
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

CHAPTER 23 & 24




The door then opened and a head peeped in and it was a young man, he then sat down in the office after a bow.

"Good day ma'am I'm Usher King" he said with a sly smile. Her heart skipped a beat

"Oh are you the new intern?" McKenzie asked with her gaze still on him.

"Yes ma'am, I am the new intern!"

"Great you can work under Ms. McKenzie!" Dora said as she shifted her gaze to her laptop to do some work on it.


"So um what will I do first ma'am?!" Usher asked with that smile on his face.

He smiles a lot.

"Well I'll give you some files that I want you to properly review and print okay!"

"Yes ma'am and I promise not to fail you!" He said.

They then stopped walking in front of a table and she told him that this was his desk and left.

His gaze never left her until she was out of sight.



Dora was done with her work and was on her way to her house when she got a call from Katelyn.

"We have found one of Martinez's men"

"Which one?"

"This is the last one Ma'am his name isn't mentioned but they know him as the black clover"

"Okay be right there!" She said as she cut the call and drove off to their hideout.


"So where does he live?"

"Well at this rate i can tell he is good at using computers to cancel out his location,but he was last spotted near SILEO CORP!" Katelyn said as she adjusted her lenses.

"That means that he was near our office huh, we need to be at high alert!"

"Yes ma'am I'll inform the security!"


💬Hey McKenzie!!

Hey who are you?"💬

💬It's Usher from work!

Oh Usher, how did you get💬

my number??

💬I have my ways, so what

are you doing??, have yo

u eaten??

Yeah I have and you??💬

She texted back with a smile on her face, she found him quite cute for him to text her. She wondered why but since when she saw him, she had feelings for him.

It was like love at first sight, because she felt like she knew him from somewhere he then texted.

💬Did you miss me Captain?

Wait did he just call her captain??, it was him the man she loved, he was also her childhood best friend. She loved him since but he didn't feel the same way.

She then texted

I did Roger!💬

They then texted until they both slept.



"Mmm!" She moaned as she ate the delicious cake, it been long since she ate out like this and it was beccause of Usher.

"So am I forgiven?!" He asked staring at her cutely.

"You are!",she said as her gaze didn't leave the cake. Usher chuckled at her cuteness and used his thumb to remove the cake on her mouth.

She froze instantly, he still had that effect on her, that touch electric shocking her to the core of her being.

"Are you okay you looked flushed!" He knew the effect he had on her, he wanted to check because he was about to do something.

"Yeah I am, thanks for the date!"

"Um would you like to go out some time?!"

She thought for a second and looked at him before saying

"Yes I will!"


Stanley sat on the couch, he just got back from a mission. He was asked to sell some cocaine to the drug dealers, they did in bulk which was the reason why Dora was rich.

Katelyn then entered the room, she then looked at him with tears running from her eyes.

He immediately sat up and gave her space to sit down, she then sniffed and sat on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Stanley how could he not like me?!, was I not good enough for him??,I thought you said he too felt the same way?" She as her tears rushed like a river.

Stanley had been her support all these years, she was unaware of the feelings he had for her, he had always help her through everything else that Draco put her through.

He was like her shoulder to cry on.

"What happened this time?!"

She then sniffed before wiping her tears then said

"He asked Tiffany out in front of me!"

"I told you that he wasn't right for you, there is another person who loves you out there!"

"When will I find that lucky person?"

"You will soon, okay don't cry anymore!" He said as he lifted his palm to her face and wiped her tears, she the looked at him.

He then lowered his head to her level with his eyes not leaving her lips, her eyes closed on it own and boom 💥 he kissed her.

Her lips moved in sync with his as his hands went to her back and drew imaginary circles, he then moved his tongue into her mouth deepening the kiss.

She bit his lower lips and he bit her upper lip earning a moan from her.

She then pulled away looking all flushed. Her cheeks were red, she then covered her cheeks and stood up.

He then chuckled then touched his lips before resting his head on the couch and closing his eyes with a smile on his face.



Dora had a meeting with some business partners in Korea, she had booked her flight and was ready to leave.

She then looked at her little luggage before looking at the picture of her husband Silver, she couldn't believe that he was gone.

A lone tear fell from her face as she dropped the photo before she carried her bag and went to the already prepared car.

She wanted to go alone but Ethan didn't want her to, so did Kenna, she then reluctantly entered the car with Kenna. Before Ethan started the car on their way to the airport.

All of a sudden there was a traffic jam on the road so Ethan decided to take another route.

Ethan noticed that there was a car following them from behind, he then increased his speed before he saw a dead end.

The road led into a cliff which looked like a 50 feet drop.

He then tried to use the brakes but it didn't work, the car was at full speed and the brakes weren't working.

