
Chapter 6

The fact that among all the girls checking this man out,I'm the only one he was offering a beautiful eye to eye smile made me feel like Queen B herself.

Damn, I've gotta be in cloud nine or something

"Good evening Jessica, you look beautiful "

Holy shit, I look beautiful  okay...okay.. Keep it cool Jess,keep it damn cool.

"Hi Professor Carl"I greeted sheepishly with my flushed cheeks

"Carl"he corrected

"Oh, right"I chuckled taking his hand that I thought he pulled for handshake, but he took me by surprise and kissed the back, I could totally feel my cheek burning from its redness.

I looked sideways, hoping no one noticed the move he just made but Mia and Co were staring at me behind bickering and giggling some shit I can't hear.

Fuck, I definitely got a lot of explanations to do tonight .

"You look good Carl "found myself complimenting, I really don't know what to do or say at this point.

"Professor Carl Anthony? "

We both turned to the blond lady who called

"You are needed in the Conference Hall"she blurted with a smile

Great timing lady,really great timing

"I guess I 'll see you after the show "he said more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah,sure "I smiled.

With that,he nodded and left for his call. I heaved a deep sigh and turned to face my friends who were already armed with We need answers look.

Gosh ,girls!

I rolled my eyes at them

"What? " I asked with shrugged shoulders walking towards them

"Jess we really need to talk about him"Leila one of the girls said in a dramatic tone.

"Ugh, you guys, we were just talking "I said dismissively waving my hands

"Him kissing the back of your palm girl, isn't talking, that's a whole level of I'm_so _into_ you- kinda -flirting .Alex spoke up

"What ?Really? "I asked

was that really flirting

"Jess, I'm so proud of you, you are definitely getting laid soon"Leila giggled almost jumping on her spot

"Yuck "I gave her the disgusted face while they made announcement for everyone to get into the hall.

Well, Mia seemed a little unusually too quite, she was giving me this weird stare.


The show lasted for an hour ,I didn't really see much of Prof Carl,Oh I mean Carl .He was attending to some students whom I assume were asking a few questions.

After the seminar, we had a few drinks and music was played. Didn't realize the show would be this fun.

Mia was definitely avoiding me,I used my eyes to search for her in the crowd and our eyes met while she was chatting with a dude, she quickly removed her gaze pretending she hadn't seen me.

Okay, something is definitely up with her

I decided to walk up to her to find out what's wrong with her but I was pulled back by a tap on my shoulder

"Professor Carl?, Oh sorry, Carl" I corrected

"Wanna step out for a while? "he asked

"Uhm, yeah... Sure..why not "

I faked a smile while I looked back to see Mia nodding at the whatever conversation she was having and giving me a suspicious look.

Mia please don't kill me after this

Carl and I walked outside the conference arena,we talked about the show and some boring stuff about his students giving him a hard time of explanations.

My mind was still on Mia and why she is giving me the attitude,I suddenly came back to reality when Carl held my hand to his, giving me this feeling that I can't explain, I looked up at him to face him but can't exactly read the expression on his face.

What are you doing Carl?

"I don't really know the most exciting way to say this to you Jessica, but I think I really like you "

He said with this honest look in his eyes.

Oh uh, here it comes!

What do I even say to that,do I like him back? We have only known for what? About a week?

I was speechless, Its like my tongue was tied and compelled completely not to speak as I just stood there staring at his deep grey eyes

"I.. Urh...erm-"I stuttered

"You don't have to say anything -"he cut in

"I just wanted to let you know that you have this amazing aura and this beautiful smile that does things to me,you make me happy Jessica "he continued

"But why me? "I suddenly found my tongue released from its spell

"I mean there are lots beautiful and better women out there who would die to be with you ,why me?

He didn't say anything,his expression changed from a little stern to a slight smirk while he put his hands on my cheeks

Damn, those cheeks are burning up right now

"You are nothing like any woman out there Jessica, you have what they don't have- "

And what could that be

"Don't even dare to compare yourself with anyone out there Jessica,you are exceptionally amazing "he said in a very romantic soothing tone

Wow, those sound like the words of my mother

I still didn't know what to say, I just threw him a smile and stood there like a love struck teenager staring at him with the hungry eyes that screamed Kiss me idiot.

"Jess? "Mia called and I almost jumped at her voice

"Mia, what are you doing here? "I asked now pulling away from Carl who was boring into my soul with his scorching eyes.

"I was looking for you, so I thought I might find you here "she said with zero humor in her tone

I blinked remembering Carl was still here

"Erm..eh Mia this is Professor Carl ,Professor Carl?, this is Mia,my dorm mate".I said with a fake smile

Why do I always stutter

The serious look on Mia's face isn't helping the moment at all.

Carl pulled his hands to her shaking her with a smile

"We've met before "he said to her

"Uhm, I guess so "Mia said with a confused look

"I think I have to go, hope to see you soon Jessica "Carl said turning to me

"yeah "was all I could come up with

He turned to take his leave ,leaving me with a sterned face Mia, then as if remembering something, he walked back to me

"Sorry, I almost forgot, do you mind if I get your cell number so I can check up on anytime ?"

Dude, what the hell, who the fuck am I to say no to that

"Yes of course", I said collecting his phone and typing my digits on it.

When I was done, we said our good nights and he left.

Mia cleared her throat "Cool date huh?"she asked with that I am so gonna kill you face

Dear ground, please do me a favor and open up and swallow me right now.