
Chapter 31

"You were right all along, Whitney. Now I am ready to sup...." His cough interrupted his words.

"Sorry dear," Whitney said, tapping on his back gently and helping him to lay down.

"Please Clinton, all you have to do now is take care of yourself. You do not need to...

"I am ready to support you, no matter what. If he thinks he can scare me off with his stupid games. I will show him that I am also good at playing such games. I will surely emerge the winner," Clinton said courageously and coughed out again.

"Whitney was satisfied with what she heard from his mouth. She was never expecting to be this impressed. All that happened today was good news.

With Clinton's wealth and influence, she was certain that she could beat Daniel in his game. He was no match for her, as for now.

Meanwhile, Daniel was seated in his car, so lost in thought, that his car almost collided with another car. The other car dodged being hit and the driver screamed out in fright?


The only thing that Dan could do was apologise to the victim and wave his hand. Well, it was much better than before, when he would shout endlessly and at the end throw some money to his victim. This time around, things were different.

Without wasting any time, Daniel drove away, leaving the driver of the car he had nearly hit, still screaming.

What? Daniel had finally gone back home, he got down from his car and quickly rushed into his house," breathing tirelessly.

"Good day sir," a servant said.

Daniel threw his car key to the servant.

"Take my car to the garage," he commaned and walked on, ignoring all the greetings he got from his servants.

He headed straight for his study room. Once he came in, he shut the door and settled on his sit, looking damn worried.

"What has kept the ant away from its sugar?

What has made the bee less busy? What has made the ugly ape so handsome? What has...."

"And who gave you the right to enter my study room without knocking?" He asked his nanny, who had just walked into his study room and brought him out of his reverie.

"My son believe me, I knocked but you were so deep in your thought. So I had to come in with out your permission, in order to bring you back to reality," his nanny said.

"And the best way you knew was to use unnecessary riddles on me? You should know that these riddles of yours downgrades my position because you are indirectly referring to me," Daniel said, with a fierce expression on his face and anger in his tone.

"Daniel I thought that by now, you would have known much about me and the fact that I can never speak ill of you. What is eating deep into you, that you barely do anything these days. Eat, sleep, talk or even reply our greetings? All you do all day is think, frown and ignore. Dan, silence may seem to be the best option but trust me, it is not and can never be the best answer. A silent man is more like a coward and sometimes, ones silence can be mistook for weakness and incompetence," Nanny Feng paused and walked to his study table.

"Sometimes self pity  damages the inner spirit, at times it kills and weakens the body. You are such a young man, you shouldn't be thinking this much. You are quite different from other young men out there. I can't help but blame myself for not doing a proper job in bringing you up. When your mother died, your dad made you my responsibility but I failed him, now I realize how poorly my services were. I do not understand what you have turned into, now you act more like a beast. When I began to see signs of your bad behavior, I felt it was one of the characteristics of a child. I had believed that while you grew up, those bad characters of yours would disappear but I was proven wrong. Then again I felt there was another hope of you changing, once you got married but my thoughts were not justified, instead they were all proved abortive."

(At Clinton's house)

"I am glad that you have finally found out the type of person your best friend really is. I also hope that by now, all of the love which you have for him, has all withered away," Whitney said, as she sat down beside him.

"He has wronged you by planning your accident and the only you can pay him back is through vengeance. You and I even now. We are in the same shoes.

"What I can not understand is why Daniel would do such a thing to me. He is my best friend for the love of God...."

"He was," Whitney corrected.

"He is no more."

Clinton nodded in agreement. "If he had considered me as his best friend, he would not have set up my accident. He was my best friend but he is no more."

Whitney smiled. "Daniel is going to see his downfall. All we have to do now is act."

"How?" Clinton asked keenly. "What shall we do?"

"I just found out from a newspaper I was flipping through, that the Smith's company have volunteered to sell out one quarter of their shares...."

"That is not possible," Clinton remarked.

"Whether possible or impossible that is their shit. All I want to tell you is that the bidding is tomorrow, I guess it will commence from as early as nine in the morning," Whitney said.

"And imagine if we buy a quarter of their shares, we will be in charge of a quarter of their income, starting from henceforth."

"Whitney, you are only thinking about the profitable aspect of this, what about the selling price?" Clinton voiced out, adamantly.

"Listen Clint, we are going to do whatever it takes for us to own that share. Besides, the selling price will not be bigger than your income. Think about it. Moreover, even if we lose all the money we have in order to buy that shares, we will still gain bigger than what we have lost, so Clinton we have to buy that share no matter the situation."

"But what will the Smith's company gain from selling a quarter of their shares?" Clinton thoughtfully asked.

"Damn, good question. More than one can imagine," Whitney said casually. "They are in need of money in order to purchase a money making machine..."

"Oh but come to think of it, buying a quarter of their shares, seems too dull for a plan for us," he said.

"It won't dull our plan. Imagine they sell their shares and still end up, not getting the estimated amount they desire, their plans will end up to be useless. I will not relate to you what I intend to do, all you need to know is that without a quarter of their shares, my plans will not be effective," Whitney said, immensed in calculations.

"The bidding is at nine, right?"

"Yes it is. I also need you to use your bidding skills. When it comes to business, always be the bigger deal. Beat the rap and purchase the power," she and stood up. "From now on, the Smith's are no match for you and I. Infact they can not do anything to is, they are just too close to their downfall and wretchedness."

Clinton stood up too. "I never knew you were this good in plotting, intelligent and diligent in business too."

"I never knew that I had this side of me too. So far so good, I have learnt that to know how sharp a baby's teeth is, put your finger into the baby's mouth. Anyways I am still a learner, compared to you."

"Ohh, you had better cut that crap. You are far better than I thought," Clinton said to her, with his intently focused on her face.

"Believe whatever you want to," she said and walked out.