
Hide Your Identities Or Inherit Millions

Joven, an AI that transmigrated here from the stars became a daughter of a rich family, lost in a rural village but finally returning home for a certain purpose. Everyone thought that she would be unrefined and lack culture given her poor upbringing... until the eldest Lu brother realized that his youngest sister was the one who casually agreed to the contract he just signed. Second Lu Brother: What? My younger sister invested in the movie I was leading? Mama Lu: The unlabeled products my daughter gave me are from a state-of-art research center? Papa Lu: The cheap stuff my daughter gave me is actually worth millions?! Big shots of various industries: Would you like to be an instructor? The type who earns over hundreds of millions? A certain conglomerate: Had enough fun yet? Now get back here and inherit your billion-dollar estate. Scumbags: Weren't we promised a pathetic wimp to bully? *** The day Li Hanzhou learned that Qiao Wen equaled him in net worth, he made inventory and put everything before her. "You can have all of these—plus one husband! Please sign here." Qiao Wen: "You're the one who insisted on no puppy-love. It's important to keep your promises." Mr. Li: #Urgent! How do I go back in time to slap my past self? I'll make it up to you with all the tenderness in the world.

Chord Knows Elegance · Urban
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100 Chs

Chapter 16: The Gifted Card: A Liberating Swipe

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Linda tactfully changed the subject, "Jack, I've informed my classmates about my birthday party next week."


Jack was taken aback and subconsciously asked, "Party?"

Linda froze for a moment, "It's my 18th birthday celebration. We agreed to make it a big deal, remember?"

Jack pursed his lips, feeling a bit guilty for forgetting about the party while being preoccupied with matters concerning Elizabeth.

The idea had been agreed upon before Elizabeth returned. Since it was Linda's 18th coming-of-age celebration, they had planned to host an elaborate event.

But now that Elizabeth had returned... it was a bit more complicated.

Linda's eyes dimmed slightly, and she nonchalantly said, "Maybe I'm being unreasonable. Elizabeth just came back; she might feel uncomfortable if I throw a big party right away."

"It's just a birthday; it's not that big of a deal. Before I was adopted by Mom and Dad, I never even celebrated a birthday."

Jack felt a tightness in his chest. He had initially planned to make it up to her later but found himself unable to utter those words after hearing this.

His face displayed an array of conflicted emotions.

Linda smiled, "It's really okay. I just hope that our family can live in harmony."

Meeting Linda's eyes filled with gentle laughter, Jack sighed, "You're too considerate. I'd rather you be a little more self-centered. The party has to happen; you only turn 18 years old once. There's no backing out after making a promise."

The Wilson family was among the wealthy elite in Metro City. They usually lived frugally, but when it came to their own family, they spared no expense.

Linda opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Jack.

"That settles it," he declared.

Linda subtly curled her lips. She wanted to make it clear to Elizabeth that she was the most cherished daughter in their household.

Elizabeth, who came from the countryside, was nowhere near her league.



Elizabeth turned off her computer, changed her clothes, squinted at the blazing sun outside the window, and grabbed a cap on her way out.

Jack had already gone back to work. Sophia was leisurely arranging flowers, and Linda was assisting her. The two shared a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

"Elizabeth, are you going out?"

Sophia was genuinely surprised to see the internet-addicted girl step out.

Elizabeth simply adjusted the brim of her cap, revealing her dark and glossy eyes, and murmured, "Yeah."

Sophia was about to ask where she was going but worried Elizabeth would think she was nosy. Instead, she offered, "Since you're not familiar with the area, why don't you let Linda accompany you?"

Linda didn't seem too pleased and said nothing.

Elizabeth softly responded, "No need, I know my way."

Sophia assumed Elizabeth had probably checked the map already. She grabbed her purse and pulled out a bank card, generously saying, "Take this card. It has two hundred thousand dollars in it. Buy whatever you like."

Jack had already told her about the upcoming birthday party. Sophia didn't want Linda to feel neglected just because Elizabeth had returned.

So she had agreed to the party and was trying to be extra kind to Elizabeth.

Finally, she had a legitimate reason to give Elizabeth money without hurting her pride.

Elizabeth refused, "I have money."

Sophia insisted, "Save your money for snacks. If you need more, come to Mom."

Elizabeth blinked and mentally reviewed her account, which had more zeros than she could count.

She stayed silent.

After perhaps ten or fifteen seconds, she finally took the card.

She didn't want to waste time arguing with Sophia.

Sophia watched her leave with worry, "Be careful on the road, come back soon, eat if you're hungry, and remember to drink water..."

Elizabeth was speechless.

Linda couldn't stand Sophia being kind to Elizabeth. She hesitated for a moment and then took her phone into the bathroom.