
High-Dimensional Invasion

In the bizarre world located at the turning point of space and time, various events beyond comprehension occur, horrifying invasions of reality, a fusion of fantasy and truth, concealing what kind of secrets? Unique talents lead to the path of the strong, the struggle for survival, forging an invincible will. Ultimately, fate will be in our own hands!

mingzheng_liu · Eastern
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21 Chs

Rich Harvest

With a slight smile on his face, Wu Mei continued to choose his targets, leaving the group of monsters behind and moving towards another group.

One cut, another cut, and another.

Wu Mei seized the opportunity and killed one night demon after another, gaining a rich harvest of evolution points.

However, he also noticed that with each additional night demon he killed, the reaction of the surrounding monsters grew stronger, and some monsters even looked at him with warning, as if they were about to pounce.

At this point, the group of monsters had also moved further and further away from the swarm of ravenous black ants, seemingly about to deviate from their path.

Wu Mei licked his lips, this was a rare opportunity to harvest evolution points, how could he give it up?

At this point, he aimed at the fifteenth night demon, his eyes flashing with a cold light.


A slash passed, and the night demon's head and body were split apart and immediately engulfed. At that moment, the monsters around him suddenly looked at Wu Mei all at once.

Feeling a jolt in his heart, Wu Mei immediately knew that it was not good. Without any hesitation, he turned and directly left the group.

And where he had just been standing, a pitch-black tail with barbs hanging from it pierced through his previous position. If he had been even a bit slower, he would have been done for.

What was most frightening was that he didn't feel anything. Wu Mei saw the owner of the tail out of the corner of his eye, it was a creature resembling a scorpion, about a meter long.

Race: Scorpion Demon

Level: Sinful Elite

Attributes: Strength 1.1, Constitution 1.2, Speed 1.15, Endurance 0.7, Willpower 0.4

Skills: Silent Scorpion Tail (Poison)

Seeing these attributes, Wu Mei felt alarmed. A Sinful Elite, the second elite monster he had encountered.

Without any hesitation, several monsters were already staring at Wu Mei, emitting a strong malice, seeming to want to chase him.

With a leap, Wu Mei rushed into a side passage, disappearing from the monsters' sight. In the end, these monsters did not choose to leave the group.

Wu Mei's chosen direction was completely deviating from the path of the ravenous black ants. After running for five minutes straight, Wu Mei finally stopped.

He stood in a hidden shadow and watched in the distance, where countless ravenous black ants were crossing the road and chasing after the group of monsters in front, without a single one paying attention to him.

Slightly relieved, Wu Mei said to himself, "It's terrifying, really terrifying. These swarming black ants could even scare away a group of monsters. If I had stayed in the basement, I'm afraid there would be nothing left of me to eat."

"But this time, I made a big harvest: fifteen night demons and 150 evolution points."

"Now I need to find a safe place, rest well, and digest my gains."

Soon, Wu Mei found a residential area and walked into a random house. The house was covered in dust and showed no signs of life, and monsters wouldn't come here either.

After closing the doors and windows, Wu Mei began to check his attributes and gains:

Location: Dreamland

Race: Human

Name: Wu Mei

Level: Sinful Mortal

Attributes: Strength 1, Constitution 1.1, Speed 1, Endurance 1, Willpower 1

Inherent Skill: First Stage of "Eight Extremities Fist" - Kinetic Control of Joints and Bones (Peak)

Active Skill: Cooking (Basic)

Special Item: Blade of Sin (Level: Normal, Function: Bloodletting)

Evolution Points: 150

"150 points can increase my attribute value by 0.75. Let's add it evenly."

With a thought, a warm stream flowed into his body, causing him to feel an intense pain, tingling, and numbness that made him want to tear himself apart.

Five minutes later, the discomfort gradually subsided. Wu Mei's face looked ugly, and he said, "This process of increasing attribute values is really painful and uncomfortable. However, being able to increase my combat power in a short time is worth the pain. There's no gain without pain."

In martial arts novels, which cultivator didn't practice day and night, closed-door cultivation, to improve their skills and knowledge? Wu Mei was able to increase his combat power within minutes, which was like a myth or legend.

After the pain, he felt a warm feeling all over his body, as if he were soaking in a hot spring.

He checked his attributes again, and they had undergone significant changes.

Race: Human.

Name: Wu Mei

Level: Sinful Elite

Attributes: Strength 1.15, Constitution 1.25, Speed 1.15, Endurance 1.15, Willpower 1.15

Inherent Skill: The First Stage of Eight Pole Fist, Bone and Flesh External Appearance: Perfect Control of Tendons and Bones (Peak)

Active Skill: Cooking (Basic)

Special Item: Sinful Blade (Level: Normal, Function: Bleeding)

Evolution Points: 0

The level has changed and reached Sinful Elite level, obviously surpassing the limits of ordinary people.

Slowly getting up, sensing the huge power and vitality in his body, Wu Mei muttered to himself: "So powerful, I feel that both my strength and speed have doubled."

After familiarizing himself a little with his strength, Wu Mei left the residential area. Although it seemed very safe here, it was too quiet, and he always felt uneasy.

While he was thinking about it, a noisy sound outside startled him.

Carefully looking out the window, Wu Mei saw a group of night demons chasing a huge creature that looked like a wild bull in the street.

The bull was over three meters long, with two horns on its head, red eyes, and a tail burning a faint flame, attacking one of the night demons.

When Wu Mei saw the attributes of the bull, he was surprised.

Race: Flame Bull

Level: Sinful Elite

Attributes: Strength 1.5, Constitution 1.5, Speed 1.5, Endurance 1.5, Willpower 1

Skills: Flame Charge, Barbaric Trample, Furious Aura.

Three kinds of skills, all attributes surpassing 1 and higher than his average.

After the bull launched an attack, a circle of fiery shockwaves rushed out and the three night demons in front of it were instantly ignited, trampled into meat pulp under the bull's hooves.

However, there was a night demon in the group that was three meters tall, far more powerful than the ordinary ones.

In Wu Mei's eyes, all its attributes were clear.

Race: Night Demon.

Level: Sinful Elite

Attributes: Strength 1.3, Constitution 1.5, Speed 1.6, Endurance 1.1, Willpower 1.2

Skills: Steel Spear Throw, Night Demon Mist, Deathly Light

Again, three skills, and they look extraordinary. At this moment, the giant night demon holds a huge steel fork in its hand, and suddenly emits a faint light before throwing it with great force.


A bursting sound tears through the air as the steel fork stabs towards the flaming bull that just launched an attack.

This attack is not to be underestimated. The flaming bull immediately senses the danger and releases a red halo all over its body before charging forward with its horns towards the steel fork piercing through the air.