

She ignored him!

Arvcan was struck by her blatant act of ignoring him. Harshly he too banged the door shut— already angry— and turned to look for her. The next sight he saw shocked and annoyed him.

She picked up the bottle of wine from the table, tool a whiff of it, nodded her head obviously pleased like she had found what she was looking for, then she placed the mouth of the bottle against her lips and began gulping it down.


His wine! His dearest wine!. How dare she gulp it all up?... No that shouldn't even be his concern. What he wanted to know was why the fuck was she in his room in her undergarments slurping up a bottle of wine? His bottle of wine!

Arvcan marched to the girl furiously and snatched the bottle out of her hands. The liquid content in it was almost gone with only quarter the amount left. Seeing this only made Arvcan boil the more.

It was useless for him to be angry. The girl was now in her little zone. Relinquishing the feeling of her allergies alleviating and the feeling of the wine effect spreading through her body.

The wine really was made from Nime. Just a few gulps had eliminated the effect of the Raad meat she had digested. Her stomach stopped aching simultaneously and her throat stopped itching. Gwen could finally breath comfortable and wasn't in any kind of pain.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Arvcan yanked her hand and made her face him.

Oh God.

Gwendolyn couldn't bring herself to reply. Her hands started sweating and fear creeped up in her heart. She had entered the devil's turf without thinking. She didn't have the time to think, she had felt like if she hadn't taken the antidote for her allergies she would have really passed out. That was why she had intruded into his room without even thinking of what the consequences would be. Now she had angered him. Would she be able to go back, at least in one piece?.

"I...I" she kept stuttering as there was no excuse to give. She couldn't possibly tell him of her allergies right? Should she just say she was here to drink with him? No he wouldn't believe that, they had fought just few minutes ago so why would she suddenly want to become his drink buddy.

Arvcan took a step closer to her. Gwen too took a step backwards. For every step he took she also moved back. When her back touched the wall, she couldn't move back anymore. Now they were standing face to face. His face was cold and an obvious hint of anger laced his eyebrows.

Arvcan snorted "You have a perk for getting on my nerves don't you? You must enjoy it"

Gwen shook her head like a rattling drum "No I... It was not intentional"

"Not intentional?"

She moved to nod her head and a wave of dizziness suddenly hit her. Her alcohol tolerance was at work again, the wine was starting to have an effect on her. It was slower than a normal wine probably because of the medicinal content.

"Which wasn't intentional? The Marriage or Now?" Arvcan asked

Gwen held her head. "Both of them" her tone didn't sound timid as it did few seconds ago. With the wine in her system, the fear she had was starting to diminish little by little.

"Liar" Arvcan rebuked.

Her head sprang up. She could vaguely see him now. He face looked blurry still couldn't hide his handsomeness. His blueish Ash eyes was probably one of the only thing she could see clearly. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes dewy. She pouted in displeasure.


Arvcan's heart fluttered a bit. The girl looked gorgeous when drunk. Even he who hated her couldn't deny the fact.

"Liar?" She started "what makes you think I would lie. I don't want this marriage anymore less than you. If I had my way, you're not the one I wish to be married off to. Once I get my freedom, i would be with the man I love"

Gwendolyn jabbed her finger in his chest as she spoke. This was the second time he was defaming her personality without even truly knowing her. She was angry but her drunken state made it look otherwise.

Arvcan took a step back. He could feel her hot breath on his face, her heart shaped deep pink lips curled in a visible pout, and her watery eyes half closed. Her hair was tied in a loose bun, a few strands had gone loose, she must have ran on her way here. Her sweat glued them to her face. She was simply a seductress. His heart stirred a bit.

He took another step back then paused abruptly... Wait_What did she just say?

He stomped closer and grabbed unto her arm "I'm not the one you wish to be married to?" This line infuriated him. He has always been very possessive. Even if this marriage was forced, she now belonged to him!

Gwendolyn brushed his hand away. "Yes does that infuriate you? Tsk it can't be helped. I will always have another man in my heart" She walked past him, swaying from side to side. She walked back to the wine table and picked the nearly finished bottle of wine.

Arvcans gritted his teeth. This damned Girl!.

He marched back to her, yanked the bottle away from her hand before it could reach her lips and held unto her chin.

"Listen and listen very good. You belong to me now. I don't care if you have a million other guys in your heart but don't you for a second think you would be with someone else. To think you would believe you would be able to get your freedom from me" He scoffed "The only way you'll ever be leaving me is in a body bag. I told you already, once you agreed to marry me, there would be no out for you. You are mine till the day you die!"

"I'm not your property!" Gwendolyn retorted. She hit his hand away from her chin and glared at him fiercely.

"You most definitely are!" He spat rudely "You will do as I say, act as I say you should and unquestionably live by my rules. Do otherwise and I will make you regret it" He warned again.

Gwen eyes turned teary "Devil!"

An evil snicker escaped his lips. His chest felt stuffy seeing her aggrieved look and teary eyes but remembering she had boasted she would leave him and go be with another man, made him able to still his heart to her pitiful look.

"Call me a Devil all you want but just so you know I would be the only devil you ever see for the rest of your life. Don't expect any angel to save you from me"

He turned and walked to the wine table, picked up a random bottle of wine and poured a glass for himself. He was angry, very angry. In the history of his life, no one had ever made him angry like this young woman here.


He heard the sound of glass clinking, then he felt an object at his back. Slowly he turned, a completely drunk Gwendolyn stood, her hand holding a sharp broken piece of glass in front of him.

He was amused. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I hate you! Why do you have to be this heartless? A heartless man like you deserves to die!" The girl slurred. For someone who just uttered murderous words, there was no hint of murderous intention in her tone.

"Sorry but I'm not that easy to kill. Do you even know what it means to kill somebody?" She sure didn't look like it, she looked like the type who couldn't even bare to see an insect die. He moved to collect the glass from her hand, she also wanted to evade his hand. At the end the tip of the glass ran across his arm leaving a thin cut behind.

He started bleeding. Soon the marble floor was drizzled with his blood. He rushed and picked a piece of cloth then wrapped it around his hand to dampen the blood. With gritted teeth he lifted his eyes and looked at the girl, preparing to lash at her, only to see a tear stricken face.

"I... I'm sorry, i_i didn't mean to hurt you." She apologized while sobbing insistently. She crouched on her knees and her sobs grew louder.

Arvcan stared at her crying. All the anger he felt drained away along with her tears. He hated this. This woman was slimy. She had a way of infuriating people yet igniting pity and getting out of the mess she made.

He groaned. Turned around and walked off to the bathroom with a solemn look on his face.

... Few minutes later he walked back out.

Gwen's sobs had subsided—better still become inexistent— rather a rhythmic sound of soft breathing filled the room.

She was asleep.