
Hide Your Identities Or Inherit Millions

Joven, an AI that transmigrated here from the stars became a daughter of a rich family, lost in a rural village but finally returning home for a certain purpose. Everyone thought that she would be unrefined and lack culture given her poor upbringing... until the eldest Lu brother realized that his youngest sister was the one who casually agreed to the contract he just signed. Second Lu Brother: What? My younger sister invested in the movie I was leading? Mama Lu: The unlabeled products my daughter gave me are from a state-of-art research center? Papa Lu: The cheap stuff my daughter gave me is actually worth millions?! Big shots of various industries: Would you like to be an instructor? The type who earns over hundreds of millions? A certain conglomerate: Had enough fun yet? Now get back here and inherit your billion-dollar estate. Scumbags: Weren't we promised a pathetic wimp to bully? *** The day Li Hanzhou learned that Qiao Wen equaled him in net worth, he made inventory and put everything before her. "You can have all of these—plus one husband! Please sign here." Qiao Wen: "You're the one who insisted on no puppy-love. It's important to keep your promises." Mr. Li: #Urgent! How do I go back in time to slap my past self? I'll make it up to you with all the tenderness in the world.

Chord Knows Elegance · Urban
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100 Chs

Chapter 15: I Don't Like Your Behavior

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Elizabeth stared at him for a few seconds, with her thin lips slightly pursed and her expression indifferent, "Going to school is no problem. I can handle it."

She had never needed to explain her actions to anyone before; this was the first time she had spoken up to justify her own behavior.

Jack thought she was just trying to brush him off.

"With your current lazy demeanor, getting into Sunny Heights High School is simply out of the question," he said.

He felt that his sister was far too unambitious. She had just returned, and she was already acting this way—what would happen in the future?

Elizabeth frowned slightly. She didn't like the tone of doubt in Jack's voice.

Furthermore, Professor Emeritus Lawrence had always made it clear that she didn't need to explain her actions to anyone. It was for others to try to understand her. Suddenly switching roles, she didn't know how to explain herself.

Seeing that she didn't argue back, Jack assumed she was listening and continued, "You should learn from Linda. Her grades have always been a source of pride for the family. I'll have Linda tutor you, but you have to promise me that you'll take your studies seriously and not waste her time."

"No need!"

Elizabeth stared at him. Her dark eyes showed no emotional fluctuation, yet the atmosphere felt strangely oppressive.

Elizabeth's loud rebuttal—to clarify, it wasn't really loud, just slightly louder than her normal speaking voice—took Jack by surprise.

"Why not?"

Seeing Jack move closer, Elizabeth tensed up and took a step back to maintain a safe distance.

"Don't you trust me?"

Jack hesitated for a moment, then said somewhat guiltily, "This has nothing to do with trust. You're my sister, and I'm saying this for your own good."

Elizabeth looked up, with her eyes indifferent, "I don't like it when someone claims to be acting for my benefit and does things I don't like. I don't like your behavior."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "You're too young to understand my intentions."

Elizabeth smirked and clicked her tongue, "You're so annoying; I'm not talking to you anymore."

With that, she unceremoniously slammed the door shut.

The door was shut closed.

Jack didn't know how to make a reaction.

Jack was left stunned. Was he being disliked?

A surge of irritation rose within him. His own sister was too difficult to manage. She wouldn't even let him finish speaking before ignoring him.

He had to be more careful. If Elizabeth were to stir up trouble, it would truly be too late for regrets.

As Jack descended the stairs with a serious expression, Linda asked tentatively, "Jack, is something bothering you?"

Jack looked displeased, "I've been rejected."

Linda sighed and advised, "Don't be too hard on her. She's just not used to life in the big city yet. She'll change as she gains more experience."

Jack's expression softened. If only Elizabeth could be as obedient as Linda.

"I'm sorry; I told Elizabeth that you would tutor her, but she refused."

"It's fine. If she's so confident, maybe she can really do it. We should trust her."

If Elizabeth didn't want her tutoring, that was fine too. That's because if Elizabeth failed to get admitted later, it would only reflect poorly on her abilities, and Linda didn't want to make an effort for nothing.

"It's not that I don't want to trust her; it's just not realistic. The entrance exam for Sunny Heights High School is so difficult. It's already so late, and Elizabeth…"

Jack sighed bitterly and didn't want to continue the conversation.

Their parents were too indulgent with Elizabeth. He had no choice but to be the bad guy. And Elizabeth wasn't obedient, which made it all the more frustrating.