
High-Dimensional Invasion

In the bizarre world located at the turning point of space and time, various events beyond comprehension occur, horrifying invasions of reality, a fusion of fantasy and truth, concealing what kind of secrets? Unique talents lead to the path of the strong, the struggle for survival, forging an invincible will. Ultimately, fate will be in our own hands!

mingzheng_liu · Eastern
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21 Chs

Fleeing Monster Army

After killing the Hollowing Wailing Witch, Wumei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her mental shock was simply terrifying and she couldn't resist it at all. Every time she was hit by it, she would suffer from a splitting headache and her attributes would even temporarily decrease. She relied entirely on her willpower to endure it, as well as the intense physical pain to keep herself clear-headed.

Looking at her attribute panel, her willpower was displayed as 0.6 (1), and in the mental shock just now, it dropped directly by 0.4. If it weren't for the fact that this mental shock was related to her willpower consumption, her chances of survival would have been one hundred percent zero.

Panting heavily, enduring the pain in her head, Wumei looked at her attribute panel and saw that she had gained 20 evolution points. She frowned, "The income doesn't seem to match the effort."

"This Hollowing Wailing Witch is only an ordinary-level monster, but it's even harder to deal with than the Butcher, all because of its skills."

"Unfortunately, it seems that this Hollowing Wailing Witch didn't have any skill born."

She walked over and prodded the Hollowing Wailing Witch with the tip of her knife, but nothing happened. Wumei felt regretful. She had consumed a lot of her stamina and willpower, and she didn't dare to stay outside for too long. The Dreamland at night was too bizarre, and danger could strike at any time.

Wumei quickly retreated to the basement and began cooking the only food she could make: cold sliced pork and a bottle of mineral water. Soon, she had recovered all her physical strength, and the wounds under her strong physique stopped bleeding and scabbed over.

Sitting on the ground, Wumei's face was a bit pale, and her head felt dizzy. This was the result of blood loss. Although her physical strength had recovered, that faint feeling of weakness still lingered around her, and her willpower had not yet recovered.

Looking at her attribute panel, Wumei secretly thought, "Now my left arm and shoulder are injured and need to be treated as soon as possible. If I don't recover, it will have a huge impact on my combat power."

After thinking about it, she chose to consume evolution points to increase her physical attribute. With 20 evolution points, she could increase her attribute by 0.1.

A faint warm current rushed into her body, and Wumei felt a strong itching sensation from the inside out, as if there were countless ants biting her bones. She gritted her teeth and endured the discomfort for a long time before she recovered. Then she immediately felt that her self-healing ability had greatly improved after breaking through the 1-point physical attribute threshold.

The wounds on her arm itched, a sign of rapid healing of her muscles. Normally, a ten-centimeter wound on the arm would have to be sutured and even require medication to truly scab over in two to three days.

The somewhat scary wound now appears to have completely scabbed over and new flesh is growing.

Feeling slightly relieved, Wumei muttered to himself, "This place is really dangerous. It seems better to rest here until I heal and not move around."

Time passed slowly, and on the second day, Wumei stayed in the basement. Perhaps due to the influence of the Sinful Butcher, this was its territory and there were no monsters that came, at most just some creepy red-eyed rats.

These rats would gnaw on the suspended corpses, but Wumei dared not approach them.

After a day, Wumei felt that the wounds on his left arm and shoulder had healed by half. It was like they had healed over the course of seven or eight days, no longer affecting his mobility.

Sighing with relief, Wumei thought to himself, "My physique attribute is really powerful. If an ordinary person had this kind of wound, it would take at least seven or eight days to recover to this extent."

It was already the morning of the third day. Wumei got up early, cooked himself a good meal, ate and drank his fill, and began to rest quietly. He hoped that what was written in the diary was correct.

If it was correct, he would be able to leave this world today and be temporarily safe. With preparation next time, he would have a lot more room to maneuver.

Just as he had rested for half an hour, a huge vibration came from the ceiling, causing his face to change.

Without hesitation, he quickly came to the first floor of the People's Mall and, through the broken curtain wall, saw an astonishing scene.

Countless monsters were passing by outside, of all kinds. The most familiar were naturally the Night Demons.

Pig-headed monsters, monsters wrapped in countless bandages like mummies, and even zombies dressed in Qing Dynasty official costumes, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse, and dozens of other types.

Seeing this flood of monsters, Wumei immediately realized that something was wrong, because they seemed to be fleeing for their lives and there was no fighting among them. It seemed that there was something terrifying chasing them from behind.

Wumei thought to himself that this was not good and immediately looked towards the back of the group from another side of the mall. A chill rose from his feet to his head.

A densely packed black tide, composed of countless ants the size of human heads, rose up to three meters high.

This tide occasionally knocked down the monsters lagging behind, engulfing them and making them disappear. The attribute panel in front of Wumei kept changing.

Race: Voracious Black Ants

Level: Sinful Normal

Attribute: Strength 0.3, Constitution 0.3, Speed 1, Endurance 0.3, Willpower 0.3

Skill: None

Seeing these simple data, Wu Mei's face changed. The data for the Gluttonous Black Ants was all very simple, but there were just too many of them.

"The quantity is so overwhelming that attribute levels are irrelevant, just like the marching of African ants, unstoppable."

Without hesitation, Wu Mei turned around and ran in the same direction as the monsters fleeing the scene.

With a few quick strides, Wu Mei had already rushed out of the Renren shopping mall, holding only his Butcher's Blade and lurking at the edge of the monster swarm.

In this unfamiliar world, he could only follow these monsters to know which direction was safe. However, in order to avoid being attacked, he could only follow at the edge of the monster swarm and be ready to leave the group at any time.

Wu Mei, with a speed of 1, was considered to be of medium speed in this monster swarm and easily followed the large group.

The Gluttonous Black Ants army behind him was in hot pursuit and had already swallowed up many of the slower monsters.

At this moment, Wu Mei saw many Night Demons in the group and a hint of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

"This is a good time to harvest evolution points."

A cold light flashed in his eyes. He had dealt with Night Demons before and knew that they were weak and the easiest monsters to attack.

His body slowed slightly as he quietly approached a Night Demon. The Night Demon was running wildly at the time, never expecting that anyone would attack it and was caught completely off guard.

When the target entered his attack range, a cold light flashed in Wu Mei's eyes. His Butcher's Blade swept past, and with a tearing sound, the Night Demon's head was separated from its body, dead beyond death.

The fallen Night Demon was immediately engulfed by countless monsters, and the monsters around seemed to notice something but did not react. They just scattered away from Wu Mei.

Wu Mei laughed inwardly, "Sure enough, these monsters don't care about me now. They're all just running for their lives."