
Hidden Pheonix in Disguise

Desmond Claude wouldn’t forget her bright pheonix eyes. The pheonix pendant that hung on her neck. The girl he met 10 years ago. He swore he would find her! The girl that captured his heart. Pheonix Lou was a beautiful girl. For some reasons, she disguised as a young man, working as a secretary in Claude Corporation. Will her disguised be found out? What happened then?

DiamondRing · Urban
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22 Chs

20. Technically, She was His Girlfriend

Asking Pheonix Lou to be Desmond Claude's girlfriend for his public image was actually a mere excuse he made. His real intention was to redeemed himself for taking her first time, since she refused his offer of taking responsibility. Only by being her boyfriend, at least, he could easily take care and protect her.

Apparently, Desmond Claude enjoyed being with her. His care and protection towards her had shifted from a moral obligation to something more sincere and real, which he was aware, although he wasn't certain about what kind of feelings he really had on her.

'CEO Claude, don't you think you're being rude by barging into someone's home?' Pheonix Lou satirized him.

Desmond Claude raised his exquisite eyebrows. His expression was as arrogant as ever, no words coming out from his mouth.

He closed their distance and before she could react, he put his large hand behind her neck, while his other hand stripped her outer layer of clothing.

She was very shocked by what he did, panicked, she instinctively cover her chest. 'What are you doing?!'

She stepped backward as the man stepped forward.

Ignoring her, he grabbed her delicate arm with certain strength so that she couldn't resist and slid up her sleeve, revealing some bruises on her milky white skin.

He took out a tube of gel, then applied on her bruised skin.

Pheonix Lou was taken aback. He came here specifically to treat her bruises?

'Let me see your other arm and legs!' Desmond Claude squeezed some more gel.

She obediently let him put the gel on her arm and legs.

He saw a vague scar for the sake of protecting him some time ago. It seemed he didn't protect her well enough.

Meanwhile, she was guilty for being rude to him, yet he once again showed his care for her.

'Don't be too kind to me!' She screamed at her heart.

Thinking this was only a pretense, made her heart hurt, though.

'It's done!' Desmond Claude put the gel on her table. 'I'll put it here.'

'Desmond, thank you!' She said earnestly. 'I'm sorry for earlier.'

Despite having him on her back, Pheonix Lou never asked him for anything. Didn't she know she has that previlege?

'You're my girlfriend. You should ask me for help if you're in trouble.' Desmond Claude said indifferently, even though he was happy that she wasn't upset anymore. 'One more thing, I appreciate actions better than words.'

Could he for once not pushing his luck?

'Well, I only need to act as your girlfriend in public eyes, but we both know it is just a pretense.' Pheonix Lou sighed.

Even if she really had him on her back, she still wanted to stand on her own feet, instead of relying on his power, she was that kind of person.

'Pretense? But, I remember you really like me. I should remind you, the contract clearly stated you are my girlfriend, even when we are in private, as long as the contract has not expired.' A proud smile appeared on his handsome face.

Pheonix Lou was speechless at his narcissism.

Wait, she really forgot about it! The term was to be his temporary girlfriend. Therefore, technically, she was his girlfriend, whether she was in public or not. Meaning, she should always act as his girlfriend.

Sadly, the relationship didn't have anything to do with their feelings. It had always been a deal! The thoughts of her weakened heart haunted her again.

Something came up to her mind. Maybe, she should have asked him, in order to not misunderstood his ambiguous behaviour.

'Desmond Claude, w-why did you hug me earlier?' She gathered her courage.

Desmond Claude was snapped by her question, but Pheonix Lou missed his change of expression.

When he arrived there, he was so worried seeing her cornered by the hooligans. Fortunately, he was able to save her just in time. He was relieved that she was okay and her words triggered him to unleash his urge to keep her on his care, not letting other people harm her, that he hugged her automatically.

Definitely, he wouldn't let her know about what was in his mind, because neither himself could tell what exactly his affection for her was.

He was the type who wouldn't opened up if he wasn't sure.

Desmond Claude looked at Pheonix Lou in the eyes. 'Because I was taking my reward, for saving you from those hooligans.'

Reward? Was he a playboy? She never knew he was that bold to women. It seemed she thought too much, he was just toying around.

What kind of woman did he think she was that he could just take advantage, whenever he liked?

'You can't hug me as you please!' She simply warned him.

'Why? You are my woman, you belong to me!' A faint smile appeared on his handsome face, his eyes still on her.

Her face reddened. 'I'm not your woman or a thing you own!'

Her bright Pheonix eyes were unwavering.

According to his perspective, she liked him, yet she played hard to get or she just shy to admit it. Her pride was quite strong.

His face closing in, their lips only an inch apart.

'You signed the contract.' He stated the fact while teasing her at the same moment. 'In my memory, you are so good at doing your work, you are meticulous, but why you keep forgetting things when it comes to our deal?'

Too close! She hurriedly moved a few steps away from him.

'Being a contracted couple is only a status, it doesn't mean you own me. So, you can't claim I belong to you!' Pheonix Lou got straight to the point. 'Unless it's really necessary, don't casually do those things!'

Desmond Claude shoved his hands on his pocket, he chuckled a little. She looked very shy but she wouldn't admit it. That was cute.

