
Hidden Pheonix in Disguise

Desmond Claude wouldn’t forget her bright pheonix eyes. The pheonix pendant that hung on her neck. The girl he met 10 years ago. He swore he would find her! The girl that captured his heart. Pheonix Lou was a beautiful girl. For some reasons, she disguised as a young man, working as a secretary in Claude Corporation. Will her disguised be found out? What happened then?

DiamondRing · Urban
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22 Chs

19. She was Terrified of being Carried Away

Ariana Anderson was originally beautiful, her family was wealthy, and she had great sense of fashion. Perhaps, she had expected to meet Desmond Claude, she dressed up better than last time.

She tidied her things up as she gently asked Luke Tyson, 'Assistant Tyson, I am sure you know about Chairman Claude's girlfriend, Miss Lou. What is she like in person? Ah, don't misunderstand me! I often see them in the media, so, I'm just curious...'

Getting to know her love rival was important. Desmond Claude was very aloof, it was hard to know what he was like in private and his circle. That's why, Ariana Anderson had to dig up some informations to get her way.

Luke Tyson had always been prepared for this kind of question, regarding his boss private life. He beamed politely and answered without hesitation, 'I'm sorry, Miss Anderson, I'm just an assistant, I had to keep my distance since Miss Lou is CEO Claude's girlfriend, so, I can't say much. As far as I know, Miss Lou was pretty and treat others well.'

His description was too general. Ariana Anderson could see her picture in the media and she didn't need to hear about Desmond Claude's girlfriend appearance. She had to admit, she was very breathtaking, but she believed she was not less than her in other aspects. She knew Luke Tyson deliberately covered up any useful information.

Ariana Anderson didn't give up. She kept her smile while persisting, 'I see... from the photo, Miss Lou does seem to be a good person. How did Chairman Claude and Miss Lou meet?'

Luke Tyson couldn't say that Pheonix Lou was previously his boss's secretary, who disguised as a man. At first, Desmond Claude was really angry about it. Until this moment, what reason behind her disguise was unknown. But then, after the punishment, Luke Tyson was also puzzled by his boss's view towards Pheonix Lou. The CEO just changed and treated Pheonix Lou rather special. How they became couple, he didn't even know the details, except for the contract.

Luke Tyson wouldn't let the cat out of the bag, though.

'I really don't know about that, Miss Anderson. I apologize for not able to give you a good answer.' Luke Tyson calmly said and prepared to leave. 'Uhm, It's almost 5, I should report back to the CEO. We will make a schedule to check the area and we will contact you soon. Thank you for your cooperation.'

Left with no chance, Ariana Anderson didn't pressed on. She knew she had to find other way.

For now, it was better to concentrate on the project first. The media had sniffed The Anderson and Claude Corporation collaboration in a big scale project. Both companies was strong and famous, it definitely tickled people's attention, any mistakes should be avoided.

After returning to 101 Studios, Pheonix Lou speedily fixed up her clothes and wiped herself clean. She felt sore on her arms and knees, yet she didn't make a fuss about it.

Recalling what just happened, she still felt furious that Desmond Claude was being too overbearing over her. On the other hand, he appeared to protect her and showed some concern, that was undeniably touch her soft spots.

She didn't need to be that angry to him, did she?

She wondered what exactly he took her for?

When Desmond Claude was on her mind, she couldn't understand herself either. He made her confused by his ambiguous actions. She didn't dare to misinterpret him, but...

'Aaargh! I shouldn't think about it!' Pheonix Lou shook her head.

She went back to her seat and continued doing her tasks.

Sean Morris had just returned back from meeting with a client, he didn't see Jerry Cox on his desk. Then, he visited Pheonix Lou's desk as he took some documents, which should have been handed to him.

'Where is Jerry Cox? I saw him this morning.' Sean Morris asked casually.

'He said he was not feeling well, then took an early leave.' She explained. 'This is the new catalogue we got. Do you want to take a look?'

'That's weird, he was fine before. Did he talk to anyone before or only to you?' Sean Morris took the catalogue from Pheonix Lou's hand.

'I'm not sure, he came to me and asked for a help before he went home.'

Sean Morris eyes were in alert, listening to Pheonix Lou explanation. His face turned serious.

'I'm not badmouthing him, but, you should be careful with him. If he ask for help, you better turn it down if it's not work related.' He warned her.

He should have told her earlier! She had learnt her lesson the hard way.

'Is he a dangerous person?' Pheonix Lou lured him to tell her more.

'No, but some of us here were taken advantage of by him by helping him, so I just don't want you to experience the same thing. That's why, we keep some distance to him. If possible, just do the draft by yourself or ask Mr. Page or Miss Craig to do it.'

It turned out Jerry Cox was that kind of person. She was too naive. She had to be careful from now on.

'Guys, check it out the newest news! The Anderson and Claude Corporations had a collaboration in building a big scale lavished resort project. It will be the greatest one! They will call for designers in a few months, we should take the job!' A female colleague excitedly informed everyone in the office while holding a tablet on her hands.

'Eh? Really?'

'It's a gigantic project!'

'That's so cool!'

Everyone directly attracted to the news. They stopped on what they had been doing just to check on it.

Director Florence Hall came out from her office, smiling calmly at her subordinates, but one could feel her strong charismatic aura as a leader in this company.

