
Chapter 7

Remind me again how I got this far without telling my best friend since three years in College about my secret little crush on a Professor?

Right, I was scared it would get out of hand

"Fuck Jess,cant believe you hid such a thing from me"Mia yelled in a whisper when we got into our room.

"I didn't know exactly how to tell you that I have a crush on a Prof I saw like a week ago Mia-...Im so sorry "

She stared at me for what seems like a few flying seconds ,maybe considering if I was telling the truth or not.

She got the hint,she saw the honesty in my eyes and cursed

"You are such a pure hypocrite Jessica! "

Enlighten me Mia

Still don't know why I could hide such a thing from my best friend in College, since Annie left for UK,Mia had been the closest I had to anything best friend.

Maybe, just maybe I was thinking these whole situation with Carl wouldn't get past the normal bumping into him in the library and having a few drinks with him at the bar.

I'm way past screwed right?

"I'm sorry Mia, I didn't mean it that way"I pleaded with tears almost forming in my eyes

That shit always happens whenever I'm dead serious pleading for something, Mia saw it and walked up to me.

"If you weren't cute,I would have asked for a new best friend "she said pulling me into a hug

"Oh flatter me Mia"I shot rolling my eyes and blinking to remove the tears forming in them.

"Shut up, you still owe me every  tiny details of that little fling of yours young lady"she pointed her fingers at me dramatically as if she was my mom.

Of course I was going to tell her.

We both chuckled and I made her swear she wasn't going to tell Alex and Co what she saw today.

A smile spread across my face knowing I have my friend back and I have to sleep,so I can get enough rest to face tomorrow.

Yeah my new job and studying, I can't just start calling in sick just a week into the job. Who does that?

I was just about to lay my head when my phone rang, the only person that calls at this time was my mom or Mia when she was out of dorm. But Mia was in the bathroom.

I looked up at the phone to see an unknown caller,my guess was Carl cos I'd given him my digits earlier .

On picking it I heard a familiar male's voice

"Just checking to make sure your roommate didn't kill you already "

I let out a chuckle

"Carl "

"Yeah, that's right,expecting someone else? "


"Nah, I guessed the number was yours,so....whatsup "

I really  need to work on my conversation skills,jeez

"I was actually checking on you like I promised earlier and uhm...Jessica? "

"yeah? "

"Please think about what I said earlier today at the conference,I will see you soon okay? "he said more like in a pleading tone

I nodded, then realizing he can't see me "Sure, course I will ".

With that he left a thank you and hung up.

I sucked in a deep breath and sighed

"You really suck at talking to a guy Jess "Mia muttered from her sleep

"Jesus Mia,how much of that did you hear?"I asked almost jumping and snapping my gaze at her

"Enough to know you don't like that guy Jess"

"How'd you even know that Mia?  I mean you have only met him just once-..."

"He might be hot but he is definitely not your type "she cuts in

I rolled my eyes"and how do you know my type, Mom? "with my hands folded over my chest

She let out a chuckle

"I don't know Jess, I just don't wanna see you get heartbroken or crying over him "

"Girl, relax, nothing is going to happen, besides we ain't even dating yet-

"yet?, so you are gonna date him? "she asked in a disgusted tone

"Yeah, I mean what's wrong with him? He is hot like you said and.....he is really sweet to me Mia, maybe I could be happy this time"I trailed with a hopeful tone

She just huffed and rolled her eyes, then walking to her bed,leaving me standing like a total idiot.

"oh common Mia,why do you hate the guy so much ?"

"I don't hate him-....I just..."she waved her hands in frustration "know what.... Never mind"she completed and laid on her bed.

I shot her a glare and went for my beauty sleep ,really don't understand the girl today.


Sunday at 8pm,I already clocked out from the coffeeshop and was heading to my dorm when I got a call from Carl

"Hey"I greeted, smile spreading across my face

"Hey", he replied in such a cool gently manner that gave me goosebumps "So I overcooked tonight, so I was wondering if you might come over to my place and have dinner with me, you know, just dinner"

Wow, what a pick up line

I chuckled and let out an "Okay, I'll be there".

Shit,did I just accept to go to his place?

I quickly dialed Mia to let her know I will be home late.


I got to Carl's place which he texted me the address , looking around to make sure I wasn't seen by any staff or anyone who would chop my neck off for visiting a professor .

I knocked and the door opened with Carl wearing a welcoming smile on his face. I got in and took in of my surroundings, his place was like, well... More like a staff house, way bigger than my room of course with a few couches.

The smell from the kitchen suddenly made me hungry.

He gestured  me to the dining area where I met a table of meals, did he really  cook all these?

"Wow "was all I could utter

He smiled confidently while we chatted,dinner was really great, if he really made the dinner, then I would swear with everything I know that he is really a good cook.

After dinner we sat on the couch and chatted more about random stuff, he was really fun to be with, I wish Mia could see what I'm seeing in this guy.

After our long talks ,Carl looked really tired but he was handsome as hell, the way he put his head back on the couch made him look really..... Sexy .

I just wished I could dive in and capture his sexy lips but that will make me look too desperate

Keep your cool Jessica, let him make his make his move.

I blinked when I realized I was ogling at him and I cleared my throat

"Maybe I should go back to my dorm now, it's getting way too late".I said as I got up to grab my bag

He let out a sigh "I would really love for you to spend the night Jessica but...i don't want you to get the wrong idea"he said with a narrowed eyes

Did he seriously think I would even oblige to that

I smiled sheepishly and assured him that it was okay. He saw me off to my dorm site while my mind was clouded with thoughts of grabbing him by surprise and kissed the living night out of him, it baffles me that he didn't make any sexual move on me .

Darn, is he a celibate or what? Maybe I'm being too paranoid