
Highschooler with the Lust System

{Welcome to the Lust system} Arlo dies and wakes up in a strange world. He meets the seven deadly sins and speaks with Lust who gives him his essence and tells him to feed it and make it grow powerful by indulging in sexual acts. This book contains lemons, in fact it is almost purely lemons… so beware before you open it. The lemons start almost immediately (3rd chapter) There are no illustrations for the characters yet and there won't be any for a while, bear with me.

Pendroid · Eastern
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14 Chs

A brand new Arlo

I was woken up by my mom the next morning.

"Rise and shine darling". She said with a smile. "It's time for school".

I looked out of the window and saw the graying sky. It was morning already.

I groaned and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I wondered why I couldn't get a day off, seeing as I just got back.

I was about to protest going to class when I remembered all the hot girls I was going to meet in school.

Not to mention the teachers too.

I mean who doesn't like older women?

I got up from the bed and saw that mom had already been back at our house and grabbed new clothes for me.

It was a black tshirt and some cargo pants. It wasn't what I'd choose to wear on a day when all attention would be on me but it would do.

I made a mental note to get new clothes as I went into the bathroom.

After a lengthy shower to scrub off the fatigue and everything accrued during the transport to and from the strange world, I was done and I dressed up quickly.

Then a screen appeared in front of me.

{Here's your profile}

{Name: Arlo}

{Skill: charisma}

{Mission: none}

{Daily task: Complete 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 jumping jacks}

{You have a new task}

{Failure to complete daily task will result in a penalty}

I looked at the screen for a moment. I wanted to ignore it and go on with my day but something tugged on my brain and told me that wasn't a wise choice.

I remembered when Azelia said the penalty was that I would lose my charisma for the day. This was my first day in school with the Lust system and I intended to put it to good use.

I couldn't do that if my charisma was gone. I had to complete the daily task. Still, it was difficult. I was a complete nerd.

I was skinny with pale skin that was almost translucent due to always staying indoors. How could you blame me? I didn't have any friends and I soon found solace in video games.

The beautiful thug about game is that you don't have to go outside to enjoy them. You don't have to interact physically with people and you don't have to exert strength to play it.

Therefore I was weak and had low stamina. I couldn't remember the last time I did any intense physical activity. Doing two pushups were already almost impossible for me talkmore doing twenty.

I looked at the warning on the screen again and sighed. I dropped to the ground and began to count my push-ups.

One, two, three, four…. Five..... six ...…..:…. Seven.

I collapsed in a puddle of sweat. My arms would not raise me anymore than seven. I decided if I was couldn't finish the push-ups I would start the sit ups.

I rolled onto my back and started to crunch. One, two, three… four ...…. five … six.

. I stopped when my body couldn't take it anymore.

I switched to jumping jacks and easily did ten. Then I went back to push-ups, then back to sit ups then jumping jacks till I was done.

When I was done with all the exercises, I lay on the ground, sweaty and exhausted. I needed another shower.

Safe to say I got to school late that day. It was allowed however, since I'd just miraculously escaped death.

At the entrance of the school, I saw three really pretty girls walking together. I was captivated by their beauty.

There's something about a beautiful group of girls that made you want to get your life together, make money or at the very least become suicidal.

I waved at the beautiful girls.

They looked at me with shock and disgust. After all, they saw a skinny short boy with pale oily skin and brown hair that was poorly styled. Not to mention my giant glasses.

Who can blame them for being disgusted?

However I now had a new ability and it made me super confident. I blew a kiss at them.

The three girls scrunched their faces in disgust and hurried away.

I laughed and made a mental note to talk with them later. I was going to have all three of them… at the same time.

I went into my class and sat at the back where i usually sat. Don't get me wrong, I was a nerd but not the type that was overly studious.

I was a nerd in that I read comic books, played video games and was socially awkward to a fault.

However I liked chemistry and it was the only class in which I paid attention or contributed in class.

I still managed to get good grades in all my exams.

As I sat at the back, no one paid me attention.

It was a fairly small town and news spread quickly.

They must have heard of the fire. That I was missing for hours and presumed dead yet they didn't care.

They weren't shocked that I was in shcool, standing before them. They weren't concerned that I might be in distress.

They just didn't care.

The thought left a bitter aftertaste on my tongue.

"Were you even listening Arlo?" Mrs Tanner's sharp voice cut into my soliloquy.

I looked up in surprise.

"Just as I thought". She replied with a shake of her head and resumed teaching.

I focused on her lecture for a few more minutes until my thoughts drifted off again.

"Arlo". Mrs Tanner said sternly. She peered down at me through her thin glasses.

"Sorry". I mumbled.

I lost track of the class third time and Mrs Tanner had had enough.

She ripped out a piece of paper, scribbled on it and handed it to me.

"Go and report yourself to the principal".