'It's a rare chance, isn't it? Unfortunately, more than one representative of a company is not allowed.' Director Hall broke the noise. 'Therefore, I will give you a fair opportunity to compete and offer your best to be our company representative when they call for the designers. Junior or senior designer, all can participate. If you succeed, I will greatly promote you and your underlines as a reward.

Everyone eyes glowed in enthusiasm.

'I give you one month to compete with your colleagues and we will decide openly for the one who will be the representative of 101 Studio. It's a breakthrough for our company, we will face giant design companies when the real battle is on. Therefore, we will train ourselves not just in design, but service, speed, business value, etc.' Florence Hall continued speaking.

The office was quiet, their face became serious and determination flashed in their eyes. It was as if they were ready to go to war.

Sean Morris who had been standing near Pheonix Lou, let out a faint smile, his eyes were full with ambition and excitement. His current seriousness was hardly seen.

After finished up, Florence Hall went back into her office. Everyone swiftly turned lively again as they started to plan what they were going to do.

Pheonix Lou looked at her superior. 'What's your plan? As your assistant, although I'm inexperience, I will definitely work hard to help you!'

'Great! I'll think of something right away. Don't you go back on your words, assistant!' Sean Morris laughed cheekily.

'Aah, wouldn't it be good if Pheonix Lou could say some nice things to Chairman Claude? Maybe we get special way in the competition later on...' A colleague blurted out.

'I'm just a lowly ex-servant of his, what can I do? Hahahaha...' Pheonix responded jokingly.

'Ok, maybe you just give my number to him, I will persuade him for us!' A female colleague continued the joke.

'Who do you think you are? You are not as pretty as his girlfriend!' A male colleague jokingly mocked the female colleague. 'She's my goddess!! Why that man is so lucky??!'

Pheonix Lou was flattered by her colleague's comment, it made her shy, yet she felt bad that they didn't know, the one they talked about was actually her.

The female colleague was speechless. Since it was not serious, no one took it to heart.

Another male colleague spoke out, 'You got a point! He's lucky indeed! Beauties are around him. Beside his girlfriend, it is said, the graceful, smart, and beautiful Miss Ariana Anderson is the one who has been handling the project. She is the chairman's daughter. I bet they meet each other pretty often. If you were Chairman Claude who will you choose?'

Everyone laughed at the gossips, except Pheonix Lou.

Why she didn't know about Ariana Anderson?

She had met Chairman Anderson when she worked at Claude Corporation, but she didn't know he had a daughter, he never brought his daughter. She must have been really outstanding and different from the other pretty women Desmond Claude had met before.

Pheonix Lou, unexpectedly, was a little bit downhearted.

'Why should I care? What's wrong with me? I'm just his contracted girlfriend!' Pheonix Lou grumbled inwardly. 'There's a possibility he will like Ariana Anderson, the contract will end. I should be happy, I'll be free.'

'It's getting out of the topic! Let's stop joking! We have so much to plan on!' A colleague got everyone back on track.

They stopped gossiping as they began to discuss their plan with their own teammates. 101 Studios was really blessed with a healthy competition among their designers, it created a terrifically conducive and peaceful atmosphere in the workplace.

'What's with that long face?' Sean Morris raised his eyebrows as he looked at Pheonix Lou. 'You have a crush on the girlfriend of your ex-boss?'

'Don't kidding me! I only regret that I didn't memorize the companies who often works with Claude Corporations.' Pheonix Lou made an excuse.

'Naah, It's not a big deal!' Sean Morris got back to his seat.

Meanwhile, Luke Tyson was in the CEO office to report back about the project with the Anderson.

Desmond Claude sat on his chair, his eyes were cold and his expression was as stiff as steel.

After Luke Tyson done with his report, Desmond Claude who had been silent, shouted angrily, 'Luke Tyson, I told you to get bodyguards for Pheonix Lou, not a pair of losers who cannot do their jobs!! Get her an elite one, by tomorrow morning!!'

Stunned, cold sweat ran down his limb, Luke Tyson had no idea what had happened but something bad must have happened to Pheonix Lou when Desmond Claude rushed out this afternoon, 'I apologize for being incompetent! I will do as you say, CEO Claude!'

Luke Tyson bowed her head down.

'Your salary will be deducted by half this month!' Desmond Claude then left his office in big strides as it was already 6 p.m.

Luke Tyson followed behind him.

The luxurious black car sped away from Claude Corporation, stopped for a while in a pharmacy, and drove to a tiny apartment, where Pheonix Lou lived.

At 7.15 p.m

Pheonix Lou came out from the elevator and walked to her units. She was surprised to see a tall figure with his arms crossed, leaning next to her door.

Their eyes met.

She averted her gaze to her door knob, as she opened the door. 'Good evening, CEO Claude! You should go back and have your dinner.'

Anyone could see that Pheonix Lou was still upset.

A girlfriend bound by a contract was not a real one, she thought. Both of them only need to pretend as a lover when they were in public in her understanding.

So far, they got closer inevitably. She was terrified of being carried away. He made it sound like she belong to him by his dominating nature from time to time and he would be very kind or too kind to her, even out of public. It might be better if he could just treat her differently.

Desmond Claude face darkened to her distant attitude.

'Did she have to be so angry about earlier?' Desmond Claude complained in his mind. 'She always makes people worry!'

She neglected his presence on purpose. Leaving him outside, Pheonix Lou got into her unit, and was closing the door, when Desmond Claude swiftly snuck his hand on the door, held it to leave a gap.

Pheonix Lou jolted back spontaneously.

In an effortless way, he got into her unit, closing the door behind him.