
Chapter 371

silver door, he tapped at the wall, and the door slid.

Lycan watched him step in before trailing behind, the vast room illuminated with grand lighting, portraits hung the walls, rubbing the vast room an aesthetic beauty.

Lycan narrowed his eyes on a large portrait in the room, the man standing by his side chuckled "you still can recall her all these years, I know it was hard to let go, but pride won't let you" Mr White spoke softly behind him.

Lycan ignored him and stared at the portrait, tears welling in his eyes, his heart twitched, and his hands shook, he clenched his fist and shot him an angry look.

"What have you done to her?" He roared at him, Mr White smiled.

"Oh my, Lycan, I thought you are tough and aloof, I never knew you can be this humble, how good it will be to make you feel depressed" he taunted.

Lycan's eyes turned blood red, his canines elongated, he darted at Mr White, and grabbed his neck, pressing it tightly.

He lifted him, and pushed him towards the wall, he crashed at the wall, many portraits all the wall, dropped to the floor, breaking.

Mr White lifted his face, and stared at the man glaring at him murderously, he lifted himself and smiled at him "I never knew you can be this angry, my good friend Lycan" he narrowed his eyes at him "don't you wish to know how she has been all these years, oh- it is of no use, since, you intend to kill the only person that could help you with the information of her whereabouts, poor child"

"Shut up!" Lycan roared at him, his words getting to him.

Jeane settled on the dining table with big eyes, she swept her gaze on the meat on the table, she smiled brilliantly.

"Good, delicious" he was about to take a bite, when a commotion at the house entrance door, attracted her attention, she lifted her head and looked in the direction of the door.

Someone emerged from it, after banging on it incessantly, Mrs Ming was upset by the disturbance.

"What is wrong with humans these days, they lack total decorum, hey- come over here, and why are you heading towards the dining, huh?" She interrogated the flustered young man.

"Mrs Ming, it is Zhao" he responded.

"Good, did he upset someone again, they should just lock him up already, I would not be bothered about him anyway, his presence won't be missed at all" the woman reposted.

Jeane came over, on hearing what her foster mother said, she cringed inwardly "mama, you don't have to say that, what if Zhao was innocent, and you know, the world is full of evil" Jeane tried to placate her anger.

"No way, I know he can never be innocent" Mrs Ming snorted and turned away.

Jeane exhaled in relief and faced the young man who had come to them concerning Zhao "is anything the matter,