
Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Hiccup Pov:


 As I lead Astrid down the cave I can sense her tense up as she grabs my arm out of fear of something. I don't think that I have ever seen her afraid.


 I send Toothless ahead to scout as I try to comfort Astrid so I ask. "Did you pick out the name for your dragon?" It takes her a second to answer but she does eventually. "Yes, I picked Stormfly."


 "Good name, Don't worry we are almost there." I say as we round the last corner seeing Toothless in front of Stormfly.


 I sense Astrid recognize this dragon from being at the academy so I say. "I found this dragon on the Island near the end of my trip, It seemed frightened."


 "I can guess, It was from the academy." She says and so I put on a surprised face and she doesn't react meaning it worked.


 "So follow my lead as I go up to Stormfly I say." She then realizes that this is her dragon and so we go up slowly with me in the lead. I put out my hand and put it gently on Stormfly's Snout and Astrid follows and replaces my hand.


 I then take her and Stormfly back to the ship and get out my stuff and make her a saddle. It is done around noon so I tell her. "Wait here while I go and get some lunch, you can get to know your dragon in the meantime." She doesn't want to wait because it seems like a date to her then.


 "No I want to see where the best stuff around here is so if I come back I can get food." she says. Since I don't want her to see the hideout yet I give an excuse. "Fine but can you go and grab my sword from below first."


 "Sure." she says and goes below. once she is out of sight I jump into the water leaving Toothless and I go into the hidden cave.


 I can't here anything outside but I can guess that Astrid is Furious. I go up to the Store room and grab some food. I then proceed to the Landing cave.


 Once I am in the landing cave I jump off and I see Astrid looking at me like a madman. I am pretty sure she thinks that Toothless will get me but he doesn't need to.


 Around 200 feet from the ground I deploy my Flight suit. Astrid looks shocked as I gracefully land on deck.


 "What was that?!" She yells at me. I decide to respond with what I am willing to say at the moment. "It is a flight suit that I left in a cave with some previsions on the mountain, Though you can't get to it without dragons."


 She takes this Heavily and retorts. "Then how did you get up there!" Knowing this was coming I use my preset answer. "I tamed and flew a dragon." She seems kind of surprised.


 I cook lunch and we eat. When we are done I teach Astrid how to fly. She takes a little bit but catches on.



 The next day she masters Flying and then we move on to maneuvers and tricks. We do that all day and then I return to bed.


 I wake in the middle of the night and Astrid and Stormfly are gone. Judging from their bond I know that they are together and safe. I take Toothless and get on my black suit and we go into the hideout.


 I go up the spiral cave and at the top I peak into the landing cave and see Astrid Landing. I tell Toothless to stay back and I go in. I am wearing the black suit so she can't see me.


 I ignite my sword and say. "Get out of my cave, Hiccup is allowed here but not his friends." I try to say it in a way where she doesn't want to come back.


 "You." she says realizing that I am Ryder.


 "I can see why Hiccup would know you but why won't you show me your face it is not like I know you." She says but there is a reason for the mask so I respond. "There is reason, It is to protect the ones I love."


 She looks taken aback and when she isn't looking I turn my sword off and knock you out with the gas. I catch her and I go down with Toothless and Stormfly. We land and I put Astrid in her bed and I store my suit, Locking the box. Then I return to the bed.



 In the morning Astrid asks. "Who is Ryder exactly, he knocked me out when I went up to his cave."


 "He is an old friend who wants to stop the killing of dragons. Even if you are a friend of him you can't know everything." I say in a knowingly manner.


 We pack up everything and Astrid leaves Stormfly in her cave and I leave toothless as well so he is safe. While we are leaving Astrid asks something.


 "Why are you leaving toothless and what do we tell them when we get back?" As I saw this coming I give my answer. "Ryder will take care of Toothless and Stormfly, Also we say we didn't find anything so they stay safe." In reality Stormfly will take care of Toothless and this Island will remain hidden.


 We head back and in 2 days I leave for school.