
Chapter 373

Jeane's ray of hope appeared in his eyes.

"Ju Su!" He exclaimed with a smile, his exclamation startled the other men, they looked at Jeane then the young man tied to the bondage, they look way too different.

Jeane came forward looking straight at the tough-looking men without fear "I am here to pay the bond to release my brother" she announced loud and clear, the men whispered amongst themselves.

And suddenly started hatching plans, the only person not wearing a mask in their mids stood, he looked straight at Jeane with a sad face "well, there are rules here, he has defaulted, and he has been bought, it will take another human for him to be released" he retorted.

"There is nothing as such, money is the benchmark of the transaction, what is the owning? I am ready to pay, I know it is just some thousand yuan" Jeane reposted.

The man's face darkened "well, we are the rules here" he spoke with a warning, suddenly two hefty men emerged from behind Hao and Jeane.

Jeane glanced at them and faced the men "I think it is pointless reasoning with you guys, he is coming with me" she insisted.

And stepped forward, one of the burly men tried to grab her from behind, she did a back kick, that landed on the man's groin.

"Oh!" His mouth formed an O shape, he groaned and dropped on his feet, holding testicles, Jeane gave him a finishing kick, that rendered him immobile and lying on the floor like dead meat.

Jeane crackled his neck, and arm "I would love to negotiate, but that doesn't mean I will be bullied against my wills, and principles, with values" she said.

The men watched in surprise, wondering how a fragile girl like Jeane beat such a huge person, it was another wonder of the world to them.

She stepped forward trotting towards Zhao, to release him, the other burly man pounced forward, but two swift attacks from. Jeane made him stand still and fell like a huge tree.

The men in the room took a long breath as they watched in horror, Jeane headed straight to Zhao "you are not smart, little girl" the man without masked pressed a button, and an alarm rang around the club.

Jeane used the chance to untie Zhao, before several fighters with guns arrived, pointing their gun muzzles at her, Jeane chuckled.

"I am disappointed, I was thinking all of you are strong men, never knew you are those hiding behind guns and bullets" she taunted.

The men were infuriated by Jeane's verbal attack, they hesitated before one of the masked men stepped forward, an aged man, but his athletic physique is undeniable.

The men whispered amongst themselves, the man stepped forward, standing before Jeane "if you can defeat me, then, you leave with him and your friend" he nodded towards Zhao and Hao.

"And if you don't..." A glint appeared in his eyes "you all, will be