Pheonix Lou was still blushed in red, as she turned her face to the other side, her long eyelashes prominently casted a shadow, her tall nose, and her moist lips could be seen better.

He was generally serious, but with her around, he tended to be more playful.

'You should feel honoured that I acknowledge you to be mine. By saying that, are you afraid you can't handle my charm?' His face was calm, but his charming and dominant demeanor could be felt.

His sentence drove her to vomit blood. Talking to him was useless!

'I'm so stupid to think he is kind and all. He is a cold blooded profiteer, shameless, and self-absorbed!' She yelled in her mind. 'To think I almost got carried away, I'm so silly! It was his honey trap!'

'I...' Pheonix Lou was going to say something when her loudly grumbling stomach interrupted her.

That was embarassing!

'Let's have dinner together!' Desmond Claude abruptly said in his deep voice. His tone was decisive, his face remained emotionless. 'Put off your lousy wig and get change!'

'It's pretty late for dinner, I can cook...' Pheonix Lou suggested softly.

'No need, I know a place.' Desmond Claude took out his phone.

Regardless Pheonix Lou was not in the mood to go out, she had no choice, but to follow his order. When he said something, it's hard to change his decision.

While waiting for her, he asked Luke Tyson to book a restaurant.


The restaurant looked like a huge Japanese Style residential, built of high quality wood. One can tell, it was a prestigious place with VIP guest only.

When Desmond Claude stepped into the restaurant main gate, all the staffs stood in row and bowed down as they greeted him.

The aloof man walked inside with a woman beside him. Looking at them was the same as looking at a painting, which the man was handsome, tall, and had the powerful aura accompanied with an enchantingly beautiful woman, that was impossible to be missed by people's eyes.

Pheonix Lou was simply dressed and had no make up since she was in rush earlier, her long silky hair hung loosely without any fancy accessories. Nonetheless, everyone soon recognized her as she was so much alike or even better in real than the photos of the CEO's woman in the media. It was enough to make the women there more envy towards her.

Pheonix Lou eyes were spoilt by the restaurant design when the manager sent both of them to the VIP room, she got the chance to look around. The restaurant was surrounded by japanese garden, the ambience was really authentic, classy, and very tranquil. She wished she could take some pictures.

Desmond Claude and Pheonix Lou sat themselves on the seating cushion in a room where it had an open door through the garden. There was a small pond with bamboo fountain under the big cherry blossom tree, it made a nice sound and the moon looked very bright from where they sat.

She wasn't a picky eater, especially in such place where the food price was predictably very expensive for common people like her. If she had a choice, she would choose her favourite fried chicken in fast food restaurant. Therefore, she let him order for her.

'The restaurant is amazing!' Pheonix Lou broke the silence.

'It's indeed one of the best japanese restaurant in the country. If you like this place, you can come here, more often. It belongs to The Claude Corporation.' He knew she liked it very much.

'You're joking! I can't afford it!' She sipped her hot green tea, enjoy the smell of it while closing her eyes.

The night breeze blew her hair softly creating a nice effect on her naturally pretty face. Desmond Claude unconsciously fixed his eyes on her in admiration.

His heart was pounding wildly. She was like a yellow light for termites, hypnotized him more and more to get close to her. Just by watching her, he simply forgot his hectic day.

A flower petal fell on Pheonix Lou's hair. Desmond Claude stood up from his seat, walked to her, bowed on his knee to reach the similar height as her head. His adam's apple bobbed.

Sensing someone touched her hair, she opened her eyes and widened her eyes in disbelief, her hands held the glass tighter. He was so close that his fresh manly fragrance entered her nostrils.

His fingers brushed accross her hair while removing the petal and continued to land on her face as his face got closer to her. He had urge to plant a kiss on her, but before it touched her snow white skin...

The sound of the sliding door disturbed the moment, a waitress in japanese kimono, brought up their meals.

Desmond Claude quickly retrieved from what he was going to do, rose up from his knee, then stepping to the door facing the garden.

He really needed to sort his feelings up. It was getting out of hand, he thought. He worried about her, he was being protective, he couldn't let her go out of his sight, he couldn't ignore her. This afternoon, he was still very doubtful. In just a short time, his doubts getting smaller rapidly when he analyzed his action scrupulously. Just now, he wasn't able to deny that he totally had his eyes on her. The image of his deceased first love who resembled Pheonix Lou had faded away in just a month. He supposed to forget about her, yet, wasn't it to fast? Eliminating the other possibilities, he was faced with two questions, he really into her or he treated her as a substitute?

The two of them didn't bother to see through what expression they had on each other's face. Pheonix Lou swiftly set her attention to the food.

After a while, they started eating. No one talked.

'Um, this afternoon, how did you appear suddenly?' Pheonix Lou broke the awkward atmosphere.

'I had a meeting around the area, I was just passing by.' Desmond Claude smoothly covered up, that he truthfully looking for her, when he sensed something was not right.

'I see, once again, thank you for saving me.' Her voice turn softer. 'Then, what are you going to do with the hooligans?'

'Give them a lesson for messing with you.' He answered briefly.

He took a slice of salmon sashimi and put on her plate.

'Thanks.' She dipped the sashimi slice into the soy sauce, then ate it.