
Hidden Pheonix in Disguise

Desmond Claude wouldn’t forget her bright pheonix eyes. The pheonix pendant that hung on her neck. The girl he met 10 years ago. He swore he would find her! The girl that captured his heart. Pheonix Lou was a beautiful girl. For some reasons, she disguised as a young man, working as a secretary in Claude Corporation. Will her disguised be found out? What happened then?

DiamondRing · Urban
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22 Chs

22. She Became Part of His Past

It was midnight. The moon was big and bright, creating a spectacular view. Occasionally, a spring breeze blew, creating a natural night symphony.

Desmond Claude was in his dark blue bathrobe, sipping a glass of whiskey, while standing near the window of his study room with a slightly dimmed light. Unlike his usual neat looks, his hair was still half dried and messy, yet he looked so sexy. His pair of charming eyes looked far away to the view before him, his restless mind didn't allow him to sleep.

Her rosy lips and her natural sweet scent left a deep impression for him. She indeed made his self control weakened. The least unexpected woman he used to think...

Life was full of surprise!

He unlocked his smartphone, a picture of a beautiful young woman appeared on the screen. She was sleeping peacefully, her cheeks was slightly red, and her long thick eyelashes sharpened her pretty features. He didn't know when he began to treasure this simple picture.

He guessed he was truly into the woman in the picture, Pheonix Lou. She was different from the other women around him, she didn't care about fame or fortune. She was very simple, hard working, and held onto her principles. He used to judge her as a scheming deceitful lady, it turned out he was wrong. On the contrary, occasionally, he got to see her naive, slow minded, and innocent side, it made him eager to protect her under his wings. She was as real as she looks. With her by her side, he could be just himself too. The more he got to know her, the more he wanted her.

Something distracted him.

He opened a drawer below his desk, he took a piece of document with a blurry picture of a girl who had the same pheonix eyes as Pheonix Lou, Margareth. No doubt, They 85% looked alike when their pictures were compared side by side. Both of them were not related, but they had lots of similarities.

Staring at the two pictures for a long time, Desmond Claude's made his mind extremely clear that his affection didn't have anything to do with their resemblance. He admitted he had that reason at the beginning, yet it gradually didn't matter anymore. They might be the same type, but they are definitely different.

His first love was love at the first sight, this was unbelievable, but it was real to him. He didn't know much about Margareth, except for her pure heart and her contagious positive vibes. While Pheonix Lou, was more up to challenge and independent.

Even so, truthfully they were not to be compared since he met them at different age. Margareth was 13 at that time, while Pheonix Lou was 23. Hence, their maturity and persona were absolutely different.

If Margareth was still alive and he got to meet her today, what she will be like? Would she still be the same?

Well, regarding the life he had been living now, Desmond Claude assured himself, he didn't see Pheonix Lou as the substitute of Margareth nor he wanted her to be one.

He sat on his working chair, took another sip of his drink before he closed his eyes, drowned himself in his thoughts. A crease between his eyebrows deepened.

So many fragments of memories going through his mind. His heart thumped and he felt the familiar feelings he had experienced before. He took a deep breath then opened his eyes.

In the end, he figure his heart out, Margareth was nowhere in his heart, he concluded. He confirmed, he fell in love for the second time with another person.

He used to love the girl he met 10 years ago, so deep, that before recently, he still had her in his heart without even ever saw her again. He didn't expect, it was a merely short time after he knew her death, a strong presence could perfectly wiped her out in a relatively short time. Regardless how quick it was, he had no control of it.

'I'm sorry, I can't keep you in my heart anymore.' Desmond Claude darted his eyes in Margareth's photo, then put it back in his drawer.

Margareth had officially become part of his past. The love that lost its time and not fated in his life.

Learning from his past mistakes, he intended to embrace the opportunity, now that he didn't any doubt in himself. He should tell Pheonix Lou how he felt as soon as possible.

He will be her knight in shining armor just like what she said last time. He wouldn't let anything bad happened to her anymore, he told himself.

His thin lips curled up in determination.


Lunch break.

While discussing the design proposal for the internal competition, Sean Morris and Pheonix Lou were enjoying their lunch.

'You have a good taste! I could use that idea!' Sean Morris had another bite of his meal.

'You think so? Great!' Pheonix Lou beamed.

'Uhm, Y'know, with some training, you can be a decorator, at least!'

Professional interior decorator? She never thought of that...

It sounds cool!

Sean Morris swallowed his food then added, 'The pay is also way far better. If i succeed the Claude-Anderson Project, I'll asked Miss Jones to put you in the decorator department.'

'Thanks! It sounds great, but are you sure I have that ability? I'm still on my probation period too.' Pheonix wasn't confident in her ability.

'Don't be a sissy, Pheonix!' Sean Morris tapped her shoulder while laughing. 'Trust me!'

Pheonix Lou nodded and continued her meal.

'Aa!' A cheerful voice of a girl trailed in her ears. 'Mr. Lou, it's such a coincidence to meet you here!!'

Pheonix Lou and Sean Morris turned their eyes to a girl who was about 19 years old. She was walking to them.

The girl was cute with big eyes and short brown hair, her built was small like a junior high school girl. She was a part timer from one of the wallpaper company, who usually came to deliver a catalogue.

'Oh, hi! Miss Daisy Dale, are you here to have lunch too?' Pheonix Lou greeted her politely.

