
Chapter 5

After being rejected by at least 2 coffee shops and a bakery shop. I decided to just take a rest for the day and try again some other time.

I really need the money, I can't really keep depending on my pocket money and of course Mia who would literally threaten my life I didn't take anything from her.

Reaching back to the campus later in the evening, I got into my room and was surprised to find Mia of all people studying, no reading, there's a huge difference.

"Mia? "I called giving her the what the hell are you doing look.

"You are back "she said pretending she hadn't noticed me walk in

"So, did you get any offer? "she asked with a hopeful look

I ignored and picked up one of the books she was reading, she was actually reading a school textbook. I was damn proud of her.

"Since did when did you start reading five weeks to exams ?"

"Oh,  shit...you didn't get the message? "

"What message ?"

"There's gonna be a test on Monday baby girl....where the hell is your phone? "she completed that part while my jaw almost dropped

My phone had died off earlier when I was searching for a part time job .

"Shit-I cursed

My phone was off and-....nevermind I need to start reading "I made my way to my corner

"You haven't told me about the job Jess"Mia said in a sing song tone

I sat on my bed and gave her a frustrated look

"Didn't get any-"I shook my head"I mean who would hire a student who only wanna work at night? "

I said waving my hand

Mia gave me the sympathetic look that annoys me like mad

" I would talk to Mrs. Walter for you "she said without waiting for me to interject.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. Mrs Walter is also a coffee shop owner near the campus, she is a friend of Mia's family,they knew each other well. I'd clearly avoided going to her shop for a job because I knew she would be keeping an eye on me all time to know if I'm the right roommate for Mia.

I guess I don't have much choice now

"Thanks Mia"I said in a soft tone

Mia was surprised I didn't turn down her offer

"Wow, you must really need that job"

I just sighed

"By the way, have you heard about that post graduate conference coming next weekend ,heard we are all to be there, you know to watch the boring ol people blarb about business opportunities".She said rolling her eyes

"Yeah, I heard about that- "a part of me knew Mia doesn't like any school activities that doesn't involve parties

"Why?" I asked curiously

"Heard it's a night show " now sitting up on her bed giving me the naughty smirk

I groaned "Of course, I mean why else would you be interested "I said rolling my eyes

"Hey, you hurt my feeling Jessica Nelson "putting her hand on chest pretending to be hurt

I chuckled at her drama"you Mia are a predictable one"

"it's going to be fun Jess"

"How'd you even know they haven't been there before..."

She smirked "I know a few people who knows all bout the good after party hangout "

Of course, Alex and Co.

A part of me actually wish that I would see Prof Carl there.

I shrugged and agreed with her, couldn't let her down, not when she is trying to get me a job.

"Mia, where did Mark go to yesterday at the club leaving you all alone -

"Oh, he had a family emergency, something about his dad"she cuts in

"Great, Cos I was gonna chop his ball off for leaving my sweet roommate to those horny bastards"

We both chuckled and chatted about other stuff, the night came quickly and Mia had spoken to Mrs. Walter about me needing a part time job.

Apparently, Mrs. Walter agreed,of course she'd agree

So, turned out my shift was between 6 to 8 pm. Not bad, but shit still makes me wonder,who goes to a coffee shop at night?.

Guess I don't really care, all I needed was the money. And besides it was an evening job, theres no way I would flunk


Monday came, we wrote the test and it was bliss, Mia was all jolly because she wrote well.

Around 5:30pm,we arrived at the coffee shop, we were greeted by Mrs Walter herself,she gave us a warm welcome.

Turned out she wasn't that bad after all or maybe she is playing being nice cos is my first time .

She called Damien,one of the guys who worked there to show me what to do and how to take orders while Mia went back to the dormitory .

I started my shift around 6 pm and I loved the job, the pay Mrs Walter negotiated wasn't that bad, at least I can afford a few things on my own from now.

Well, hello new life.


Friday,the night of the concert,Mia and I got ready for the concert. She wore a beautiful short white gown that goes just above her knee, she gave me one of her black dress which also didn't exceed the knee level .

We made it to the conference arena, they were pappz everywhere. I almost forgot how important this occasion was, some important and well known business tycoons would be here.

I could recognize a few facially from the local magazines,but I don't know them by their names.

The camera was flashing all over the place, I looked around to see if I can recognize anyone here apart from Mia and our friends.

Then I looked over to the red carpet area and saw him, Prof Carl Anthony.

Damn, don't he look good?

He was wearing a grey striped suit and a very nice shoe. He looked really handsome,he posed and smiled for the cameras.

it still baffles me that a man like that isn't married or in any relationship.

Was he seriously looking for 'a right one'  when there are lots of beautiful women out there.

Then all of a sudden, his gaze met mine.

OMG he saw me!