
Chapter 29

(The next day, which is the second to the last day of the week)

"Hello Clinton," Whitney said through the phone. "I am at your company right now but you are not here.

"I am coming from the Smith's company....."

A screeching sound is heard.

"No... Whitney dear," Clint stammered in anxiety.

"Hey Clinton, what is wrong? Talk to me, is there a problem?" She asked in a troubled tone.

"I think my brakes have been tampered with, I can't hold onto them," Clinton voiced out to her in fear.

"What do y...." Clinton hung up already before Whitney could finish her sentence.

Clinton struggled to find his brakes and control his car. Thanks to the plenty sand on the road, his car pulled to a heavy quick stop, making Clinton dash his head on the steering wheel twice. Too much blood gushed out from his head and lots of smoke came out of his car's engine boot.

People rushed to him and took him out of the car.

From a close distance, the supposed enemy sat in his car. Probably that was the person who had tampered with Clinton's brakes and had caused the fatal accident.

His intentions were not to let Clinton die, he had another intention altogether..

The enemy fixed his car's key in to the ignition and muttered, "valour without expertise is suicide."

He started his car and drove away from the commotion, still fixing his eyes on the scene..

Clinton was immediately rushed to the hospital and the last number that called him was called immediately.

Whitney was informed about the fatal accident, so she quickly rushed to the hospital.

While driving to the hospital, she was pondering on who tampered with Clinton's car brakes.

It would have been anyone but who? She wondered.

She cursed the unknown person under her breath, as she drove.

Whoever caused this accident, whether intentionally or unintentionally, she did not care. All she knew was that whoever was behind all this was going to be punished.

Not that she cared about Clinton's well being that much, the problem was that she knew that Clinton's misfortune would lead to the beginning of her downfall, so she could not afford to watch him receive a scratch on his body, she could not afford to let any harm befall him.

She drove into the hospital compound speedily and carelessly.

She rushed out of her car. She walked into the hospital and saw a nurse.

"Excuse me," she said, trying to get the nurse's attention.

The nurse stopped.

"I am looking for a man who was rushed into this hospital some minutes ago," Whitney said.

"Ohh, follow me please," the nurse said to her.

Whitney immediately walked after her. The nurse and Whitney walked through the corridor.

The nurse walked to the reception. "The man that was rushed into the hospital some minutes ago, what ward is he in?" The nurse asked the receptionist.

The receptionist looked at the nurse and Whitney for a while, then she spoke up. "Are you asking for this lady behind you?"

The nurse ignored her question. "Which ward is the man in and have they started operating on him?"

"I do not have an idea about that but a man came here, claiming that he was the patient's best friend, he paid for all his treatment but he did not sign any of the necessary doc...."

"Where is the man and what is his name?" Whitney immediately interrupted the receptionist.

"And who are you?" The receptionist asked in a high tone.

"I am his wife. The man who's was rushed into this hospital minutes ago is my husband and I demand to know who it was that paid for my husband's bill."

"Well I am sorry ma but I can't just believe you based on your words. Any random person could come and claim relationship with anyone. So you have to show us prove that you are his wife," the rude receptionist detailed to her.

"I am not a random person for your information," Whitney said in quite a temper, then she raised up her phone and pressed some things on it before turning the phone to the receptionist.

"I hope this is prove enough. This is a picture of our wedding certificate," she said and pressed something on her phone again. She turned the Android to the nurse again, "and this picture was taken in our wedding day."

The receptionist was speechless for a while, she realized she was wrong.

"So tell us who paid her husband's treatment fees?" This time around it was the nurse that asked.

The nurse's question brought back the receptionist.

"There he is," the receptionist said, pointing at a particular direction.

The nurse and Whitney both followed the receptionist's hand direction.

"Daniel!" Whitney exclaimed, looking closely at the figure.

She used her hand to rub her eyes, in order to clarify herself and indeed her eyes weren't lying, it was really Daniel. The hatred she felt for him began surfacing at that moment.

