satisfied him then they broke away from each other

He really didn't like her at all did he.

He then went back to his seat and He spinned the bottle

It landed on Katelyn he then said

"T or D?!"


"Since when did you start having feelings for Stanley!" She then rolled her eyes and said

"I don't really have feelings for him!"

Stanley was a little sad, he actually had feelings for her, they had been friends since childhood but to him the relationship had deepened. But it seems she doesn't feel the same way.



She sat in the office as she prepared for her press conference, she wasn't just reviewing some other little last minute stuff before the door opened and Kenna stepped in.

"Are you ready?!" She asked as she took huge steps to where she was, she then hugged her tight before whispering in her ears.

"You'll do well sis!" She then stood up and left.

Dora chuckled and went out of the office, she then got to the place where the press conference was held and climbed on the stage and said

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, I don't really have much to say but you guys should know by niw that they have being a restructuring in the administration of SILEO CORP. So ask your unending questions."

🎙️" Where have you been?"


🎙️"Why did you take this position?"

"Because I'm Dora I take what I want!..next"

🎙️"Have you found your husband's killer?" One reporter asked Dora and she froze.

"When I find him I'll torture him so much that he would wish for death!" She threatened.

Everyone gulped and went silent she then came down from the stage.


"You did well except for the last part when u blurted out your plan!" Kenna said

"Don't worry I have things under control!" Dora rolled her eyes.

The door then opened and a head peeped in and it was a young man, he then sat down in the office after a bow.

"Good day ma'am I'm Usher King" he said with a sly smile. Kenna's heart skipped a beat


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