
Hidden Pheonix in Disguise

Desmond Claude wouldn’t forget her bright pheonix eyes. The pheonix pendant that hung on her neck. The girl he met 10 years ago. He swore he would find her! The girl that captured his heart. Pheonix Lou was a beautiful girl. For some reasons, she disguised as a young man, working as a secretary in Claude Corporation. Will her disguised be found out? What happened then?

DiamondRing · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

21. When You are with Me, Don’t Get Busy with Something Else!

Pheonix Lou had committed not to get herself into his honey trap ever again, yet in her heart, she couldn't help to feel warm by his protectiveness and he also put food on her plate. It wasn't the first time they eat together, but he never did that before. This kind of small things were she appreciated the most.

She had always been alone since her mother death. A companionship, a simple care, and a sense to be protected could easily touch her heart.

Not to mention, when he got close to her before the food came. What was he going to do? Why did he do that? Did he do it on purpose? Was it his habit to casually do things ambiguously to a woman under his cold attitude that she just learnt?

She wouldn't mind if it was genuine. Unfortunately, she bet it's not. She was in contract made relationship, she reminded herself. She better not took it seriously or it would stir her mind again.

Desmond Claude put a card on the table. 'You can use it to eat, shop, or book a room in any restaurants, hotels, or malls under Claude Corporation whenever you like. Just show this card, the bill is on me.'

Pheonix Lou mouth stopped chewing, her gaze shifted from the card to the man sitting before her.

As someone who used to work closely to the chairman in Claude Corporation, she immediately recognized the card. It was not a credit card, but the card was made exclusively for the big shareholders of the company. By showing the card, the staff could tell the card holder was the owner with special rights.

She did say she couldn't afford to eat in this kind of lavish restaurant, when he mentioned that she could come more often. Even so, she didn't mean to ask him to pay for her or anything like that. What was the point of surrounding her with expensive goods and luxurious lifestyle? This man was getting weirder and weirder.

'Thank you, but I refuse...' Pheonix Lou politely refused.

It wasn't something big for him, but she refused with no hesitation. As a bad boy in his younger days, he knew at least one or two about women, they love shopping. While so many girls would fully enjoy being in her shoes and took the card happily. What was she thinking?

The thin lips of him curved up a little in curiousity. He guessed that as his previous secretary, she must have known he had something better. Even though she definitely was not a materialistic woman, accepting a valuable gift would really be delightful, right?

'I'll lose my face if people think that my girlfriend is actually short of money after they knew we've been dating for a while.' Desmond Claude made himself sounded reasonable. 'You can also use my black card. Take it as a gift!'

A black coloured card was placed above the first card on the table. It was his private card, not many people had this type of card.

Pheonix Lou furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't refused in order to ask for more. In addition, She was not his actual girlfriend, this was truly unnecessary. Did he think she was the kind of girl who would kneel just because he had money?

For some reasons, she found his excuse a little unusual too. Since when, he cared so much about what other people thought or said about him? Recently, he did put more attention to his public image. Did age cause him to have more social conscious?

'I can't have those cards. I'm on my disguise almost all the time, anyway. Don't you think it will be strange for a man to use another man's card?' Pheonix Lou looked straight at him, but her tone remained pleasant.

Desmond Claude faced another refusal, he was confused, but then he considered her explanation and soon came up with something on his mind. He was quick in finding solution every time his former plan didn't work.

His expression was unfathomable, his eyes so deep as a bottomless pit, no one could see what was there. He texted Luke Tyson without her knowing before he retracted the cards without saying anything.

'Ok, then.' He said a while later. 'There's another thing, be my companion for mayor's party on the day after tomorrow.'

Pheonix Lou could only agreed in spite of her work loads starting tomorrow.

The time had turned to 10 when they have finished the dinner. Both of them got into the car to go home.


A message from Sean Morris stole her attention. She smiled as she read the message. Sean Morris had found a great idea for the competition. He let her see his sketch.

Frankly, she learnt a lot from her superior. His design was superb, yet he always stayed low key. It would be only a matter of time before his name became famous, she thought.

It seemed Sean Morris was getting serious for the competition. It turned out he was a talented young man apart from his laid back personality.

Desmond Claude had been watching her every expression. It was his first time seeing her smiling excitedly while texting, her eyes was full of admiration as if she was sucked into the thing on her screen.

He liked her smile, but the smile was not meant for him, it was for someone on the screen. His facial expression darken. He felt like he was left out.

He recalled she had no close friends. She rarely chatted via her phone as far as he knew. Who could that be?

'Who are you texting with?' Desmond Claude asked coldly.

'It's Sean!' Pheonix Lou couldn't hide her adoration towards her superior's skill, her eyes locked onto the screen. 'He is really brilliant! I'm not an expert, but I can tell, his ability is above standard.'