"I will be right back," she said to the nurse and the receptionist and then she began to walk away.

She slowly walked behind Daniel, she began to increase her pace, in order to meet up with him. "Excuse me," she said but immediately her phone rang and so she turned to answer the call.

Daniel turned to see who had just spoken but when he turned, he did not see anyone. He turned and left.

After Whitney was done with the call, she turned but she did not see him again. "Daniel was here some seconds ago," she said under her breath. She quickly rushed out of the hospital building to look for him.

A car drive past her and from the side view of the car, she could clearly see that it was Daniel in it.

Now she indeed very certain that it was Daniel and that are eyes weren't deceiving her.

So Daniel could really care about someone other than himself? So he could really be this nice when it came to helping someone?

But one thing was not clarified, how did he know about the accident? Who did he really come to see in the hospital? Why did he help Clinton despite the situation of things?

She quickly rushed back into the hospital, when she walked to the receptionist, the nurse from earlier wasn't there any longer.

As for the receptionist, she looked too busy to even spare little of her time.

"Excuse me," Whitney said. "I am sorry for taking so long. I had an urgent work to attend and it was too important to ignore.

The receptionist passed a form to her, "go through it and fill in the necessary information, also fill in this too," the receptionist said to her, adding another form to the previous one.

Whitney collected the forms and read through them.

She quickly filled in the blank spaces and signed at the spaces, where her signature was needed. She passed back the form to the receptionist and paid the remaining fees.

"So where can I find him?" She asked.

"He is in room 101. Right up the corridor, third room left," the receptionist quickly directed her.

"Room 101, right?" Whitney asked again for clarification. 

The nurse's nodded in affirmation.

"Thanks," Whitney said and left..

"Clinton," Whitney called out his name, as she pushed the door open.

"Who are you and why did you barge in like this?" The doctor asked, looking coldly at her.

"I am his wife," she answered, not caring about the doctor's facial expression.

"How is he doing?" She asked, moving to Clinton's side.

"He has just regained consciousness but I will recommend that he is left alone for the time being," the doctor said tentatively.

"He needs to rest Mrs....

"Whitney," she interuppted him at once. "You can call me Mrs Whitney."

"Ok, Mrs Whitney please follow me. I would like to prescribe sone drugs for your husband. He sustained a leg injury but it is not too serious. Please come with me," the doctor said, as he walked away through the door. Whitney followed him.

They reached the doctor's office. The doctor and her walked into the room.

"Please have a seat," the doctor said, politely offering her a seat.

Whitney sat down. "Apart from the leg injury, did he sustain any other injury Mr... Doctor?" She asked plainly.

"The name is Frank," the doctor corrected, he understood her words. It's Mr Frank.

Whitney nodded.

"Your husband did not only survive a leg injury, he also survived a head injury. I took care of the head injury as fast as I could, and had his head bandaged, to save his blood."

"Ohh. So when can he be discharged?" Whitney asked rapidly.

"I would suggest he goes back tomorrow but if you want to take him back today, then it's still okay. You are free to do so," the doctor said to her, while flipping through some pages of a file.

He began to write something on a paper. After he was done writing, he raised his head up to look at her.

"The drugs which I have prescribed for your husband are all written in here," he said, passing the paper to her.

Whitney took the paper and looked at them.

"Ok. I would love to see my husband now."

"Alright you can see him but he needs to rest because he is very weak as of now," the doctor explained to her.

"I just need to have a quick discussion with him. I need to find out if this was an accident or not," Whitney said and stood up. "I want to contact the police to investigate."

"Okay fine, you can do as you wish but please do not stress the young man or make him over think himself. These drugs that I have prescribed for your husband will help him to recover in no time," the doctor said and stood up too. 

"The remaining files which you need to sign before leaving, will be given to you by my assistant doctors. Please let me know, when you want him discharged," the doctor said to her.

"I will, thank you," Whitney said to him and left.