"Boss jump out of the car!" Ethan said as he pressed the unlock button, Dora opened her car door and jumped out so did Kenna but she ended up breaking her arm.

Ethan then jumped out before the car flew to the cliff causing an explosion.

Ethan groaned in pain, before he stood up, the car which had been following them had stopped and 10 men stepped down with them all in masks.

The one who looked like their leader had a different mask, he seemed so familiar to Ethan but he shrugged off that feeling and brought out his gun.

Like that the gun fight started, Ethan killed 4 men, Kenna killed 2 guys, Dora killed the rest but one barely escaped, he was shot in the arm.

Ethan then looked at his bleeding arm, he had been shot and they didn't have a car, Kenna then called Stanley and immediately, he came with another car and drove Ethan to the hospital.

She watched as the doctor took Ethan into the emergency room, they had to remove the bullet before covering the wound.

The nurses then carried Kenna to another ward to treat her arm it was only Dora left in the corridor.

She waited for the doctor to come and give her a report of how Ethan is doing.

After an hour the doctor came and assured her that Ethan was now safe from all harm.

"He is fine now ma'am, the bullet has been successfully removed and he is actually awake you can go see him!"

"Thanks doc.!" She said before entering ward.

"How are you doing now?!" She asked with her face straight. There wasn't any emotion on her face.

"I'm good although it was weird when the needle entered my skin but I'm fine now, how is Kenna?" He asked as his eyes flashed with worry.

"She is fine as well, we will propone the meeting, we will travel next week!" She said as she made it leave when Ethan said

"Did that guy with different mask look familiar!?"

"Speaking of which yeah he did, he felt like someone I have met before, but don't worry we will catch him soon.!"

Kenna came in with her hands wrapped in a cast to keep it straight, she then walked slowly to Ethan and held his hand with her other hand. And asked

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm good thanks for asking!"

After that, they then payed the doctor before going back home.



Kenna was with some files, she wanted to hand them over to Usher since she was going home to rest thanks to her boss.

"Hey um Usher.....", she stopped as she saw that he took was in a bandaged arm

"What happened to your arm?!" Kenna asked.

"Oh that some hoodlums were having a gun fight in my are when I was coming back from work yesterday, I was shot accidentally and rushed to the hospital but I am fine now!" He said as she tried it nice his hands before Kenna said

"You can goo home, you need to rest you got injured!"

"Don't worry I'm fine give me the file!"

"What's with the cast?" He asked suddenly notcing the cast on her right arm.

"Well I fell when I was trying to get a book from the top shelf in a library, and then I broke my arm!"

"Okay I'll handle the files thanks!"

She then left and immediately bumped into a girl.

"Oh sorry!" Kenna said

The girl hissed and flung her hair backwards, before saying

"Can't you watch where you are going?"

"I said I was sorry so buzz off!"

Everyone was silent not wanting to get on the Almighty Shimmer's wrath

"How can you be so rude do you know who I am!, you feel so high and mighty because the boss gave you a position out of the blue... You and I know that you don't deserve to be in that spot!"

"I don't give a fuck about who you are all I know is that don't cross paths with me!"

She then made to pass before Shimmer slapped her.

",how dare you...you b^tch.. ill f^cking kill you!!"

She said as she slapped her back twice in both her cheeks and used her one good arm to punch her.

Dora stepped out wondering what was going on and saw Shimmer and Kenna fighting.

Kenna was about to land another hit when Dora stepped in, Shimmer's face was in a mess she then weakly turned to the direction where Dora came form only to see the woman she despised the most.

How was she the boss?

"You, what do want formr me where you sent to monitor me all my life!...you ruined my relationship and now you are at my work place!" She yelled at Dora.

Seeing this Kenna wanted to punch her already disfigured face before Dora stopped her and said

"Get off her Kenna!"

Kenna reluctantly agreed, then stood up before Shimmer weakly stood up.

"For your information I am your boss, the CEO of SILEO CORP and you have crossed a line by causing problems for the employees in this place.

"I have been getting reports about you from many employees but still gave you a chance to redeem yoursefk but you didn't!" She said.

Shimmer was quiet, she didn't really have money this was her only source of income, she had to train her little brother who was still in highschool.

"I'm sorry ma'am!"

"It's too late!!, get out!"

"Please ma'am don't do this please I beg you!"


She the left the building with her head held low, she then walked under the sun to her house.

She got home hoping that ni one would be there but saw her brother.

"Hey sis what's wrong why you down!" Kris asked cutely as he made way to his sister and hugged her tightly, she then sobbed on his shoulders.

"Whats wrong?!"

"I got fired!"

"I'm so sorry sis, its their loss for firing you!" He said as he sat her down on the couch.

He then consoled her until she slept, he the stood up and left to his room.

She then woke up hours later with the dry tears in her eyes and said.

"Theodora de Silver you are dead!"



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