'I order for a take away.' Daisy Dale beamed brightly at Pheonix Lou, her cheeks blushed lightly.

'Um, this is my superior, Mr. Morris.' Pheonix Lou hurriedly introduce Sean Morris to the girl. 'Mr. Morris, this is Daisy Dale from J Company.'

Sean Morris was unfamiliar with the girl as Pheonix Lou was the one who usually received all the samples and catalogues for him. Unless it was really necessary, he wouldn't contact the suppliers by himself.

'Nice to meet you!' Daisy Dale and Sean Morris shaked each other hands as they greeted.

Pheonix Lou accidentally caught a sight of Daisy Dale's skirt, there was a visible little red spot, which she quickly knew what it was. As a fellow woman, she understood it must have been so embarrassing.

Still, Pheonix Lou was in dilemma to use her jacket or not. Wearing only shirt, would give less cover to her bosom area. Her eyes darted on something hanging on her neck.

She had a brilliant idea!

'Sorry, Miss Dale, can you lift up your arms a little bit?' Pheonix Lou asked.

Daisy Dale was puzzled, but instinctively lift her arms a little.

Skillfully, Pheonix Lou put off her scarf and wrapped it around her hips until it performed a fashionable wrapping on her skirt. Meanwhile, Daisy Dale was extremy surprised by her abrupt action and her heart skipped a beat.

'The handsome Mr. Lou put on his scarf on me!!' Daisy Dale couldn't believe her eyes. Her thoughts ran wild in excitement, after all, a good looking man did something on her hips.

'Wow! Were you an expert on female's clothing?' Sean Morris commented her, his eyes showed admiration, yet a strange remark at the same time. 'I never thought that you have such hobby... um... you are not a...'

Reading his facial expression, in a louder voice, Pheonix Lou laughed awkwardly before Sean Morris finished his words, then gently lead the girl to a quiet corner to talk privately. She worried that Sean Morris was likely to suspect she was not a man.

At a corner, Pheonix Lou explained what she had seen on the skirt to Daisy Dale as politely as possible. She didn't want her to think she was a perverted young man.

Despite being shy, knowing Pheonix Lou had explained and treated her so well, Daisy Dale thanked her deeply.

Daisy Dale noticed Pheonix Lou was undoubtedly good looking from the first time she met her. She often got mesmerized by her looks, such a cute pretty boy! After she got saved just now, she couldn't help not to got attracted by Pheonix Lou.

Assuming, Pheonix Lou was into her too that she help her to the extent, Daisy Dale bravely gave a peck on Pheonix Lou's cheek as she thanked her.

Daisy Dale looked at her coquettishly before she walked away.


This time, Pheonix Lou was the one who stood unmoving, somehow, she didn't feel good, her body shivered a little. She let a long sigh as she put her palm on her face.


6.30 pm. 101 Studio.

There were only Sean Morris and Pheonix Lou in the office at this hour as they prefered working in the office, unlike the other designers who often brought their unfinished works home.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Simultaneously Pheonix's phone was bombarded by messages from her angry ex-boss.

Mr. Jerk: 'You haven't replied any of my messages today!!! Can't you just check your phone for a second??!'

Mr. Jerk: 'Why haven't you go home??! It's past your working hour!! What company force its staffs like that??! Go home!!'

Mr. Jerk: 'Tell your boss, you are going home!! I'll pick you up!'

'Aaargh! So noisy!' Pheonix Lou almost cracked her pen in annoyance. 'He used to make me work until midnight without a chance to even chat with my phone!!!! How come he said those things??!!'

Pheonix Lou was going to accompany Desmond Claude tomorrow that she really needed to catch up with her works tonight. Coincidentally, Sean Morris had his own business too tomorrow, so, he agreed to work overtime with her.

Besides, she still a little annoyed about the kiss yesterday. She didn't want to see Desmond Claude and his assistant, how could she face them? It's too shameful! For once, she hoped he didn't succeed making things complicated for her.

'Easy, bro!' Sean Morris gave a little kick that his chair moved backward swiftly as his face turned to Pheonix Lou. 'Your ex-boss again? Why such a big shot like him would ask you this and that? That's strange! You are no longer his subject!'

Pheonix Lou cleared her throat awkwardly. 'How do you figure it out? Hahaha...'

Sean Morris stared at her helplessly. 'What a dumb question! Who makes you work until late, except your boss?'

Pheonix Lou forced herself to laugh. 'Right....'

In a suspicious expression, Sean Morris asked, 'Are you with him? I heard he was a gay, wasn't he?'

His questions drove her jaw dropped uncontrollably. If she was drinking, she would definitely spout out her drinks.

'N-No!!! Are you serious??! Listen, he is not a gay!!!He has a girlfriend, remember?!' Pheonix quickly clarrified. 'He just.. just... uh, picky! Yeah, picky!!'

Picky? Sean Morris raised one of his eyebrow?

'He... he hasn't found a new personal secretary. You know, the-the clause in the contract, um, before he h-hired a new one, It's my responsibility to help.' Pheonix explained clumsily.

Sean Morris didn't press on. It didn't mean her excuse was highly reasonable. The fact that it wasn't his business, put off his curiosity instantly.

He just nodded as if her explanation was enough. He swayed his chair back to the front of his desk and continued with his design. He, too, had time to race.

Pheonix Lou speedily typed to Desmond Claude. 'Don't pick me up! I'm very busy and had to finish my tasks by tonight.'