
Chapter 30

"Clinton dear," Whitney said, walking to his bedside.She sat beside him on the bed.

Clinton's eyes were half open.

"Whit...ney," he slowly called out.

"How are you feeling right now?" She asked, caressing his hand.

"I feel pains all over my body, everywhere seems to be aching but you are here anyways, so I feel much better," Clinton answered, his lips turning into a weak smile.

"Do you really feel that way? Now is not an appropriate time to joke," she said to him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I do not even remember how all this happened. I can't make anything out of my memory," Clinton said to her but it felt as though he was talking to himself because of his low tone.

"It was not an accident, right?" Whitney asked him in a hurry.

"I do not understand," he said to her.

"I'm talking about the accident, Clinton. Do you think it was planned by someone?" 

"My brakes were entirely good before today, so I do not think it was an accident. Someone tempered with my brakes but I can't really tell who would do such a thing to me. Maybe whoever did it, didn't plan to kill me," Clinton said.

"And what if someone is out there, waiting to kill you? What if your brakes were purposely tampered with, in order to kill you?" Whitney asked him.

"Why would anyone want to kill me? As a matter of fact, I do not have any enemies, I am not even that strong and active in the business world," he voiced out to her, thoughtfully.

"I do not have an idea either but I know for a fact that there is someone out there who wants to see you dead," Whitney said courteously. "Besides Daniel was here earlier on. The receptionist also told me that he had paid all of your bills but he had refused to fill in the information. I wanted to have a word with him but..."

"Argh," Clinton interrupted her while trying to sit up.

Whitney held his shoulder, to support him. "Relax Clint."

"Daniel threatened me," he voiced out in a whisper but the the hearing of Whitney.

"Daniel did what?" Whitney asked him, to confirm if she heard him clearly.

"He threatened me," he said.

"With what? What did he threaten you with?" Whitney asked, trying to will the situation under control. "Did he threaten your life?"

"No," Clinton answered.

"All he had said to me was, before the end of this week, he would deal with me but I took his words as empty threats__"

"That only means one thing, Daniel is the person behind your accident. It was all planned," Whitney practically linked things up.

"No, I just can't believe he would do such a thing to me," Clinton said in an undertone.

"I can't believe it too but the prove is enough for you and I," Whitney said knowledgeably.

"But why would he do a thing like this to me? I thought he was my best friend. He had never resorted to playing cheap stunts on me, so why now?" Clint asked, looking dejected.

"Stop feeling bad about it. I once told you that this friend of yours is a selfish human. He does not love anyone except for himself and he can never learn to, so the sooner you understand this, the better for you. He is just a wrecked human being, who loves to destroy other people's life." She paused for a little while and began to talk again. 

"You had better stopped trusting him or else he is going to hurt you more than he has done today," Whitney said angrily.

Clinton didn't say anything, instead he looked at her and pondered on all she was saying to him.

"If only you had kept to your promise, maybe all this wouldn't have happened," Whitney said to him, sowing a seed of discord into his mind.

"Daniel has made a terrible mistake by messing with the wrong person. If all he wanted was you to come back into his life, I would not have obliged but no he didn't. All he intends to do, is make everyone's life to be miserable, just like his own."

Seemed like Whitney's choice of words about Daniel, were really taking effect on Clinton.

There was a hidden smile on Whitney's face. Thanks to Daniel, he was making her plan for his downfall much is easy and assured.

Daniel did not have the slightest idea of how big a favor he did to Whitney, by causing or setting up Clinton's accident.

Now Whitney did not have to do much, in order to gain Clinton's support. All Daniel had done was more than enough to pave way for Clinton to trust her and give her support.