

One day, Sophie finds herself in a dark forest in immense pain. She was betrayed by her loved ones and beaten black and blue. She lost consciousness but was saved by a pair of good looking brothers. She got a second chance in life. She resolved to take revenge on those people who harmed her. What will happen to her? Will she be able to take revenge on those who hurt her? What will happen to her dream of conquering the world? Robert, Sophie's childhood best friend, was forced to separate from her despite trying hard to fight against the circumstances. He came to know about Sophie's circumstances after a long time. He tried hard to find her. Will he find his lost love? Or, will destiny separate them? Both will set out to conquer the world not knowing that destiny will bring them so close that her world will revolve around him. Sneak Peak: “You, monster!” “What happened? My dear wifey, are you sore?”, he chuckled. “Don’t act innocent. Come here and massage my lower back. It’s your punishment.”, she grumbled. “Hey, how did you find me guilty, dear wifey? It was you who asked for more.”, he smiled evilly. “You……… monster! Hmph! Don’t waste time. Massage fast”, she snorted. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/EgCuh9f

usha412 · Urban
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96 Chs


On the ride back home, none of them spoke to each other. A soft music was playing, and Ruby was humming the tune and looking out of the window. Suddenly, she felt a rough hand approaching her and then before she knew it, he held her hands. She turned around. Their eyes met. Something sparked within those pairs of eyes. Something electric. She wanted to hold his hands, but she was also shy. He took her right hand in his left and put both of their hands on the gear lever, while his right hand was still on the steering wheel. She was afraid that Sophie would wake up and see them like that. 'We don't even have a solid relationship', she thought. She blushed furiously and naughty thoughts filled her mind.

C noticed that Ruby did not refuse his advances. This means that this woman also likes him. They were enjoying in each other's silence. This put him in a jovial mood. They reached home within half an hour and it felt like the shortest journey ever.

Ruby noticed that Sophie had fallen asleep. She tapped on her hands and face, in order to wake her up. But Sophie slept like a log. No matter how hard she tried, she was unable to wake her.

"Leave this to me."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. Trust me."

"Okay." Although she was not sure what he was going to do, but she chose to trust him. Even she did not know why listening to his calm tone could relieve her and make her guard down against him. She saw him lift Sophie out of the backseat and head straight towards their home. Yes, this was their home, where all the friends lived. Each of them have a separate unit here. Every one has their own spaces, but they were joined by heart.

C brought her to the living room on the first floor. Everyone was gathered. They were wearing casuals and looked like they were going out somewhere.

"Are you guys going out?"

"Um, we were supposed to go out with her.", Ben pointed at the sleepyhead Sophie.

"So, what do we do now?", Elliot asked exasperatedly.

"Let's sit down first.", Natalie suggested.

Ruby looked at William. She could not make head or tail out of the situation. William whispered to her, "Look whenever she sleeps at odd times like this, or...", William did not continue but silently looked at C, as if asking for permission.

"Or what?", Ruby urged him. C silently nodded at William.

"Or whenever she is faced with something she does not wish to face, she falls asleep and....", he shook his head.

"And what?", Ruby was curious.

"And she does not wake up for a long time. Anyone who tries to wake her up would receive the brunt of her temper tantrums. She is like a wild cat whenever she sleeps like this. She scratches anyone who approaches her."

"And?", Ruby was sure that he was still hiding something from her.

"And something has triggered the memories of her past trauma."

"WHAT?!!", both C and Ruby yelled together but for different reasons.

C was now really worried.

"What could have triggered those memories?"

"Daniel and Abraham."

"WHAT?!!". This time, everyone yelled together and turned towards Ruby for an explanation.

"Don't ask me guys. You all better ask her when she wakes up. Moreover, I'm a bit tired.", she went to her unit in the same floor, but towards the south. While retiring to her room, she yelled for everyone to hear, "I usually wake up with one call. Call me when you are able to wake her up."

"Now what to do?"

"We wait."

"What? How can you wait in this situation? You know what happens when her illness acts up."

"You have a better option? No? Then, shut your mouth!"

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