
Chapter 372

speak to me, is Zhao in trouble again?" She asked.

"He is in grave trouble, he had gotten himself in trouble with some drug lords while gambling in the club" the young man spoke with exasperation.

Mrs Ming "he brought nothing but trouble, hopefully, he will be dealt with" she snorted.

Jeane quickly stood on her feet "take me to where it happened, before something bad might happen to him" she said, Mrs Ming frowned.

"Ju Su, don't go and rescue that useless brother of yours, he is useless anyway" she commented, Jeane didn't listen, she followed the young man and left the house, Mrs Ming lamented "no one listens to me".

Minutes later Mr Ming opened the door, and stepped in reeked of alcohol, he looked around and saw his wife standing in arms akimbo, glaring at him.

" you are just as useless as your son, you go about drinking all day, instead of looking for a way to helo the family grow financially, what kind of husband are you?" She berated him with an angry look.

Mr Ming "stop spouting nonsense" he snorted, and strode towards a chair in the sitting room, and sank "look, I am not a drunk, I just took a little alcohol with some friends" he defended himself.

Mrs Ming humphed and stepped out of the sitting-room, cursing her husband under her breath as she stormed inside her room.

The young man led Jeane away, while they arrived at a busy club a kilometre away from home, using public transport.

He led Jeane inside the bar "Ju Su, the gambling casino house is in there" he pointed towards a door, he led Jeane towards the door.

The back of Jeane attracted a man's attention in the clubhouse, he narrowed his eyes at her, before standing up on his feet, while Jeane and the young man Xao were unaware of the person trailing them.

Xao pressed the button on a wall, and they emerged in a short doorway, the two of them entered the elevator, and the elevator descended, it slid and the two of them came out.

They walked for some time, before appearing in a vast underground hall, where occasional shouts could be heard momentarily, a scantily dressed lady came to them.

"Ma and Sir, our distinguished guests, what kind of gamble would you like.." Before she could do the normal introduction of the games offered, Hao cut in curtly.

"We are not here for that, we are here to pay for a bond" the lady smiled and quickly walked away, Jeane gave Xao an askance look.

"We follow her" Hao muttered.

The two of them were led behind curtails, he was bandaged to a stake.

And several men wearing masks are in the room, numbering six, they are notable men in the underground business, they were surprised to see a pretty lady in their midst.

They suddenly turned to her and gawked, Zhao who was scared out of his wits, on sighting