
High-Dimensional Invasion

In the bizarre world located at the turning point of space and time, various events beyond comprehension occur, horrifying invasions of reality, a fusion of fantasy and truth, concealing what kind of secrets? Unique talents lead to the path of the strong, the struggle for survival, forging an invincible will. Ultimately, fate will be in our own hands!

mingzheng_liu · Eastern
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21 Chs

Hollowing Wailing Witch

A sharp pain suddenly emerged from nowhere. Without having time to react, Wei Mei instinctively felt a danger coming from behind.

Bending down and rolling forward, he managed to dodge the attack from behind.


Through the moonlight, Wei Mei's face changed dramatically. Not far ahead of his previous position, an unknown object was deeply embedded in the ground, and the position was exactly where it would have gone through his head if he had been a little slower.

His face changed, and he raised his knife, watching the attacking weapon warily.

That thing was long and connected to a shadow.


The weapon disappeared, and a figure walked out of the shadow, causing Wei Mei's heart to skip a beat.

A strange creature stood there, with a pair of bird claws. Its hands were slender but with sharp five fingers, and long nails that looked terrifying. Under a messy head of hair was a terrifyingly withered face.

It had two large nostrils and a large empty mouth with no lips, only teeth and a pitch-black area. Its eyes were blood-red, made up of countless blood vessels, and looked terrifying.

A row of data quickly appeared in Wei Mei's line of sight.

Race: Hollowing Wailing Witch

Level: Sinful Common

Attributes: Strength 0.7, Constitution 0.7, Speed 1.3, Endurance 0.4, Willpower 1.2

Skills: Mental Impact, Claw Tear, Bullet Tongue

Seeing these attributes, Wei Mei's face became serious. Although it was only a Sinful Common, it had three skills, two of which exceeded slightly.

Just as he was on guard, the Hollowing Wailing Witch suddenly moved and rushed towards him at high speed, while a sharp pain instantly rushed into Wei Mei's brain, causing his vision to blur.

"Mental Impact."

Instinctively, Wei Mei knew that this was one of the Hollowing Wailing Witch's skills.

Without any hesitation, he bent down and rolled again, avoiding the oncoming Hollowing Wailing Witch.

However, the opponent's speed was very fast. Although Wei Mei was using the most useful trick, the "Lazy Donkey Rolling," he was still scratched by the witch's sharp claws on his shoulder.

Blood splattered, and in the midst of pain, Wumei regained consciousness and shook off the effects of the mental shock. His body quickly retreated, putting distance between himself and the wailing female demon in front of him. Holding the Butcher's Blade in his hand, he looked at the demon with extreme vigilance. At this moment, she was licking her claws like a snake, without a trace of blood. After licking the blood, the wailing female demon seemed to become more excited, her bloodshot eyes fixed on Wumei, as if wanting to swallow him whole.

Wumei was more than ten meters away from her, extremely cautious and keeping his distance. He had almost died in her hands twice in the previous attacks, even though they were both of the same level. The danger posed by his opponent surpassed his imagination, and he had to be extremely careful. With a distance of more than ten meters between them, Wumei held the Butcher's Blade in front of his chest, his whole body muscles bulging, especially his mind highly focused. In the previous two attacks, the opponent's mental shock was the most dangerous.

The wailing female demon circled Wumei slowly, her eyes fierce, apparently looking for an opportunity to strike. Wumei saw the demon circling him and immediately realized something: "Why hasn't she launched an attack and is just circling me instead? Could it be that she's afraid of me?" "With her mental shock, she could completely crush my mind and launch an attack, leaving me struggling to survive."

With a thought, a glint flashed in Wumei's eyes. He stepped on the Dragon Step and quickly approached the wailing female demon. Ten meters of distance only took him one second. The wailing female demon saw Wumei approaching and her figure moved quickly, blinking as she rushed towards Wumei. But in the next moment, Wumei twisted his body and stepped aside with the Ba Gua Steps, avoiding the frontal attack. With his left hand, he swung the knife towards his side.

The sound of the blade entering flesh rang out, followed by a huge mental shock outbreak. Wumei's head shook with pain, but he had already calculated his retreat path. He rolled his body and rushed to the side. Even so, a gust of wind grazed his left hand, and blood sprayed everywhere.

The pain made him come to his senses, and he looked vigilantly at the wailing female demon. At this point, a bloodstain appeared on the left side of the wailing female demon's abdomen, and blood flowed rapidly down. Obviously, Wumei had accurately hit her with his knife just now.

However, the bloodstains on its claws also showed that it was not without achievements and had caused damage to Wu Mei.

Wu Mei's right shoulder and left arm were both bleeding, and every wound was a deep and terrifying three-fold cut.

Blood dripped, but Wu Mei's expression remained unchanged as he stared at the Hollowing Wailing Witch in front of him with a serious expression.

"The speed is too fast, I can't keep up. Fortunately, my calculations were accurate. The mental impact of this Hollowing Wailing Witch is limited."

His gaze fell on the Hollowing Wailing Witch, and her data was now clear at a glance:

Species: Hollowing Wailing Witch

Level: Evil Regular

Attributes: Strength 0.7, Constitution 0.7, Speed 1.3, Stamina 0.3 (0.4), Willpower 0.6 (1.2)

Skills: Mental Impact, Tearing Claws, Bullet-like Tongue

"Willpower and stamina have decreased. Willpower is related to the mind, and I'm afraid that its mental impact is performed at the cost of willpower, 0.2 points each time. Therefore, it can't perform it many times."

"Stamina is very low. It has only taken one hit, but it has already decreased by 0.1. Continuous bleeding will soon make it weak."

Wu Mei was fully aware of the Hollowing Wailing Witch's condition and remained calm.

Next, Wu Mei did not launch an attack recklessly. The most dangerous time for a beast is when it's about to die.

He only needed to do one thing, which was to drag it out slowly. The self-contained skill of the Butcher's Blade, continuous bleeding, was a good thing.

He stared at the Hollowing Wailing Witch closely, applying pressure on her. When she tried to escape, he approached her immediately, and when she tried to attack, he retreated immediately.

He always maintained a distance of ten meters. Time passed by, and after just a few minutes of continuous bleeding, the Hollowing Wailing Witch began to wobble and stagger.

All of its attributes dropped significantly, and its speed dropped by 0.7.

However, Wu Mei still did not act recklessly. He was injured, and the searing pain prevented him from moving recklessly.

At this moment, the Hollowing Wailing Witch seemed to realize that its life was about to end and let out a desperate cry, rushing towards Wu Mei.

The beast's final burst of strength was its most powerful attack. Wu Mei did not dare to underestimate it. He exchanged the Butcher's Blade to his right hand, his eyes sharp, and closely watched the Hollowing Wailing Witch.


A slash of desperate light flashed by. It was the Spring-Autumn Blade in the Eight Extremities Fist, the blade cutting like wind, and the head fell.

With a light sound and a splash of blood, the head flew into the sky.

A jet of blood shot up four or five meters high, like a firework that scattered, as if a bloody rain had fallen.

Standing with his blade, Wu Mei's face relaxed as he looked at the Hollowing Wailing Witch lying motionless on the ground five meters away.