

The Queen had personally groomed her for that dance. If she flopped it, it would be a disgrace to her and the Queen. Then Gwen's head would have to go for it.

"I have an idea. Princess come with me." Stealthily, Amelia led the half intoxicated Gwen out of the hall without arousing anyone's suspicions. People who saw them leave assumed she might have been going to relieve herself or probably touch up her makeup

Gwen followed blankly. She was led back to her room and made to lie down. She was drowsy now and the effect of the Alcohol was clouding her senses. Amelia left the room and returned seconds later with a bowl in her hand.

"Princess here, have a sip" She said panting heavily. She must have ran over in other to save time. She brought the spoon close to Gwen's lips and fed Gwen a few sips.

"This is a hangover soup made by the cooks. They had prepared it ahead of time in case any of the guest got drunk this night" Amelia explained. No matter how drunk most of them would be after this night, they would have to leave in the morning as they also had to attend the ball Rylica was also going to be throwing for the married couple, so the soup was there to help them a little sober.

A few more spoon sips and Gwen's eyes became clearer. The effect of the alcohol disappeared and then she was placed under a new effect.

Horror filled eyes. Gwen held her throat. "This... This soup... What was it made of?" She asked horrified to know the answer to that questy.

Amelia didn't noticed her strange look. "A few sobering herbs and Marinated Raad meat. It must taste unique. The Cooks wouldn't stop speaking about it"

Gwendolyn didn't hear the last part of Amelia's words. Her brain stopped at part she mentioned a certain name.


Oh goodness she was so dead.

She could feel the stomach ache and the itching coming up already. Just how much did the heavens hate her? Why on Earth did she have to come across Raad again?.

"Princess I should probably touch up your makeup_" Amelia cut her words short. Even with the makeup on Gwendolyn's face, the discomfort she felt was still very obvious. All the contouring hid her pale face but couldn't hide her Pallid and discomforted expression.

Gwen was holding onto her throat. Her brows furrowed and teeth gritted. She looked like she was about to breath her last.

"Princess what is the matter?" Amelia rushed to her. She was scared. She had given the hangover soup to the princess, what if she turned up with a case of food poisoning? Would they say she tried to kill the Princess? What if she really did die too? Would she have to pay with her life?

Gwen shook her head "I just have a terrible stomach ache. It must have been something in the soup" she tried to sound not too serious.

"let me go call the royal physician. He could_" her wrist was held before she could rush away to go call the physician.

"It's nothing serious. My stomach's just probably reacting to something foreign" she said this but her looks said something different.

Amelia was still fidgety. Even if it was just a case of slight headache, she couldn't possibly take the Princess health for granted,, especially not when she had just gotten married to another Kingdom. She insisted on going to call the physician but Gwen strongly refused. If the physician were to come they would diagnose her allergies and the Queen might get to hear. The Queen was not dull, she would be able to put one on one togetyet and know that Gwen had tricked her the other tine. She doesn't know what would happen if the Queen finds out that she had tricked her. One thing was for sure she would not like the outcome, so she didn't want to get a chance to see it.

With much difficulty, Gwen returned back to the ball room. She was right on time cause her dance with the Prince was brought up the next second.

Before she walked to the dancing floor. Amelia looked at her with concerned eyes. She was the only one that knew what Gwen was going through. God knows how fast her heart was beating in fear that the Princess might pass out.

The song started. Gwen and Arvcan bowed to each other. He took her hand and they both began swirling on the dance floor.

Gwen avoided his eyes. Her back was filled with cold sweat and her legs trembled a lot of times threatening to give her to the ground. She could barely swallow her own saliva. Still she didn't show.

The two of them danced in silence. She didn't say anything neither did Arvcan. Although he was fascinated by her display of anger. He still felt annoyed that she had dared to Flirt with another man and even ended up speaking to him in such a cold tone. He might he petty in his anger but he didn't seem to care.

The dance came to an end. They couldn't go their separate ways cause they had to appreciate everyone that had come one by one. When the ball was over, Gwendolyn and Arvcan walked out together.

"Have a pleasant night Prince Arvcan" Gwen bowed slightly. Albeit with much difficulty. She didn't wait to hear his response and turned to leave.

Arvcan stared at the girl leaving. She looked odd. He couldn't point what but she seemed off. Anyways who cares, He still hated her, even more since she showed her lack of respect for him.

"Get the carriage ready, I leave in five minutes" Arvcan ordered agitatedly.

Alex warned "Prince Arvcan, that would be inappropriate. You and the Princess are expected to return together tomorrow. It would be disrespecting both Kingdoms if you leave her here"

"She would also be humiliated if_" Darian's words were cut off

Arvcan who was already walking off paused. His brows locked tightly and his hand massaging the space between his brows.

"Do I look like I care?" He asked coldly "I leave in Five minutes. This place makes me tensed, I should probably drink the Nime wine to relieve my tension" he murmured the last sentence as he walked away.

Alex and Darian could only Sigh exhausted. They admit. This last few days, Arvcan had been just as angry as he was then...

Just how much did he hate this wedding?


Arvcan went back to the room he was given. He got rid of his shirt, leaving a bare swoon worthy chest then plopped himself at the wine bar and began drinking his special Nime wine.

Even he knows he had been very irritable the past few days. He was angry, he couldn't tell why or what made him angry.

He was displeased about this wedding still it shouldn't have made him this angry. What was he angry at?. This was the question he was trying to ask himself but there was no answers coming up, only frustration and agitation. Pouring another glass of the wine, he lifted the cup to his lips, intending to gulp it all at once, but then...


The room door burst open like a tornado had swarmed in. He got startled that the cup slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor. Smashed to smithereens, yet he didn't pay it a glance. He stared at the figure that was standing at the room door. Looking rather in a hurry and out of breath.

'Perhaps had she heard he was leaving her behind and had come to berate at him?' he mused then got up and began walking to her.

"Intruding into a Male's room at night, that isn't very ladylike is it?" He said half teasing and half mocking. She was a Princess so she should know, they were yet to consummate their marriage so till that time had come, they would stay away from each other's quarters. But here she was. Arvcan couldn't help but think that she might have come to actually consummate their wedding vows.

He stepped forward to taunt her about it, only to be ignored. Gwendolyn brushed past him and walked into the room.

After getting to the room. She had requested for a cold bath, hoping it could be of help to her in alleviating the spiking pain she was feeling all over her body. As two of her maids servant were preparing the bath, one of them commented that she had overheard Arvcan talk about drinking a wine made of Nime leaves.

She was in nothing but her undergarments yet she sprang to her feet and made haste towards his direction. Hoping and praying he doesn't finish it before she gets there.

As she stood at the door, her eyes scanned the room and then landed on the half bottle of wine on the table. Gwen immediately walked past him and headed for the table.