
Highschooler with the Lust System

{Welcome to the Lust system} Arlo dies and wakes up in a strange world. He meets the seven deadly sins and speaks with Lust who gives him his essence and tells him to feed it and make it grow powerful by indulging in sexual acts. This book contains lemons, in fact it is almost purely lemons… so beware before you open it. The lemons start almost immediately (3rd chapter) There are no illustrations for the characters yet and there won't be any for a while, bear with me.

Pendroid · Eastern
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11 Chs

A goddess’s mouth is around my…. (18+)

I laughed again at her obvious embarrassment.

"That's enough". I said. "Turn around. I want to ask you some questions".

Azelia did as I said and looked at me questioninly. She was not sure what I was going to ask her to do.

I looked down at my raging hard boner. "I'm still unsatisfied". I said.

Azelia looked at me with a frown.

"I need relief". I said again.

"What do you want to me to do?" She asked, looking at me dubiously.

My lips curled up in a smile. "Suck it".

Her jaw dropped to the ground. "But you promised!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged. "I also made a promise to myself. My dick must be inside a goddess's mouth before today ends".

Azelia stared at me with indignation written on her face. "Please". She pleaded.

I rolled my eyes. "Suck it". I said again.

Azelia accepted her fate and with her head bent low, she dropped to her knees in front of me. She looked at my massive member and looked at me with that look of defeat on her face.

"It won't bite". I teased.

Azelia sniffed and reached one hand to grab my dick. It jumped as soon as she touched it and pleasure rushed down my spine.

Azelia stuck out her tongue to lick the tip.

Slurrrp slurrp~

She licked the top thoroughly. Then she made her way down the shaft and began to lick it up and down.

Slurrpp Slurrpp Slurrpp~

Loud slurping sounds filled the room as the goddess Azelia worshiped my cock wit her tongue.

It was time for the main event and she opened her mouth reluctantly. I wanted to tell her to hurry up but I didn't want to ruin the moment. She opened her mouth wider and closed her eyes. Then she lowered her head until her lips came into contact with the head of my dick.

"Fuck!" I shouted as a sharp bolt of pleasure shot through my body. It was so intense it felt almost painful.

Azelia pulled back hurriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just continue". I breathed.

She frowned but she lowered her head till her lips touched the head of my dick. She opened her mouth wider and took my rod in her mouth.

The sensation of my rod in the hot wet mouth of the goddess made my toes curl up as pleasure spread through my body. I couldn't hold back any longer and I exploded into her mouth, filling it with my hot sticky seed.

Cough cough~ Azelia gagged as my seed filled her throat and she began to cough violently. She doubled over the floor, wheezing painfully.

When she calmed down, she glared at me. Seemed dropped from her mouth and coated her chin. Her hair was disheveled and she looked like she just had a fight with a wolf animal.

Shame and resentment painted her face as she knelt on the ground, glaring at me. I felt a slight twinge of pity for her.

"You can put your clothes on now. We're done here".

She looked at me with surprise.

Put on your clothes". I repeated. Azelia seemed dazed at first but she put on her clothes slowly. When she was done, she turned to face me.

"What next?" I asked.

"What next?" She asked me, some of her previous snobbishness had crept back into her voice.

"What did the seven deadly sins tell you to do to me when I woke up?" I asked.

The statement triggered something in her and she remembered her position and office. "They told me to tell you about the system and your charisma skill". She winced when she mentioned it.

"After that I'm supposed to send you back home". She finished.

I stroked my chin thoughtfully. "Is there any other thing I should know about the system?"

"There's a daily quest that you must complete everyday. If you fail to complete it your charisma won't unlock for the day. That's about all".

I got to my feet. "Alright then, send me back home".

Azelia brought out a rectangular device from her skirt. "Before I send you back. You have to remember that you died in the building. The people didn't find your body so they assumed you were burnt beyond recognition".

I nodded, still shaken by the idea that I was meant to be dead. Or was I technically still dead?

"I'll drop you off near your house and you'll walk to your house. If they ask how you managed to survive you'll tell them you actually were not in the house during the fire, you sneaked off to go play with your friends".

"But I don't have any friends". I protested. "And I would never sneak out. My parents know this".

Azelia's lips tightened. "Well you'll just have to find a way to convince them won't you?"

She had somehow reverted to her annoying self so quickly. I smirked at the strand of semen that still hung from her chin. Azelia followed my gaze and saw it. Her cheeks turned pink as she hurriedly wiped it off.

She clicked the device and a portal opened just as few feet away from us. "Remember what we discussed. Don't deviate or the seven deadly sins will come back to hurt you. And don't forget, one day I'll find a way to make you pay for this day".

I shrugged. "Let's do this". I said and walked to the portal. As I passed Azelia, I spanked her butt and she jumped and glared at me.

I stood in front of the portal. I still couldn't believe what was happening. It felt like a fever dream and I was a little scared that sooner or later someone was going to tap me and wake me up.

All the girls that had ignored me, all the women that had been out of my reach, all the women that had tormented my mind for so long, they were all ripe for the taking and I was the harvester.

"So long, Azelia. Thanks for the warm throat". I waved and disappeared into the portal. As I was sucked into the portal, I could see the scowl on her face.