

"Princess Guinevere!" Her arrival to the evening ball was announced. The door pushed open and Gwen walked into the hall with much difficulty. Despite it being so, she looked elegant in her red ball gown. It was hard to look away from her gorgeous figure.

"Your Highness, you look beautiful" people congratulated her as she walked into the room, with a forced smile, she evaded all conversations and excused herself to the food table.

She held unto her stomach, trying her best to force a few breathes down her throat. She was suffocating in this dress, hopefully it wasn't too obvious.

"What a pleasant evening, Your Highness" a masculine voice rang out behind her. She rearranged her facial composure then turned around. The face of an average handsome man came into her sight.

"A pleasant evening indeed... Your grace" she replied back. Within these past three months, she had been forced to study the names and faces of all the Nobles in Greecia. This young man's face surely didn't seem like one that she had seen before. Still Gwen could tell he was a Noble, he had that air of nobility and sure did have the arrogant look in his eyes. He most likely was from Rylica, since Rylica's guest were still in the room too.

"I'm Lord Bayton, son of the Marquis of Caspar"

Caspar? that surely was not in Greecia. Gwen was right, he really was one of the guest from Rylica.

"Nice to make your acquaintance Your Grace" Gwen made a small smile. In terms of status, the Princess had more status than the Marquis talkless of his son, so there was no need to bow to him, still out of courtesy she gave a slight nod.

under the bright glow of the light bulbs in the room, the young man found the girl to be very beautiful. It was such a pity that such a beauty was taken off the Market today, even still, he couldn't help but ogle at her. His eyes reflected the admiration and tinge of lust building up inside of him.

How uncomfortable it was for Gwen, being stared at with such intensity. "if you would excuse me, I have somethings to attend tom Do have a pleasant evening Lord Bayton" Gwen excused herself and began to walk away but the young man reached out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

"is something the matter Lord Bayton? Can you let go of my hand?" Gwen asked through gritted teeth. For the Queen sake she had to maintain her princess figure or else she would have yelled at this man right now.

"Of course" He replied with a shrug but showed no intentions of releasing his grip on her wrist "actually there is something I want to discuss...in private" all emphasis placed on Private. Lord Bayton took a few steps close to her. now they were just a palm length apart from each other.

Gwen frowned and took a step back. Simultaneously a voice rang out from behind her.

"what is going on?"

Gwendolyn stiffened and so did the smile on Lord Bayton's face. Gwen didn't need to check who that was. The Caution of Lord Bayton's face had told her he had. seen someone greater than he was.

"Prince Arvcan" With a complicated smile. The shameless Lord took a bow.

"it's a pity to interrupt whatever this is but...I need my wife" Arvcan placed his hand over Gwen's shoulder and immediately the girl froze. Seeing Arvcan standing like a Knight next to the Princess, Lord Bayton didn't dare continue with what he was going to say, he let go of Gwen's hand instantly.

"Sure Your Highness, she's all yours" He bowed with a sheepish smile on his face and immediately scurried away.

The smile on Arvcan's face grew cold the next second. He turned and looked at the girl that was standing like a stature next to him.

He had been having a discussion with one of his people when he noticed her standing next to the man. He watched share the little conversation they had. The small smile she gave the young man was annoying and revolted him so much that he couldn't even concentrate on his conversation anymore. Then he saw her move to walk away and that man grabbed unto her hands.

That was less annoying than it was to see them standing at such a close proximity. He didn't even know when his legs left his position and moved to where she was.

"private" He didn't hear all that was said but this surely travelled to his ear when he got there.

What was private? didn't she have any shame, having such an obvious conversation with a man in public? Plus what did she think she was doing making a cockold of him right after they got married.

"Aren't you a little too shameless" Arvcan gloated "Flirting with another man on your wedding day. I never knew you were this promiscuous. I guess I underestimated you" He spat out disdainfully.

Promiscuous? How dare he?

He had no idea what was going on yet he comes here to accuse her. Gwen was annoyed. So annoyed that she had crushed every atom of fear she had of him.

Gwen was more than annoyed. She stylishly pushed down the hand he had sprawled across her shoulders then Took a few step closer to him till she was almost in his arms. Arvcan could perceive her scent and the warmth that emitted from her body could reach him too.

"I refuse to be insulted with such title. I am not a Promiscuous girl" For the first time ever, Arvcan saw her with another expression in her eyes. She wasn't staring blankly at him this time her eyes blazed with undiluted anger. His words had really turned her off.

A part of his heart stirred. She was gorgeous with that angry glint in her eyes.

Gwendolyn didn't get to notice the thought he had in his head. A she spurned her heels and walked off. She didn't leave the room. He had no right to make her leave. Instead she walked to the drink platter and down a glass of transparent wine. The burning sensation it left as if flowed down her throat ended up burning down half the anger in her heart.

She glanced at the glass in her hand regretfully. Alcohol. She had assumed it was just wine but it turns out to be alcohol. That's just great!

Now she was even more angry at Arvcan now. He had made her angrily do something she would regret. She and alcohol weren't that much of a perfect combination— speaking from experience.

Gwen sighed. She placed the empty glass back on the table and turned around. The images in front of her already looked distorted. Some blurry and some curved in angles that were humanely impossible.

Sigh! She should probably sell her alcohol tolerance for a copper coin. She would if she could. At least then it would be worth more than zero.

What was she supposed to do now? Getting drunk in front of this whole crowd would be a huge disgrace to both kingdom. She would probably end up as a laughing stock till the day she died.

"My Princess is everything all right?" A voice whispered into her ears. Gwen's eyes flowed up. She couldn't clearly see the maidens face but she recognized the voice


Amelia had come to deliver a message to Gwen, she had witnessed the odd interaction that happened between the Princess and Arvcan— She probably was one of the few; she saw when Gwen stumped off and walked to the drink table. She didn't move to stop her cause she knew the princess loved to spend her leisure time swimming and drowning in wine. So a little glass of wine wouldn't kill.

But then... something didn't feel right.

Why was she still standing at the table with a dazed look on her face?. Amelia decided to check what was wrong.

Right on time.

Gwendolyn turned and whispered back "I might have picked the wrong cup. My Vision is blurry from the Alcohol I drank" Gwen explained.

A deep frown appeared on Amelia's face. She found this news questionable. She moved closer to Gwen and asked "Princess how many of these have you had?"

Her words sounded like an entirely different thing in Gwen's ear. Her head was spinning. She could barely concentrate.

"I...I have no idea" Thanks to Amelia who was holding into her or else she might have staggered to the floor.

"Princess this is bad. The dance between you and the Prince would soon happen. You can't go on the dance floor like this. You'll only embarrass yourself" Amelia complained worriedly. Gwen nodded understanding. She couldn't bring herself to reply but she understood what Amelia was trying to say. If she goes to dance with the Prince like this it would all end in a flop.

A total disaster!