
Chapter 4

We made it to the school arena after what seemed like fifteen minutes drive, Prof Carl pulled up at the front of our dorm which I had described to him earlier on the ride back.

I glanced back at Mia who still asleep and slurring some words I don't believe belonged to the planet earth in her sleep.

'she is so adorable when she is asleep '

"Need help taking her up? "Prof Carl asked pulling me from my thoughts while pointing at Mia.

I blushed at the thought of a professor dragging a drunk student to her dorm, 'what a sight it will be'

"No-I blurted in amusement with wide eyes

"My friend and I have given you enough in your plate tonight "I said this time in a more serious tone

He just nodded

"Thanks a lot Professor Carl "giving him an appreciative look

"Think nothing of it... And please, call me Carl"

'oh really now' '.Cool'

I swear he is gotta be the coolest professor I've met since I came into college

"Alright, goodnight Carl "I said unbuckling my seat belt as I step out of the vehicle hesitantly, stealing awkward glances at him

"Goodnight Jessica "he muttered with his full eyes on me

'Jessica, the way called that name makes me wanna hear my name all the time'

I went to the back seat and pulled out snoring Mia as I placed her left arm over my shoulder and walked  her up to our room. I could still feel Prof Carl's eyes peering at our back.

I laid Mia on her bed and took off her shoes, then I covered her with her bed cover.

I looked our through the window and found that Prof Carl's vehicle wasn't there anymore. A part me wished he could stay.

'And do what dummie? 'I scoffed lightly and headed to the bathroom to change.

I came out in my pajamas and glanced at Mia sleeping so peacefully

'Damn, she is a mess when she is drunk'

I plopped myself on the bed and shortly, sleep came knocking .


I woke up to the bright sunlight shining so brightly on my face

'fuck, is it morning already? '

I frowned and opened my eyes a slightly to see Mia standing over me at the end of my bed.I rubbed my eyes and sighed

"What the fuck Mia, it's not even 9 am yet and you are already on my neck "I groaned

She smiled "Morning to you too sleepy head, how was your hangover ?"she asked walking towards her stand with a pack of Advil and water on it.

I saw her took some tablets and swallowed it with my eyes half closed.

"It's 11:48 baby girl-

My eyes flew wide open at that

"and I thought I heard you saying you were going to look for a job "she completed waving her hands dismissively

"What?, It's almost 12pm?"I asked with shock screaming on my face

She nodded with "Mmhm"sipping from her glass of water.

I sprang up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick shower .

Stepping out of the bathroom to find Mia making breakfast in the kitchen

"Wow,whats gotten into you today "I asked with surprise

Oh Mia doesn't cook,she hates it. She is a good cook though, according to her, their maids do the cooking in their house while she watched them.

"Shut up Jess, it's the least I could do for bringing me home safely last night "

she said as gesturing me to sit while she brought the plate of omelette

I nodded with a"cool....mmmm, smells delicious Mia"

Mia is from a rich home and she could cook like that, still baffles me. She has a junior brother who is still high school, I literally hear them bickering over their parents issues sometimes over the phone.

"By the way, how did we get home last night  everything was blurred, couldn't remember much"

I fell silent for a moment

'oh no, should I tell her about Prof Carl? '

"Uhm...we took a cab"I lied avoiding her gaze

She looked at me inquisitively and gasped, I looked up at her in surprise

"Noo Wayy Jessica, who was that hot guy at the club yesterday ?"she asked with wide eyes

'Uh oh'

I was hoping she doesn't remember that part but...too late.

"What guy are you talking about ?"I mumbled with food in my mouth giving her a clueless look

"Don't give me that Jess,I know I saw with this guy at the bar with that grey shirt-....she gasped again this time almost making me choke on my food

"Jessica Nelson tell me he drove us home,right?"she asked this time with really wide eyes

'oh no, she didn't figure out that part'

"What?-no Mia, he was just some guy.....we were just talking...that's all"I said shrugging

She put a hand on her waist glaring down at me with a suspicious look

"Just talking huh"-hmmm" she muttered

"Yes Mia, you were too drunk, you were under alcoholic assumptions "I blurted standing up quickly from my bed to avoid this conversation.

She groaned and rolled her eyes

"I need to leave already or I'm not gonna get anyone to hire me " I rushed my food and grabbed my hand bag.

"Stop rushing Jess, it's not like you have gotten the job already "Mia spat

"I hate you Mia"

"Love you too sis" she said dramatically

I made my way to the door and barged out, breathing out a sigh I didn't realize I was holding back.

'Gosh,I hope she doesn't find out about Prof Carl 'Mia, you are gonna be the death of me.