
Chapter 352

around and saw the scene.

The throw out of the hoodlums raised suspicion, others wonder what they were doing there.

"Make sure no one gets in here again" Jeane instructed and turned around, leaving for the kitchen, "what kind of maniac does that man have as subordinate" she mumbled to herself.

The security men who were beaten before by the two hooligans, immediately Jeane went out of sight, they cheered and folded their sleeves, with an angry look.

They sneaked out of the gate, dragging the hoodlums they had thrown away inside, they descended on them with full force, venting all their anger, ignoring their cries.

Jeane could hear faint cries from the back, but she didn't want to worry about what was going on there, she sighed, and checked her watch, it was midday already, and her mother had failed to show up.

The security men threw Xiao men out of the restriction area, they smiled when they saw their handwork, they have beaten them beyond recognition.

"Who would have thought the young madam is a superwoman, lool how she beat those hoodlums easily," one of the security guards said.

"Of course, she fights like a professional, who is her master? I would love to learn from him directly" one of the security guards commented.

Xiao waited for a long time, and his underlining didn't show up, he was getting tired of waiting, he picked up his phone and called them.

"Tshui, where are you? Have you been able to bring her?" He asked with exasperation.

At the other end, he could hear him wincing in pain, and the low gruntling while he was trying to speak, made Xiao furious "don't tell me you have an accident too" he roared with anger.

"Yes, yes" a response came, with a desperate voice.

 Xiao gritted his teeth angrily and hung up on him, he looked at his men, and saw that it is only fifteen that are on duty, he gritted his teeth.

"Jan shushu, take five of you, go bring the daughter of Mrs Hao here" he ordered, the young man he referred to quickly dispatched to carry out the duty.

The security saw five more hoodlums heading to the restriction area, "open up!" They yelled at him with bloodshot, he quickly gave them a passway.

And locked it "Serve you right for shouting at me" he grinned and used the front entrance into the staff area.

The three security guards were surprised to see more hoodlums in the backyard, they simply stood without moving.

"Go bring Ju Su here" one of the hoodlums ordered, the security scurried off to get Ju Su, their boss over immediately.

Ju Su patiently waiting for her mother was surprised to see two of the security guards in the backyard, trooping into the kitchen with a happy face.

She gave them an askance look "Me.."

"Call me Ju Su, what is the matter?" She interjected, the security guards that came in looked at each other and