
Chapter 353

rubbed their palms leisurely.

"Ju Su, there are a bunch of clowns at the backyard, that are begging to be beaten by you" one of them spoke.

Jeane was surprised, she wonder what a clown would they be, she followed them and arrived in the backyard, she saw Xiao's men, smoking and making themselves comfortable in the restricted area, for the staff alone.

She folded her arms and looked at them with gloomy facial expressions, they jumped to their feet, the one Xiao appointed to lead the team.

"Ju Su, our boss Xiao said we should bring you, come with us right away, or, we will force you, and don't blame us if we are going to be rough on you, you are pretty after all," he said, drooling, with his fellow hoodlums.

"You guys are tired of kicking ruckus, ain't you tired of being beaten?" Jeane asked with a frown.

They looked at each other, wondering what she was talking about, her statement, made them laugh, they looked at Jeane's slender figure and curvy body, with a mocking expression.

The security guards discussed among themselves, making a plan to attack them too.

"Go, bring her here" the mam appointed as the leader ordered, two of his colleagues moved forward, Jeane's face darkened, and a murderous glint surfaced in her eyes, making them pause briefly in fear.

Beads of sweat leaked in the pores on their forehead, they swatted it with their palm, taking the terrifying aura emanating from Jeane as their imagination.

"Go get here, I want to know how she will look while being a damsel in distress" the appointed leader teased, he barely finished his statement, when the two men that approached Jeane were sent flying with kicks.

Xiao's minions stood rooted with mouth agape, but the security guards that were with Jeane, pounced into action, punches, kicks landed on the men that Jeane kicked away.

Before their other colleagues could regain their senses, the stomping have done significant damage, that made them roll on the ground groaning painfully.

The restaurant's guards ran behind Jeane when they saw that Xiao's men, were coming to fight them off, the one appointed by Xiao, shot Jeane an angry look.

"Go, attack her!" He ordered the two behind them, they stood rooted, unable to move an inch, his face contorted into an angry facial expression.

"I will call Boss, and you know what will happen when he learns you disobey his orders" he threatened, the two men, charged forward.

Jeane floated in the air, and kicked one of them on the face, she stomped on the feet of the other, and punctured his arm, before sending a swerve kick at him, he crashed on the ground.

The restaurant guards picked batons, and started beating them, joyfully, while the man Xiao appointed to be the leader saw that he was no match, he retreated and wanted to run away.

Getting to the gate, he saw that it was locked, he tried to