Both Sean Morris and Pheonix Lou were young and friendly. By her disguise as a young men, they unsurprisingly interacted as close buddies and called each other without formalities even when they were working.

Sean? Sean Morris?

Desmond Claude's mouth twitched unconsciously. His face became darker than before. It was just a short time, she had already called him by his given name. Moreover, She had guts to praise another man before him.

What was so cool about an unknown junior designer like him? She solely belonged to him!

In a flash, Desmond Claude snatched Pheonix Lou's smartphone, stopping her from texting.

'Hey! Give it back!!' Pheonix Lou turned her body to him, tried to reach her phone from his hand.

By suddenly, Desmond Claude took the chance to grab her waist with his other hand, and accurately pressed his lips against hers.

He couldn't hold it any longer to taste her soft lips, locked her by his side, trying to say to her by his gestures that she could only be his. He wanted her to focus on him, smile for him.

Luke Tyson and the chauffeur caught the sight of them. Their jaw dropped by Desmond Claude's fast reaction, they just learnt that their cold boss not only efficient in working, but also in women. This was their first time seeing him without his 'barrier' towards women, though.

Based on what they saw, Pheonix Lou was not to be underestimated, she might have a mysterious power to be able to destroy the inapproachable wall, built by the CEO. That was simply amazing! She even proved the boss was really not gay in front of their eyes.

The men who sat in the front exchanged a glance to each other, as if they could share their thoughts. Their boss had finally showed some affections to this particular woman. Then, they acted like they didn't see or hear anything, quickly focus on their things at the same pace.

Pheonix Lou was very shocked, her arms, which were going to get her phone from Desmond Claude, hung unmoving in the air. Her eyes stayed widely open, her mind went blank. She could feel her heart jumping out. Her body stiffened, like a statue, the moment his lips landed on her.

Desmond Claude neglected her frozen reaction, his kiss deepened, slipped his tounge into her mouth skillfully. Somehow, her everything could make him crave for more, she tasted just the way he liked. His lower abdomen began to tense.

His kiss was overbearing and passionate, yet he maintained his gentleness at the same time. His tounge continued to explore inside her mouth, the air around them was getting hotter. His grip on her waist got tighter and their chest pressed to one another. For a second, he almost got her carried away. It was far different from the first and second kiss they had.

Snapped from her daze, Pheonix Lou pushed his firm chest away with all her strength. Noticing the two man in the front seats, her red cheeks turned even redder of embarrassment that she lost her words. She only hoped to hide herself, if there was a hole.

Even though her strength was nothing for him, Desmond Claude let go of her. He, too, realized he might not be able to control himself, if it went on for another minute. Why was it so hard to control himself around her?

She had planned to bite his tongue, yet ended up bite herself accidentally for she wasn't experienced at all. A taste of blood lingered in her mouth. How could she be so careless?

Not a word came from her mouth since her tounge was in pain, yet she looked very angry. At the same time, her fast racing heart couldn't even cooperate. She didn't want him to think that he could do what he pleased only because she was his contracted girlfriend.

'When you are with me, I won't allow you to get busy with something else!' Desmond Claude adjusted himself to his usual elegant sitting posture, handed her phone to her, his expression calm as usual, but his eyes were sharp as blade.

Pheonix Lou coldly said, 'I told you, I'm not yours! Don't casually do such thing!"

Desmond Claude had his eyes closed as if he enjoyed the ride, while he actually tried to surpress his desire.

People must have believed he treated her words as nothing. A faint sneered appeared on his handsome face.

'Is this your new hobby? If yes, I'm not going to be the part of it!' Pheonix Lou held her raging temper.

New hobby? No! She was more like an ecstasy to him. He could hardly resist her, he wanted her more and more.

He kept silent.

Pheonix Lou dashed into her room, by the time she was sent back to her apartment. She was too embarrassed and agitated to stay a while longer in the car.

Sinking her body in a warm bath, her mood instantly felt a little better.

Her mind was fulled with Desmond Claude images when she recalled her day. Thinking it was only her imagination, the man on her mind did changed, he was not as cold as she used to know.

She unconsciously caressed her lips, she didn't hate the kiss, but she didn't want a kiss in this fake relationship. Her heart felt like being pricked with a needle.

She couldn't tell it was because of her pride or something else. It would be nice if she and him were just like before, a boss and a secretary, she thought.

Her memory wandered further to the day he mistook her as someone he loved. Regrettably, he said the girl he like had died. That must have been the reason he never got close to another women. Her guess was he missed his lover badly that day and she was a girl, happened to be with him, who ended up 'eaten' by him that night.

Pheonix mind went wild. After analyzing his ambigous actions, she was stunned by her own thoughts.

He probably choose her to vent his desire because they were bounded by the deal. She was in the right time and the right place to be the target. He was a normal man after all.

The idea creeps her out!