
Highschooler with the Lust System

{Welcome to the Lust system} Arlo dies and wakes up in a strange world. He meets the seven deadly sins and speaks with Lust who gives him his essence and tells him to feed it and make it grow powerful by indulging in sexual acts. This book contains lemons, in fact it is almost purely lemons… so beware before you open it. The lemons start almost immediately (3rd chapter) There are no illustrations for the characters yet and there won't be any for a while, bear with me.

Pendroid · Eastern
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11 Chs

Back home

I found myself at the junction not to far from my house.

I still had on the pyjamas I wore last night. How was I supposed to explain my disappearance and appearance?

I started walking towards my house. Maybe walking would help my creative juices flow harder and I would think of a good enough lie.

I had barely taken three steps when I heard a loud gasp and someone call my name.

It was my mom.

She was still dressed in a nightgown and her hair was disheveled and her eyes were red rimmed from crying too much.

"Is that you Arlo?" She asked, blinking rapidly to assure herself it wasn't a ghost before her and she wasn't hallucinating.

"It's me mom". I replied and went to meet her.

Why was she in our neighbors house and not in our house? Was the damage that much?

My mom stretched out her hand to touch me tentatively. She still believed it was a dream.

"Oh Jesus, my sweet Arlo". She screamed and hugged me when she realized she wasn't hallucinating and I was actually standing before her.

My dad peaked through the door due to noise he heard.

"What's all the commotion about?" He asked mom.

She pointed to me and his eyes grew wide in their sockets. He took off his glasses to look at me properly.

"Is that really you Arlo?" He asked.

"Yes dad. It's me".

He rushed out and gave me a crushing hug. "But how? We thought you were gone. Your room was completely burnt".

A shiver went through my body when he said that. Just how much pain did my body suffer before the seven deadly sins transported me?

I knew I died from the smoke first but was I rescued immediately or the fire burnt me before they beamed me up?

My dad pulled back and he and mom stared at me. It took me a second to realize they were waiting for some explanation.

"Uhmm.. I.. snuck out to play games in the arcade". I told them the first lie that came to mind.

The two of them frowned.

"The arcade?" My dad repeated and I nodded.

"There's this latest game out and the wifi was being slow, so I decided to go there instead and play. I'm sorry I snuck out".

The two of them looked at me. They were confused and I could tell they didn't buy my story but they were grateful to have me back.

Their friend and the owner of the house came out to join us. He was followed by his wife. They were both surprised and happy to see I was still alive.

When everyone had had their fair share of hugging me, the friend sighed happily.

"Let's all go inside, this is a lot to take in".

I stepped into their house, it's living room almost completely mirrored our own. In fact the only difference was the placement of the television.

While ours was placed on a cabinet on the floor, theirs was hung from the wall.

A I stepped into the living room, exhaustion that I didn't feel before suddenly overwhelmed me. I collapsed on the first couch I saw and collapsed.